Home ⇒ 📌John Berryman ⇒ Dream Song 28: Snow Line
Dream Song 28: Snow Line
It was wet & white & swift and where I am
We don’t know. It was dark and then
It isn’t.
I wish the barker would come. There seems to be eat
Nothing. I am usually tired.
I’m alone too.
If only the strange one with so few legs would come,
I’d say my prayers out of my mouth, as usual.
Where are his note I loved?
There may be horribles; it’s hard to tell.
The barker nips me but somehow I feel
He too is on my side.
I’m too alone. I see no end. If we could all
Run, even that would be better. I am hungry.
The sun is not hot.
It’s not a good position I am in.
If I had to do the whole thing over again
I wouldn’t.

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