We’re foot slog slog slog sloggin’ over Africa
Foot foot foot foot sloggin’ over Africa
(Boots boots boots boots movin’ up an’ down again!)
There’s no discharge in the war!
Seven six eleven five nine-an’-twenty mile to-day
Four eleven seventeen thirty-two the day before
(Boots boots boots boots movin’ up an’ down again!)
There’s no discharge in the war!
Don’t don’t don’t don’t look at what’s in front of you.
(Boots boots boots boots movin’ up an’ down again);
Men men men men men go mad with watchin’ em,
An’ there’s no discharge in the war!
Try try try try to think o’ something different
Oh my God keep me from goin’ lunatic!
(Boots boots boots boots movin’ up an’ down again!)
There’s no discharge in the war!
Count count count count the bullets in the bandoliers.
If your eyes drop they will get atop o’ you!
(Boots boots boots boots movin’ up an’ down again)
There’s no discharge in the war!
We can stick out ‘unger, thirst, an’ weariness,
But not not not not the chronic sight of ’em
Boot boots boots boots movin’ up an’ down again,
An’ there’s no discharge in the war!
‘Taint so bad by day because o’ company,
But night brings long strings o’ forty thousand million
Boots boots boots boots movin’ up an’ down again.
There’s no discharge in the war!
I ‘ave marched six weeks in ‘Ell an’ certify
It is not fire devils, dark, or anything,
But boots boots boots boots movin’ up an’ down again,
An’ there’s no discharge in the war!

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