- Category: A A Milne
- Category: A E Housman
- 1887
- Along the field as we came by
- As Through the Wild Green Hills of Wyre
- Be Still, My Soul, Be Still
- Bredon Hill
- Bring, In This Timeless Grave To Throw
- Could Man Be Drunk Forever
- Diffugere Nives (Horace, Odes 4.7)
- Eight O'Clock
- Epitaph On An Army of Mercenaries
- Far In a Western Brookland
- Farewell to Barn and Stack and Tree
- Fragment of a Greek Tragedy
- From Far, From Eve and Morning
- Here Dead We Lie
- Ho, everyone that thirsteth
- Hughley Steeple
- I Hoed and Trenched and Weeded
- If By Chance Your Eye Offend You
- If Truth in Hearts That Perish
- In My Own Shire, If I Was Sad
- In Valleys of Springs and Rivers
- Into My Heart an Air that Kills
- Is My Team Ploughing
- It Nods and Curtseys and Recovers
- Loitering with a Vacant Eye
- Look not in my eyes, for fear
- Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now
- March
- Now Hollow Fires Burn Out to Black
- O Why Do You Walk (a Parody)
- Oh fair enough are sky and plain
- Oh Stay At Home, My Lad
- Oh Who Is That Young Sinner
- Oh, see how thick the goldcup flowers
- Oh, when I was in love with you
- On Moonlit Heath and Lonesome Bank
- On the Idle Hill of Summer
- On Wenlock Edge The Wood's In Trouble
- On Your Midnight Pallet Lying
- Others, I Am Not the First
- Reveille
- Say, Lad, Have You Things to Do?
- Shot? So Quick, So Clean an Ending?
- Stars
- Tell me not here, it needs not saying
- Terence, This is Stupid Stuff
- The Carpenter's Son
- The Chestnut Casts His Flambeaux
- The Day of Battle
- The Fairies Break Their Dances
- The Immortal Part
- The Isle Of Portland
- The Lads in Their Hundreds
- The Laws of God, The Laws of Man
- The Lent Lily
- The Merry Guide
- The New Mistress
- The rainy Pleiads wester
- The Recruit
- The Stinging Nettle
- The Street Sounds to the Soldiers' Tread
- The True Lover
- The Welsh Marches
- The Winds Out of the West Land Blow
- There Pass the Careless People
- Think No More, Lad
- Tis Time, I Think, By Wenlock Town
- To An Athlete Dying Young
- Twice a Week the Winter Thorough
- Wake Not for the World-Heard Thunder
- Westward on the High-Hilled Plains
- When I Came Last to Ludlow
- When I Was One-and-Twenty
- When I Watch the Living Meet
- When Smoke Stood Up From Ludlow
- When the Lad for Longing Sighs
- White in the Moon the Long Road Lies
- With Rue My Heart Is Laden
- You Smile Upon Your Friend To-Day
- Category: A R Ammons
- After Yesterday
- An Improvisation For Angular Momentum
- Called Into Play
- Crowride
- Design
- Easter Morning
- Eyesight
- Gravelly Run
- Hymn
- Identity
- In Memoriam Mae Noblitt
- Mule Song
- Poetics
- Rapids
- Recovery
- Rivulose
- Rogue Elephant
- Shit List; Or, Omnium-gatherum Of Diversity Into Unity
- So I Said I Am Ezra
- Still
- The City Limits
- When I Was Young the Silk
- Category: A S J Tessimond
- Any Man Speaks
- Attack On The Ad-Man
- Bells, Pool And Sleep
- Betrayal
- Birch Tree
- Black Morning Lovesong
- Black On Black
- Cats
- Chaplin
- Cinema Screen
- Cocoon For A Skeleton
- Day Dream
- Discovery
- Don Juan
- Earthfast
- Empty Room
- Epilogue
- Epitaph For Our Children
- Epitaph On A Disturber Of His Times
- Flight Of Stairs
- Houses
- June Sick Room
- Last Word To Childhood
- Meeting
- Music
- Never
- Night Piece
- Not Love Perhaps
- Nursery Rhyme For A Twenty-First Birthday
- One Almost Might
- Polyphony In A Cathedral
- Quickstep
- Sea
- Seaport
- Symphony In Red
- The British
- The Children Look At The Parents
- The Man In The Bowler Hat
- To Be Blind
- Tube Station
- Unlyric Love Song
- Wet City Night
- Category: Abraham Cowley
- Category: Adam Lindsay Gordon
- Category: Adrian Green
- Category: Ai
- Category: Alain Bosquet
- Category: Alan Dugan
- Category: Alan Seeger
- A Message to America
- After an Epigram of Clement Marot
- All That's Not Love
- An Ode to Antares
- Antinous
- Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, Canto X, 91-99
- At the Tomb of Napoleon
- Bellinglise
- Broceliande
- Champagne, 1914-15
- Coucy
- Do You Remember Once
- El Extraviado
- Eudaemon
- Fragments
- I Have A Rendezvous With Death
- I Loved
- Juvenilia, An Ode to Natural Beauty
- Kyrenaikos
- La Nue
- Liebestod
- Lyonesse
- Maktoob
- Ode in Memory of the American Volunteers Fallen for France
- On a Theme in the Greek Anthology
- On the Cliffs, Newport
- Paris
- Rendezvous
- Resurgam
- Sonnet 01
- Sonnet 02
- Sonnet 03
- Sonnet 04
- Sonnet 05
- Sonnet 06
- Sonnet 07
- Sonnet 08
- Sonnet 10
- Sonnet 11
- Sonnet 12
- Sonnet I
- Sonnet II
- Sonnet III
- Sonnet IV
- Sonnet IX
- Sonnet V
- Sonnet VI
- Sonnet VII
- Sonnet VIII
- Sonnet X
- Sonnet XI
- Sonnet XII
- Sonnet XIII
- Sonnet XIV
- Sonnet XV
- Sonnet XVI: Who Shall Invoke Her
- Tezcotzinco
- The Aisne
- The Bayadere
- The Deserted Garden
- The Hosts
- The Need to Love
- The Nympholept
- The Old Lowe House, Staten Island
- The Rendezvous
- The Sultan's Palace
- The Torture of Cuauhtemoc
- The Wanderer
- Tithonus
- To England at the Outbreak of the Balkan War
- Translations: Dante - Inferno, Canto XXVI
- Virginibus Puerisque
- Vivien
- With a Copy of Shakespeare's Sonnets on Leaving College
- Written in a Volume of the Comtesse de Noailles
- Category: Alden Nowlan
- Category: Alec Derwent Hope
- Category: Aleister Crowley
- A Birthday
- Adela
- An Oath
- Arhan
- At Bordj-an-Nus
- At Sea
- Athor and Asar
- Au Bal
- Ave Adonai
- Boo to Buddha
- Colophon
- Dionysus
- Dumb
- Elegy
- Happy Dust
- Hymn to Lucifer
- Hymn to Pan
- Independence
- La Gitana
- Linoz Isidoz
- Logos
- Long Odds
- Lyric of Love to Leah
- On - On - Poet
- Pan to Artemis
- Power
- Prologue to Rodin in Rime
- Thanatos Basileos
- The Atheist
- The Buddhist
- The Disciples
- The Five Adorations
- The Four Winds
- The Garden of Janus
- The Hawk and the Babe
- The Hermit
- The Interpreter
- The Ladder
- The Mantra-Yoga
- The Neophyte
- The Pentagram
- The Priestess of Panormita
- The Quest
- The Rose and the Cross
- The Tent
- The Titanic
- The Twins
- The Wizard Way
- Category: Aleksandr Blok
- Category: Alexander Pope
- An Essay On Criticism
- An Essay on Man in Four Epistles: Epistle 1
- Argus
- Couplets on Wit
- Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady
- Eloisa to Abelard
- EPISTLE II: TO A LADY (Of the Characters of Women)
- Epistles to Several Persons: Epistle IV, To Richard Boyle
- Epistles to Several Persons: Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot
- Essay on Man
- From an Essay on Man
- Imitations of Horace: The First Epistle of the Second Book
- Impromptu, to Lady Winchelsea
- Lines on Curll
- Ode on Solitude
- On a certain Lady at Court
- Solitude
- Solitude: An Ode
- Sound And Sense
- Summer
- The Dying Christian to His Soul
- The Iliad: Book VI (excerpt)
- The Rape of the Lock
- The Rape of the Lock: Canto 1
- The Rape of the Lock: Canto 2
- The Rape of the Lock: Canto 3
- The Rape of the Lock: Canto 4
- The Rape of the Lock: Canto 5
- The Riddle of the World
- Two Or Three: A Recipe To Make A Cuckold
- Universal Prayer
- You Know Where You Did Despise
- Category: Alfonsina Storni
- Category: Alfred Austin
- Category: Alfred Noyes
- Category: Algernon Charles Swinburne
- A Baby's Death
- A Ballad of Burdens
- A Ballad of Death
- A Ballad of Dreamland
- A Channel Crossing
- A Child's Laughter
- A Clasp Of Hands
- A Dead Friend
- A Dialog
- A Dialogue
- A Flower-Piece By Fantin
- A Forsaken Garden
- A Landscape By Courbet
- A Leave-Taking
- A Marching Song
- A Match
- A New Year's Message To Joseph Mazzini
- A Night-Piece By Millet
- A Ninth Birthday
- A Singing Lesson
- A Swimmer's Dream
- A Watch In The Night
- A Year's Burden 1870
- A Year's Carols
- An Appeal
- Aperotos Eros
- Armand Barbes
- At Sea
- Autumn And Winter
- Ave atque Vale (In memory of Charles Baudelaire)
- Babyhood
- Beaumont and Fletcher
- Before A Crucifix
- Before Sunset
- Ben Jonson
- Benediction
- Birth And Death
- Blessed Among Women To The Signora Cairoli
- Change
- Chorus
- Christmas Antiphones
- Christopher Marlowe
- Cleopatra
- Comparisons
- Concord
- Cor Cordium
- Dead Love
- Death And Birth
- Dedication To Christina G. Rossetti
- Dedication To Joseph Mazzini
- Dickens
- Discord
- Envoi
- Epilogue
- Eros
- Etude Realiste
- Eurydice - To Victor Hugo
- Four Songs Of Four Seasons
- Genesis
- Had I Wist
- Hertha
- Hope and Fear
- Hymn Of Man
- Hymn to Proserpine (After the Proclamation of the Christian
- In Guernsey - To Theodore Watts
- In Harbour
- In Memory of Walter Savage Landor
- In San Lorenzo
- In Sark
- In the Bay
- Insularum Ocelle
- Itylus
- Love and Sleep
- Love In A Mist
- Love Lies Bleeding
- Marzo Pazzo
- Mater Dolorosa
- Mater Triumphalis
- Mentana : First Anniversary
- Messidor
- Monotones
- Mourning
- Music: An Ode
- Nephelidia
- Non Dolet
- Not A Child
- Ode On The Insurrection In Candia
- On An Old Roundel
- On the Death of Robert Browning
- On the Deaths of Thomas Carlyle and George Eliot
- One Of Twain
- Past Days
- Perinde AC Cadaver
- Plus Intra
- Plus Ultra
- Prelude
- Prelude - Lohengrin
- Prelude - Tristan And Isolde
- Quia Multum Amavit
- Recollections
- Siena
- Sleep
- Sorrow
- Super Flumina Babylonis
- Tenebrae
- The Complaint of Lisa
- The Death Of Richard Wagner
- The Eve Of Revolution
- The Garden of Proserpine
- The Halt Before Rome September 1867
- The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell
- The Last Oracle
- The Litany Of Nations
- The Lute And The Lyre
- The Many
- The Oblation
- The Pilgrims
- The Roundel
- The Song Of The Standard
- The Way Of The Wind
- The Year of the Rose
- Three Faces
- Time And Life
- Tiresias
- To A Cat
- To Catullus
- To Dora Dorian
- To Walt Whitman In America
- Wasted Love
- William Shakespeare
- Category: Alice Duer Miller
- Category: Alice Walker
- Category: Allen Ginsberg
- 136 Syllables At Rocky Mountain Dharma Center
- A Desolation
- A Supermarket In California
- A Western Ballad
- America
- An Asphodel
- An Eastern Ballad
- CIA Dope Calypso
- Cosmopolitan Greetings
- Crossing Nation
- Death & Fame
- Father Death Blues (Don't Grow Old, Part V)
- Feb. 29, 1958
- First Party At Ken Kesey's With Hell's Angels
- Five A. M
- Footnote To Howl
- Fourth Floor, Dawn, Up All Night Writing Letters
- Haiku (Never Published)
- Homework
- Howl
- Hum Bom!
- In Back Of The Real
- In The Baggage Room At Greyhound
- Kissass
- Making The Lion For All It's Got A Ballad
- Nagasaki Days
- Please Master
- Plutonian Ode
- Psalm IV
- Refrain
- September On Jessore Road
- Song
- Sphincter
- Sunflower Sutra
- The Lion For Real
- Those Two
- Transcription Of Organ Music
- War Profit Litany
- When The Light Appears
- Wild Orphan
- Category: Ambrose Bierce
- Category: Amy Clampitt
- Category: Amy Levy
- A Cross-Road Epitaph
- A Dirge
- A Farewell
- A Greek Girl
- A June-Tide Echo
- A London Plane-Tree
- A March Day in London
- A Minor Poet
- A Prayer
- A Reminiscence
- A Wall Flower
- At a Dinner Party
- At Dawn
- Ballade of a Special Edition
- Ballade of an Omnibus
- Between the Showers
- Borderland
- Cambridge in the Long
- Captivity
- Christopher Found
- Contradictions
- Felo de Se
- Impotens
- In a Minor Key
- In the Black Forest
- In the Mile End Road
- In the Night
- In the Nower
- June
- Last Words
- Lohengrin
- London in July
- London Poets
- Magdalen
- New Love, New Life
- Oh, Is It Love?
- On the Threshold
- On the Wye in May
- Out of Town
- Philosophy
- Ralph to Mary
- Run to Death
- Sinfonia Eroica
- Sonnet
- Straw in the Street
- The Birch-Tree at Loschwitz
- The Dream
- The End of the Day
- The First Extra
- The Last Judgment
- The Lost Friend
- The Old House
- The Old Poet
- The Piano-Organ
- The Promise of Sleep
- The Sequel to a Reminiscence
- The Sick Man and the Nightingale
- The Two Terrors
- The Village Garden
- To a Dead Poet
- To Clementina Black
- To Death
- To E
- To Sylvia
- To Vernon Lee
- Translated from Geibel
- Twilight
- Youth and Love
- Category: Amy Lowell
- "To-morrow to Fresh Woods and Pastures New"
- 1777
- A Ballad of Footmen
- A Blockhead
- A Coloured Print by Shokei
- A Fairy Tale
- A Fixed Idea
- A Gift
- A Japanese Wood-Carving
- A Lady
- A Little Song
- A London Thoroughfare. 2 A. M
- A Petition
- A Roxbury Garden
- A Tale of Starvation
- A Tulip Garden
- A Winter Ride
- Absence
- After Hearing a Waltz by Bartok
- Aftermath
- Afternoon Rain in State Street
- An Aquarium
- An Opera House
- Anticipation
- Apology
- Apples of Hesperides
- At Night
- Aubade
- Azure and Gold
- Before Dawn
- Before the Altar
- Behind a Wall
- Clear, with Light, Variable Winds
- Climbing
- Convalescence
- Crepuscule du Matin
- Crowned
- Diya {original title is Greek, Delta-iota-psi-alpha}
- Dreams
- Epitaph in a Church-Yard in Charleston, South Carolina
- Fool's Money Bags
- Fragment
- Francis II, King of Naples
- Frankincense and Myrrh
- Fringed Gentians
- From One Who Stays
- Happiness
- Hero-Worship
- Hora Stellatrix
- In a Castle
- In a Garden
- In Answer to a Request
- In Darkness
- Irony
- J K. Huysmans
- Late September
- Lead Soldiers
- Leisure
- Listening
- Loon Point
- Malmaison
- March Evening
- Mirage
- Miscast I
- Miscast II
- Monadnock in Early Spring
- Music
- New York at Night
- Nightmare: A Tale for an Autumn Evening
- Number 3 on the Docket
- Obligation
- Off the Turnpike
- On Carpaccio's Picture: The Dream of St. Ursula
- Patience
- Patterns
- Petals
- Pickthorn Manor
- Reaping
- Roads
- Sancta Maria, Succurre Miseris
- Sea Shell
- Song
- Spring Day
- Storm-Racked
- Stravinsky's Three Pieces
- Stupidity
- Suggested by the Cover of a Volume of Keats's Poems
- Summer
- Sunshine through a Cobwebbed Window
- Sword Blades and Poppy Seed
- Teatro Bambino. Dublin, N. H
- The Allies
- The Basket
- The Blue Scarf
- The Bombardment
- The Book of Hours of Sister Clotilde
- The Boston Athenaeum
- The Bungler
- The Captured Goddess
- The Coal Picker
- The Cremona Violin
- The Crescent Moon
- The Cross-Roads
- The Cyclists
- The Dinner-Party
- The End
- The Exeter Road
- The Fool Errant
- The Foreigner
- The Forsaken
- The Fruit Garden Path
- The Fruit Shop
- The Giver of Stars
- The Great Adventure of Max Breuck
- The Green Bowl
- The Grocery
- The Hammers
- The Lamp of Life
- The Last Quarter of the Moon
- The Little Garden
- The Matrix
- The Painted Ceiling
- The Painter on Silk
- The Paper Windmill
- The Pike
- The Pleiades
- The Poet
- The Precinct. Rochester
- The Promise of the Morning Star
- The Red Lacquer Music-Stand
- The Road to Avignon
- The Shadow
- The Starling
- The Taxi
- The Temple
- The Tree of Scarlet Berries
- The Trout
- The Way
- Thompson's Lunch Room Grand Central Station
- To a Friend
- To an Early Daffodil
- To Elizabeth Ward Perkins
- To John Keats
- Two Travellers in the Place Vendome
- Venetian Glass
- Vintage
- White and Green
- Wind
- Category: Anais Nin
- Category: Anastasia Clark
- Category: Andre Breton
- Category: Andree Chedid
- Category: Andrew Barton Paterson
- "Ave Ceasar"
- "In re a Gentleman, One"
- "Shouting" for a Camel
- "We're All Australians Now"
- A Ballad of Ducks
- A Bunch of Roses
- A Bush Christening
- A Bush Lawyer
- A Bushman's Song
- A Change of Menu
- A Disqualified Jockey's Story
- A Dog's Mistake
- A Dream of the Melbourne Cup
- A Job for McGuinness
- A Motor Courtship
- A Mountain Station
- A Nervous Governor-General
- A Singer of the Bush
- A Song of the Pen
- A Triolet
- A Voice from the Town
- A Walgett Episode
- Ambition and Art
- An answer to Various Bards
- An Emu Hunt
- An Evening in Dandaloo
- An Idyll of Dandaloo
- Anthony Considine
- Any Other Time
- At the Melting of the Snow
- Australia Today 1916
- Australian Scenery
- Been There Before
- Behind the Scenes
- Black Harry's Team
- Black Swans
- Boots
- Bottle 'O'
- Brumby's Run
- Buffalo Country
- By the Grey Gulf-water
- Camouflage
- Cassidy's Epitaph
- Clancy Of The Overflow
- Come-by-Chance
- Commandeering
- Conroy's Gap
- Daylight is Dying
- Do They Know?
- Driver Smith
- El Mahdi to the Australian Troops
- Father Riley's Horse
- Fed Up
- Frogs in chorus
- Frying Pan's Theology
- Gilhooley's Estate
- Gone Down
- Hard Luck
- Hawker, the Standard Bearer
- Hay and Hell and Booligal
- He Giveth His Beloved Sleep
- High Explosive
- How Gilbert Died
- How M'Ginnis went missing
- How The Favourite Beat Us
- In Defence of the Bush
- In the Droving Days
- In the Stable
- Investigating Flora
- It's Grand
- Jim Carew
- Jimmy Dooley's Army
- Jock
- Johnny Boer
- Johnson's Antidote
- Last Week
- Lost
- Morgan's Dog
- Moving On
- Mulga Bill's Bicycle
- Mulligan's Mare
- Not On It
- Now Listen to Me and I'll Tell You My Views
- Old Pardon, the Son of Reprieve
- Old Schooldays
- On Kiley's Run
- On the Trek
- Only a Jockey
- Opening of the Railway Line
- Our Mat
- Our New Horse
- Out of Sight
- Over The Range
- Pioneers
- Policeman G
- Reconstruction
- Riders in the Stand
- Right in Front of the Army
- Rio Grande
- Rio Grande's Last Race
- Saltbush Bill
- Saltbush Bill on the Patriarchs
- Saltbush Bill, J. P
- Saltbush Bill's Gamecock
- Saltbush Bill's Second Flight
- Santa Claus
- Santa Claus in the Bush
- Shearing at Castlereagh
- Shearing With a Hoe
- Song of the Artesian Water
- Song of the Future
- Song of the Wheat
- Sunrise on the Coast
- Swinging the Lead
- Sydney Cup 1899
- T. y. s. o. n
- Tar and Feathers
- That Half-Crown Sweep
- That V. C
- The All Right Un
- The Amateur Rider
- The Angel's Kiss
- The Army Mules
- The Ballad of Cockatoo Dock
- The Ballad of G. R. Dibbs
- The Ballad of M. T. Nutt and His Dog
- The Ballad of That P. N
- The Ballad of the Calliope
- The Ballad of the Carpet Bag
- The Billy-Goat Overland
- The Boss of the Admiral Lynch
- The Bushfire - an Allegory
- The City of Dreadful Thirst
- The Corner Man
- The Dam that Keele Built
- The Dauntless Three
- The Daylight is Dying
- The Deficit Demon
- The Duties of an Aide-de-camp
- The First Surveyor
- The Fitzroy Blacksmith
- The Flying Gang
- The Geebung Polo Club
- The Ghost of the Murderer's Hut
- The Gundaroo Bullock
- The Hypnotist
- The Incantation
- The Last Parade
- The Last Trump
- The Lay of the Motor-Car
- The Lost Drink
- The Lost Leichardt