- Category: Robert William Service (continued)
- Song Of The Sardine
- Spanish Men
- Spanish Peasant
- Spanish Women
- Spartan Mother
- Spats
- Stamp Collector
- Stowaway
- Strip Teaser
- Striving
- Stupidity
- Success
- Successful Failure
- Sunshine
- Suppose?
- Surtax
- Susie
- Sympathy
- Take It Easy
- Tea On The Lawn
- Teddy Bear
- The Absinthe Drinkers
- The Actor
- The Afflicted
- The Aftermath
- The Alcázar
- The Anniversary
- The Answer
- The Ape And God
- The Ape And I
- The Argument
- The Artist
- The Atavist
- The Auction Sale
- The Baldness Of Chewed-Ear
- The Ballad Of Blasphemous Bill
- The Ballad Of Casey's Billy-Goat
- The Ballad Of Gum-Boot Ben
- The Ballad Of Hank The Finn
- The Ballad Of Hard-Luck Henry
- The Ballad Of How Macpherson Held The Floor
- The Ballad Of Lenin's Tomb
- The Ballad Of One-Eyed Mike
- The Ballad Of Pious Pete
- The Ballad Of Salvation Bill
- The Ballad Of Soulful Sam
- The Ballad Of The Black Fox Skin
- The Ballad Of The Brand
- The Ballad Of The Ice-Worm Cocktail
- The Ballad Of The Leather Medal
- The Ballad Of The Northern Lights
- The Ballad Of Touch-The-Button Nell
- The Bandit
- The Battle
- The Battle Of The Bulge
- The Black Dudeen
- The Black Sheep
- The Blind And The Dead
- The Bliss Of Ignorance
- The Blood-Red Fourragere
- The Bohemian
- The Bohemian Dreams
- The Booby-Trap
- The Boola-Boola Maid
- The Bread-Knife Ballad
- The Bulls
- The Buyers
- The Call
- The Call Of The Wild
- The Cat With Wings
- The Centenarian
- The Centenarians
- The Choice
- The Christmas Tree
- The Comforter
- The Contented Man
- The Contrast
- The Convalescent
- The Cow-Juice Cure
- The Coward
- The Cremation Of Sam McGee
- The Cuckoo
- The Damned
- The Dauber
- The Death Of Marie Toro
- The Defeated
- The Dream
- The Dreamer
- The Duel
- The End Of The Trail
- The Enigma
- The Faceless Man
- The Farmer's Daughter
- The Flower Shop
- The Fool
- The Front Tooth
- The Ghosts
- The Goat And I
- The God Of Common-Sense
- The Gramaphone At Fond-Du-Lac
- The Great Recall
- The Haggis Of Private McPhee
- The Hand
- The Harpy
- The Hat
- The Headliner And The Breadliner
- The Healer
- The Heart Of The Sourdough
- The Hearth-Stone
- The Hinterland
- The Home-Coming
- The Homicide
- The Host
- The Idealist
- The Joy Of Being Poor
- The Joy Of Little Things
- The Judgement
- The Junior God
- The Key Of The Street
- The Land God Forgot
- The Land Of Beyond
- The Lark
- The Last Supper
- The Law Of Laws
- The Law Of The Yukon
- The Leaning Tower
- The Learner
- The Legless Man
- The Little Old Log Cabin
- The Little Piou-Piou
- The Little Workgirl
- The Living Dead
- The Locket
- The Logger
- The Lone Trail
- The Lost Master
- The Lottery
- The Low-Down White
- The Lunger
- The Lure Of Little Voices
- The Macaronis
- The Man From Athabaska
- The Man From Cook's
- The Man From Eldorado
- The Man Who Knew
- The March Of The Dead
- The Men That Don't Fit In
- The Missal Makers
- The Mole
- The Monster
- The Mother
- The Mountain And The Lake
- The Mourners
- The Mystery Of Mister Smith
- The Nostomaniac
- The Odyssey Of 'Erbert 'Iggins
- The Old Armchair
- The Old General
- The Ordinary Man
- The Other One
- The Outlaw
- The Palace
- The Parson's Son
- The Parting
- The Passing Of The Year
- The Pencil Seller
- The Petit Vieux
- The Philanderer
- The Philistine And The Bohemian
- The Pigeon Shooting
- The Pigeons Of St. Marks
- The Pines
- The Portrait
- The Pretty Lady
- The Prisoner
- The Prospector
- The Quest
- The Quitter
- The Receptionist
- The Reckoning
- The Record
- The Red Retreat
- The Release
- The Return
- The Revelation
- The Rhyme Of The Remittance Man
- The Rhyme Of The Restless Ones
- The Robbers
- The Rover
- The Sacrifices
- The Sceptic
- The Score
- The Scribe's Prayer
- The Seance
- The Search
- The Seed
- The Sewing-Girl
- The Shooting Of Dan McGrew
- The Shorter Catechism
- The Sightless Man
- The Silent Ones
- The Smoking Frog
- The Sniper
- The Soldier Of Fortune
- The Song Of The Camp-Fire
- The Song Of The Mouth-Organ
- The Song Of The Pacifist
- The Song Of The Soldier-Born
- The Song Of The Wage-Slave
- The Spell Of The Yukon
- The Spirit Of The Unborn Babe
- The Squaw Man
- The Stretcher-Bearer
- The Sum-Up
- The Summing Up
- The sunshine seeks my little room
- The Super
- The Telegraph Operator
- The Thinker
- The Three Bares
- The Three Tommies
- The Three Voices
- The Trail Of Ninety-Eight
- The Trail Of No Return
- The Tramps
- The Trapper's Christmas Eve
- The Trust
- The Tunnel
- The Twa Jocks
- The Twins
- The Twins Of Lucky Strike
- The Under-Dogs
- The Undying
- The Visionary
- The Volunteer
- The Walkers
- The Wanderlust
- The Wedding Ring
- The Wee Shop
- The Whistle Of Sandy McGraw
- The Widow
- The Widower
- The Wife
- The Wildy Ones
- The Wistful One
- The Woman And The Angel
- The Woman At The Gate
- The Womb
- The Wonderer
- The Wood-Cutter
- The World's All Right
- The Younger Son
- The Yukoner
- Three Wives
- Tick-Tock
- Tim
- Tipperary Days
- Titine
- To A Stuffed Shirt
- To A Tycoon
- To Frank Dodd
- To Sunnydale
- To The Man Of The High North
- Toilet Seats
- Toledo
- Tom
- Tom Paine
- Tourist
- Tourists
- Tranquilism
- Tranquillity
- Treat 'Em Rough
- Trees Against The Sky
- Tri-Colour
- Triumph
- Trixie
- Two Blind Men
- Two Children
- Two Graves
- Two Husbands
- Two Men (J. L. And R. B.)
- Two Words
- Unforgotten
- Unholy Trinity
- Vain Venture
- Vanity
- Victory Stuff
- Village Don Juan
- Village Virtue
- Violet De Vere
- Virginity
- Wallflower
- Warsaw
- Was It You?
- Washerwife
- Weary
- Weary Waitress
- What Kisses Had John Keats?
- While The Bannock Bakes
- White Christmas
- White-Collar Spaniard
- Why Do Birds Sing?
- Why?
- Willie
- Winding Wool
- Window Shopper
- Wine Bibber
- Winnie
- Wistful
- Wonder
- Words
- Work
- Work And Joy
- Worms
- Wounded
- Wrestling Match
- Yellow
- You And Me
- You Can't Can Love
- Young Fellow My Lad
- Young Mother
- Your Poem
- Category: Robinson Jeffers
- Ascent To The Sierras
- Ave Caesar
- Be Angry At The Sun
- Birth-Dues
- Birthday (Autobiography)
- Bixby's Landing
- Carmel Point
- Cassandra
- Contemplation Of The Sword
- Contrast
- Divinely Superfluous Beauty
- End Of The World
- Fawn's Foster-Mother
- Fire On The Hills
- Ghost
- Hurt Hawks
- July Fourth By The Ocean
- Let Them Alone
- Love The Wild Swan
- Meditation On Saviors
- Natural Music
- Now Returned Home
- On Building With Stone
- Praise Life
- Promise Of Peace
- Quia Absurdum
- Return
- Rock And Hawk
- Shine, Perishing Republic
- Shiva
- Sign-Post
- So Many Blood-Lakes
- Suicide's Stone
- Summer Holiday
- The Answer
- The Bed By The Window
- The Bird With The Dark Plumes
- The Broken Balance
- The Day Is A Poem (September 19, 1939)
- The Deer Lay Down Their Bones
- The Epic Stars
- The Excesses Of God
- The Eye
- The Great Explosion
- The Machine
- The Maid's Thought
- The Purse-Seine
- The Silent Shepherds
- The Stars Go Over The Lonely Ocean
- The Summit Redwood
- Time Of Disturbance
- To A Young Artist
- To The House
- To The Stone-Cutters
- Tor House
- Vulture
- We Are Those People
- Wise Men In Their Bad Hours
- Category: Roddy Lumsden
- Category: Roger Mcgough
- Category: Ron Padgett
- Category: Ros Barber
- Category: Rudyard Kipling
- "Birds of Prey" March
- A Ballad of Burial
- A Ballad of Jakkko Hill
- A Boy Scouts'Patrol Song
- A British-Roman Song
- A Carol
- A Charm
- A Code of Morals
- A Death-Bed
- A Nativity
- A Pict Song
- A Recantation
- A Ripple Song
- A School Song
- A Smuggler's Song
- A Song at Cock-Crow
- A Song In Storm
- A Song of Kabir
- A Song of the English
- A Song of the White Men
- A Song of Travel
- A St. Helena Lullaby
- A Tale of Two Cities
- A Three-Part Song
- A Translation
- A Tree Song
- A Truthful Song
- An American
- An Astrologer's Song
- An Imperial Rescript
- An Old Song
- Anchor Song
- Arithmetic on the Frontier
- Army Headquarters
- As the Bell Clinks
- Banquet Night
- Beast and Man in India
- Before a Midnight Breaks in Storm
- Belts
- Bill 'Awkins
- Blue Roses
- Boots
- Bridge-Guard in the Karroo
- Brookland Road
- Buddha at Kamakura
- Butterflies
- By the Hoof of the Wild Goat
- Cain and Abel
- Cells
- Certain Maxims Of Hafiz
- Chant-Pagan
- Chapter Headings
- Cholera Camp
- Christmas in India
- Cities and Thrones and Powers
- Cleared
- Cold Iron
- Columns
- Covenent
- Cruisers
- Cuckoo Song
- Dane-Geld
- Danny Deever
- Dedication
- Delilah
- Divided Destinies
- Doctors
- Eddi's Service
- En-Dor
- England's Answer
- Evarra And His Gods
- Farewell and adieu
- Follow Me 'ome
- For All We Have And Are
- For To Admire
- Ford o' Kabul River
- Four-Feet
- Fuzzy-Wuzzy
- Gallio's Song
- Gehazi
- Gentlmen-Rankers
- Gethsemane
- Giffen's Debt
- Great-Heart
- Gunga Din
- Half-Ballad of Waterval
- Harp Song of the Dane Women
- Helen all Alone
- Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack
- Hymn Before Action
- I Keep Six Honest
- If
- In Springtime
- In the Matter of One Compass
- In the Neolithic Age
- Jubal and Tubal Cain
- Justice
- Kim
- Kitchener's School
- L'Envoi
- La Nuit Blanche
- Lichtenberg
- Loot
- Lord Roberts
- Lukannon
- Macdonough's Song
- Mandalay
- Many Inventions
- Mary, Pity Women!
- Mary's Son
- Merrow Down
- Mesopotamia
- Mine Sweepers
- Morning Song in the Jungle
- Mother o' Mine
- Mowgli's Song
- Mowgli's Song Against People
- Mulholland's Contract
- My Boy Jack
- My Lady's Law
- My New-Cut Ashler
- My Rival
- Natural Theology
- One Viceroy Resigns
- Oonts
- Our Fathers Also
- Outsong in the Jungle
- Pagett, M. P
- Philadelphia
- Poor Honest Men
- Possibilities
- Prelude
- Prophets at Home
- Public Waste
- Puck's Song
- Rebirth
- Recessional (A Victorian Ode)
- Rimini
- Rimmon
- Road-Song of the Bandar-Log
- Romulus and Remus
- Route Marchin'
- Russia To The Pacifists
- Sappers
- Screw-Guns
- Seal Lullaby
- Sestina Of The Tramp-Royal
- Seven Watchmen
- Shillin' a Day
- Sir Richard's Song
- Snarleyow
- Soldier an' Sailor Too
- Soldier, Soldier
- Song of Diego Valdez
- Song of the Fifth River
- Song of the Red War-Boat
- Song of the Wise Children
- South Africa
- Study of an Elevation, In Indian Ink
- Sussex
- Tarrant Moss
- The 'eathen
- The Answer
- The Ballad of East and West
- The Ballad of Fisher's Boarding-House
- The Ballad of the "Bolivar"
- The Ballad of the King's Jest
- The Ballad of the King's Mercy
- The Ballad of the Red Earl
- The Bees and the Flies
- The Bell Buoy
- The Benefactors
- The Betrothed
- The Broken Men
- The Burial
- The Captive
- The Children's Song
- The City of Sleep
- The Coastwise Lights
- The Comforters
- The Conundrum of the Workshops
- The Craftsman
- The Day's Work
- The Dead King
- The Declaration of London
- The Deep-Sea Cables
- The Derelict
- The Destroyers
- The Dove of Dacca
- The Egg-Shell
- The English Flag
- The Explanation
- The Explorer
- The Fabulists
- The Fairies' Siege
- The Fall of Jock Gillespie
- The Female of the Species
- The Fires
- The First Chantey
- The Flight
- The Floods
- The Galley-Slave
- The Gift of the Sea
- The Gipsy Trail
- The Gods of the Copybook Headings
- The Grave of the Hundered Head
- The Greek National Anthem
- The Heritage
- The Holy War
- The Houses
- The Hyaenas
- The Instructor
- The Jacket
- The Jester
- The King
- The Kingdom
- The Ladies
- The Lament of the Border Cattle Thief
- The Land
- The Last Chantey
- The Last Department
- The Last of the Light Brigade
- The Last Rhyme of True Thomas
- The Law of the Jungle
- The Legend of Evil
- The Legend of Mirth
- The Lesson
- The Light That Failed
- The Liner She's a Lady
- The Long Trail
- The Lost Legion
- The Lovers' Litany
- The Lowestoft Boat
- The Man Who Could Write
- The Mare's Nest
- The Married Man
- The Mary Gloster
- The Men That Fought at Minden
- The Merchantmen
- The Miracles
- The Moon of Other Days
- The Mother-Lodge
- The Native-Born
- The Naulahka
- The Necessitarian
- The New Knighthood
- The Old Issue
- The Oldest Song
- The Only Son
- The Outlaws
- The Overland Mail
- The Palace
- The Peace Of Dives
- The Plea of the Simla Dancers
- The Post That Fitted
- The Power of the Dog
- The Prairie
- The Prayer of Miriam Cohen
- The Press
- The Pro-Consuls
- The Prodigal Son
- The Puzzler
- The Queen's Men
- The Quesion
- The Rabbi's Song
- The Recall
- The Reformers
- The Return
- The Return of the Children
- The Rhyme of the Three Captains
- The Rhyme of the Three Sealers
- The Rowers
- The Rupaiyat of Omar Kal'vin
- The Sacrifice of Er-Heb
- The Sea And the Hills
- The Sea-Wife
- The Second Voyage
- The Secret of the Machines
- The Sergeant's Weddin'
- The Servant When He Reigneth
- The Settler
- The Song of Seven Cities
- The Song of the Cities
- The Song of the Dead
- The Song of the Little Hunter
- The Song of the Old Guard
- The Song of the Sons
- The Song of the Women
- The Songs of the Lathes
- The Sons of Martha
- The Story of Ung
- The Story of Uriah
- The Stranger
- The Thousandth Man
- The Trade
- The Truce of the Bear
- The Two-Sided Man
- The Undertaker's Horse
- The Vampire
- The Verdicts
- The Veterans
- The Virginity
- The Wage-Slaves
- The Way Through the Woods
- The White Man's Burden
- The Widow at Windsor
- The Widow's Party
- The Widower
- The Winners
- The Wishing-Caps
- The Young British Soldier
- Things and the Man
- Tin Fish
- To T. A
- To the True Romance
- To the Unknown Goddess
- To Wolcott Balestier
- Tomlinson
- Tommy
- Troopin'
- Two Kopjes
- Two Months
- Ulster
- What Happened
- What the People Said
- When 'Omer Smote 'Is Bloomin' Lyre
- When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted
- When the Great Ark
- White Horses
- Wilful Missing
- With Scindia to Delphi
- You Must n't Swim
- Zion
- Category: Rupert Brooke
- 1914 I: Peace
- 1914 IV: The Dead
- A Channel Passage
- A Letter to a Live Poet
- A Memory
- And love has changed to kindliness
- Ante Aram
- Beauty and Beauty
- Blue Evening
- Busy Heart, The
- Charm, The
- Choriambics I
- Choriambics II
- Clouds
- Dawn
- Day And Night
- Day That I Have Loved
- Dead Men's Love
- Desertion
- Dining-Room Tea
- Doubts
- Dust
- Failure
- Finding
- Flight
- Funeral Of Youth, The: Threnody
- Goddess In The Wood, The
- Hauntings
- He Wonders Whether to Praise or Blame Her
- Heaven
- Home
- I. Peace
- II. Safety
- In Examination
- Jealousy
- Libido
- Lines Written In The Belief That The Ancient Roman Festival Of The Dead Was Called Ambarvalia
- Love
- Mary and Gabriel
- Menelaus and Helen
- Mummia
- Mutability
- Now, God Be Thanked Who Has Matched Us With His Hour
- One Day
- Paralysis
- Pine-Trees and the Sky: Evening
- Retrospect
- Seaside
- Second Best
- Sleeping Out: Full Moon
- Song
- Sonnet
- Sonnet Reversed
- Sonnet: I said I splendidly loved you; it's not true
- Sonnet: Oh! Death will find me, long before I tire
- Success
- The Beginning
- The Call
- The Chilterns
- The Dead
- The Fish
- The Funeral of Youth: Threnody
- The Great Lover
- The Hill
- The Jolly Company
- The Life Beyond
- The Little Dog's Day
- The Night Journey
- The Old Vicarage, Granchester
- The One Before the Last
- The Soldier
- The Song of the Beasts
- The Song of the Pilgrims
- The Treasure
- The Voice
- The Way That Lovers Use
- The Wayfarers
- There's Wisdom In Women
- Thoughts On The Shape Of The Human Body
- Tiare Tahiti
- Town and Country
- Unfortunate
- Victory
- Vision Of The Archangels, The
- Wagner
- Waikiki
- Category: Russell Edson
- A Historical Breakfast
- A Journey Through The Moonlight
- A Performance At Hog Theater
- A Stone Is Nobody's
- Accidents
- Angels
- Antimatter
- Ape
- Ape And Coffee
- Conjugal
- Counting Sheep
- Elephant Dormitory
- Erasing Amyloo
- Grass
- Hands
- Mr. Brain
- On The Eating Of Mice
- One Lonely Afternoon
- Paying The Captain
- Sleep
- Soup Song
- The Alfresco Moment
- The Autopsy
- The Breast
- The Bridge
- The Changeling
- The Closet
- The Death Of A Fly
- The Fall
- The Family Monkey
- The Father Of Toads
- The Fight
- The Floor
- The Gentlemen In The Meadow
- The Having To Love Something Else
- The Lighted Window
- The Man Rock
- The Marionettes Of Distant Masters
- The Melting
- The Ox
- The Pattern
- The Philosophers
- The Pilot
- The Position
- The Rat's Tight Schedule
- The Reason Why The Closet-Man Is Never Sad
- The Sad Message
- The Theory
- The Toy-Maker
- The Wounded Breakfast
- Vomit
- You
- Category: Russell Hughes Ragsdale
- Category: Ruth L Schwartz
- Category: Salvatore Quasimodo
- Category: Samuel Coleridge
- A Soliloquy Of The Full Moon, She Being In A Mad Passion
- A Tombless Epitaph
- About The Nightingale
- Aplolgia Pro Vita Sua
- As some vast Tropic tree, itself a wood (fragment)
- Brockley Coomb
- Christabel
- Cologne
- Constancy To An Ideal Object
- Dejection: An Ode
- Desire
- Despair
- Duty Surviving Self-Love
- Epitaph
- Fears In Solitude
- France: An Ode
- From 'Religious Musings'
- Frost At Midnight
- Glycine's Song
- Hexameters
- Human Life
- Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale of Chamouni
- I know 'tis but a Dream, yet feel more anguish (fragment)
- Inscription For A Fountain On A Heath
- Kubla Khan
- Life
- Limbo
- Lines
- Love
- Love's Apparition and Evanishment: An Allegoric Romance
- Metrical Feet
- On A Ruined house In A Romantic Country
- On Donne's Poetry
- Phantom
- Psyche
- Reason
- Recollections Of Love
- Reflections On Having Left A Place Of Retirement
- Something Childish, But Very Natural
- Song
- Sonnet
- The Aeolian Harp
- The Blossing Of The Solitary Date-Tree
- The Dungeon
- The Eolian Harp
- The Exchange
- The Faded Flower
- The Garden Of Boccaccio
- The Good, Great Man
- The Improvisatore
- The Knight's Tomb
- The Lime-tree Bower my Prison [Addressed to Charles Lamb, o
- The Moon, how definite its orb! (fragment)
- The Netherlands (fragment)
- The Nightingale
- The Pains Of Sleep
- The Presence Of Love
- The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
- The Suicide's Argument
- The Three Sorts of Friends (fragment)
- This Lime-Tree Bower, My Prison
- Time, Real And Imaginary
- To A Primrose
- To A Young Ass
- To Asra
- To Nature
- To the Nightingale
- To The Rev. George Coleridge
- To The River Otter
- To William Wordsworth
- What Is Life?
- When Hope but made Tranquillity be felt (fragment)
- Whom should I choose for my Judge? (fragment)
- Work Without Hope
- Youth And Age
- Zapolya
- Category: Samuel Johnson
- Category: Sara Teasdale
- A Cry
- A November Night
- After Love
- After Parting
- Alone
- At Midnight
- Barter
- Because
- Blue Squills
- Buried Love
- But Not To Me
- Come
- Debt
- Did You Never Know?
- Doubt
- Dust
- Enough
- Fault
- Gray Eyes
- Guenevere
- Houses Of Dreams
- I Am Not Yours
- I Have Loved Hours At Sea
- I Remembered
- I Thought Of You
- If Death Is Kind
- In The End
- It Is Not A Word
- It Will Not Change
- Jewels
- Let It Be Forgotten
- Like Barley Bending
- Longing
- Love And Death
- My Heart Is Heavy
- Oh You Are Coming