Dream Song 105: As a kid I believed in democracy: I

As a kid I believed in democracy: I
‘saw no alternative’—teaching at The Big Place I ah
Put it in practice:
We’d time for one long novel: to a vote—
Gone with the Wind they voted: I crunched ‘No’
And we sat down with War & Peace.

As a man I believed in democracy (nobody
Ever learns anything): only one lazy day
My assistant, called James Dow,
& I were chatting, in a failure of meeting of minds,
And I said curious ‘What are your real politics?’
‘Oh, I’m a monarchist.’

Finishing his dissertation, in Political Science.
I resign. The universal contempt for Mr Nixon,
Whom never I liked but who
Alert & gutsy served us years under a dope,
Since dynasty K swarmed in. Let’s have a King
Maybe, before a few mindless votes.

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Dream Song 105: As a kid I believed in democracy: I