Gravelly Run
I don’t know somehow it seems sufficient
To see and hear whatever coming and going is,
Losing the self to the victory
of stones and trees,
Of bending sandpit lakes, crescent
Round groves of dwarf pine:
For it is not so much to know the self
As to know it as it is known
by galaxy and cedar cone,
As if birth had never found it
And death could never end it:
The swamp’s slow water comes
Down Gravelly Run fanning the long
stone-held algal
Hair and narrowing roils between
The shoulders of the highway bridge:
Holly grows on the banks in the woods there,
And the cedars’ gothic-clustered
spires could make
Green religion in winter bones:
So I look and reflect, but the air’s glass
Jail seals each thing in its entity:
No use to make any philosophies here:
I see no
God in the holly, hear no song from
The snowbroken weeds: Hegel is not the winter
Yellow in the pines: the sunlight has never
Heard of trees: surrendered self among
unwelcoming forms: stranger,
Hoist your burdens, get on down the road.

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