Home ⇒ 📌John Berryman ⇒ Dream Song 57: In a state of chortle sin once he reflected
Dream Song 57: In a state of chortle sin once he reflected
In a state of chortle sin—once he reflected,
Swilling tomato juice—live I, and did
More than my thirstier years.
To Hell then will it maul me? for good talk,
And gripe of retail loss? I dare say not.
I don’t thÃnk there’s that place
Save sullen here, wherefrom she flies tonight
Retrieving her whole body, which I need.
I recall a ‘coon treed,
Flashlights, & barks, and I was in that tree,
And something can (has) been said for sobriety
But very little.
The guns. Ah, darling, it was late for me,
Midnight, at seven. How in famished youth
Could I forsee Henry’s sweet seed
Unspent across so flying barren ground,
Where would my loves dislimn whose dogs abound?
I fell out of the tree.

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