The Song Of The Soldier-Born
Give me the scorn of the stars and a peak defiant;
Wail of the pines and a wind with the shout of a giant;
Night and a trail unknown and a heart reliant.
Give me to live and love in the old, bold fashion;
A soldier’s billet at night and a soldier’s ration;
A heart that leaps to the fight with a soldier’s passion.
For I hold as a simple faith there’s no denying:
The trade of a soldier’s the only trade worth plying;
The death of a soldier’s the only death worth dying.
So let me go and leave your safety behind me;
Go to the spaces of hazard where nothing shall bind me;
Go till the word is War and then you will find me.
Then you will call me and claim me because you will need me;
Cheer me and gird me and into the battle-wrath speed me. . . .
And when it’s over, spurn me and no longer heed me.
For guile and a purse gold-greased are the arms you carry;
You call on the hounds of the law your foes to harry.
You with your “Art for its own sake”, posing and prinking;
You with your “Live and be merry”, eating and drinking;
You with your “Peace at all hazard”, from bright blood shrinking.
Fools! I will tell you now: though the red rain patters,
And a million of men go down, it’s little it matters. . . .
There’s the Flag upflung to the stars, though it streams in tatters.
There’s a glory gold never can buy to yearn and to cry for;
There’s a hope that’s as old as the sky to suffer and sigh for;
There’s a faith that out-dazzles the sun to martyr and die for.
Ah no! it’s my dream that War will never be ended;
That men will perish like men, and valour be splendid;
That the Flag by the sword will be served, and honour defended.
That the tale of my fights will never be ancient story;
That though my eye may be dim and my beard be hoary,
I’ll die as a soldier dies on the Field of Glory.
So give me a strong right arm for a wrong’s swift righting;
Stave of a song on my lips as my sword is smiting;
Death in my boots may-be, but fighting, fighting.

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