Ivan Donn Carswell

Your noble reign

The man whose term we would remember as our longest, Constant serving Head of State, besides the late Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, turned 67 yesterday. Congratulations John, You’ve run a long and torrid race,

Gimme 'n F

“Gimme ‘n F” the spruiker cried, “gimme a U” and crowd near died, They knew before he came To, Whatzat spell? Whatzat spell? They knew his game, or thought they knew, But he threw

Travelling on the thumb

Travelling on the thumb, it wasn’t hard to do, you took The rides that you could get with no regrets – let shrinkage In the mileage to your goal provide your measures of success,

Tales in the beginning

Tales in the beginning didn’t begin in the telling, They would have started no doubt, but not without A concrete bearing, a causal opening and a beckoning Ending (at least tacitly implied), otherwise devout

Athritic Fingers Have To Last

These painful, cold athritic fingers have to last Much longer yet, they’re all I have to keep the pages On the screen prescribed with glowing words, my favoured antidote To weak and skulking weariness;

To win a game

How do you win a football game? Not by skill alone or clever plays, In modern days the game has changed and subterfuge and actors Ways will pave the path to glory. Fitness pays

Sends the wrong message

What’s in a song John (or is it ‘Knuckles’), what’s In a song about an unemployed, suicidal bum, caught In the act of sheep theft which defines the Australian Psyche? I’ll bet you don’t

If it ever bloody rains

I never said I would, I only said I could Do what you wished, the subtle difference Should have raised a cautious flag; Maybe I bragged out loud, made it sound As if it

It seldom snowed – Part III

It seldom snowed they said, and they were nearly right. In all of nine eventful Seasons crystal white on average graced the place just twice a year. A smaller Fall, an over-night preceded heavy

Jessie of Gibraltar

Our lives were founded on this rock, this Jessie of Gibraltar Whose unfailing love endured beyond her ample nursing, And we grew out of a rich and favoured childhood aware Her powers were real

Another barbeque tonight

It rained throughout the night, a truly welcome sound That eases sleep although we barely slept – we were Distressed by other things. Today the kitchen’s centre ring, The kitchen of Anita’s dreams. It’s

In these quiet moments

In these quiet moments before the night Softens the mountains of the South And deflates the clouds That float beneath their peaks, The dying sun’s rich, peach glow Deepens in the gathering gloom. There,

Ad Invasions

Advertisements, they’ve trashed the web, Somehow they’ve gotten into bed With common sense; ubiquitous And so intense, insistent As to cause offense, Intrusive and quite truculent, I would they should all go away. [Your

Bitter sweet

The events Of September 11th 2001 remain bitter sweet; As well as 2973 innocents Confirmed dead (with their 19 Terrorist murderers) there Are still 24 persons To be accounted for. It was an insane

Clouded dreams

At dawn I dreamed of wispy clouds, I had the time to wield and watched The regimented lines of cirrus racing From the north by west; elusive Strands of airy ice that spread Up

Travellers Whom We Met

Another fork away ahead Exactly like the one behind And twists and turns to leave you dead As choices in your mind. We’ve travelled here before you know And had this conversation yet We

Possums came at night

You could see the signs which said that possums came at night And fed upon this tree, they left their mark in fruit discards And broken twigs and shredded leaves spread randomly In careless

Consciousness Of Our Return

Night’s grating of steel on stone and splash Of water crashing from the buckets Brings back that moment in a flash; The night burnt bright in limb’s caress And flesh yielding flesh in passions

To Henrietta Lyn

We’re going to miss you little girl, you leave an aching space Way out of all proportion to your size. Tomorrow we must face the day Without your lavish greeting – without your urgent

A catchy phrase

It was called Farm Fantastic, a catchy phrase, And potentially a day’s wasted sweat. Even after the event I can’t say it wasn’t, And I’m kind of glad we went, for better Or worse,

Dead man's clothes

Growing up, I propose, Is like wearing a dead man’s clothes. Death has a way of levelling the ground. I have found the closer your relationship The closer the fit; The unsettling bit is

Having each of you as friends

For more than 40 years we’ve been good friends, Since 1963 in fact, from college where we met (and managed there to build a strong quartet Of campus friendship which kept those years intact,

Pumpkins in our time

For months on end the pumpkins lay at peace, Their parent vines had all but browned and died Although a stubborn tendril here and there had Tried to grow again – glyphosate soon ended

Admire their style

I’m reading fellow poets’ blogs today, A sustaining source of entertainment; I admire their style without exciting comment Or resorting to an unkind eye, simple though It is to sigh about uneasy affirmation. I

It seldom snowed, they said – Part I

It seldom snowed, they said, it might get cold but it won’t be snow; Well, one should guess the locals know the weather best and I was new, So when I left the warmth

And The Piper Dreams

And the Piper dreams as he pipes up in his mind Colours in choral horizons distant, of courtliness dimmed in time, At the puddling waters edge he stands spread square and neat And blows

I Mark Your Courage

I had no profound feelings of shock or surprise To those matter-of-fact revelations Which spelled the end of this chapter of your life. It was, as you put it, too late for recriminations, And

Thinking of an Afterlife

When was the beginning, In the fertilising, in the flower, Or was it deeper, In the earth beneath? No end of wonderment Shall cease such a quest, Or know how it is unknowable. We

I cannot let the moment pass

I cannot let the moment pass without a weary greeting, Or retard the recent past where shadows still are fleeting, I’d sabotage the future by just staring in a mirror And never let the

Hostel Beach, Oneroa

The cliff sprang from the sea at end of Hostel Beach, If the tide was out you’d reach a tiny bay beyond The cape without wet feet, an easy stroll but too effete For

Baby waits alone

Baby waits alone In sandy shallows lying, – wretchedly crying Dam marooned at sea Aware her calf is dying Precious time expiring Biped mammals strive Distressing trials appeasing Cold denial teasing Infant but alive

Silvered In The Dying Light

Silvered in the dying light she lies A silent sleeping twinkle coloured Eve Who heaves and breathes a sinuous sigh Beneath her oiled and shimmering skin. Upon my sandy feet she laps a gentle

Key economy

Words today are How’d you say, In sad retreat, Or obsolete? They slide around Conducting sound, Deferent To moving ground Where once they were As referent To common sense As having common meaning; Misuses

The Beer Was Cold Enough

It is amazing, while I lay in bed, I had the lines Roaring through my head like locusts on the wing, The unabashed extravagance of such a flock Of stunning words shocked me out

Dead poet

I’m sure it would be easier to survive as a dead poet, I mean it in the surmise that I won’t be tempted To revise or rewrite the poem I wrote last night, or

Night's sentinel

Even tonight will pass into memory’s oblivion, Doomed, despite an ardent reunion Of once estranged yet precisely matched parts, To a guiltless verdict – a foregone conclusion. As you dissolve twice-blessed In a kaleidoscope

Nothing ever is the same

Gnashing teeth, A grinding meet Of molars crashing Cuspid on cuspid And the fracture of a piece, Of pressure not intense but awkward In an anxious, unintended sense, Then giving way, the rapid play

The Price Of Parting

Will they be there for you when you die? Will they hold your hands and cry until you’ve breathed Your last? Is it too much to ask? While love is free In tearful task

The light was always you

In the beginning there was light, Abundant light that truly lit the way, Time was never lost in dodging flights Of feckless shadows and darkness seldom Ever blight the brightness of our days. And

Hidden dangers

Which things excited you the most when you were young, Can you recall the pleasures they would bring? Indulge Yourself, dispose your mind of daily care and take The plunge – but beware, there’s

Echoes in an empty room

The strident sounds of silence echo In a darkened room, a beggar’s tomb Of emptied space and barrenness, a Shameful waste, a bitter sadness. It violates all sense of being strips aside All causal

Rangipo Desert

Whangaehu waters, hot-spilled from the cauldron Of Crater Lake, swirling mud-green from the cup Between Tahurangi and Pyramid Peak, Sulphurous, sibilant among purer daughters Of the snow-line, Plunging eastwards down broken-faced ravines, Boiling between

Seven suits

Seven tailored suits, matching shoes and socks, A brace of muted ties with subtle breast pocket Handkerchiefs descried, you wouldn’t credit how Badly they governed you in days gone by. And the shirts, the

The Logic Of This State

Marking time in pencil strokes across a virgin page And waiting for coincidence of heart-beat and second-hand, Keying to the electronic blips that phase The passing time; visionary states of grace Do not deluge

Forsaken promises

Nothing came to claim my muse, instead I dreamed Of freedoms neatly folded in a treasure chest lying in the debris Of a crater; the best were simple choices, the rest forsaken Promises bombed


The Ekka institution bares us all, though call it Exhibition, Royal Queensland Show, it’s that time of year when you will go in Liberal spirit where the spectacle of fantasies escrow. Gaudy frills and


Congratulations, you’ve succeeded, You’ve acknowledged 60% of you at least Are the incredibly dense and mindless people Needed to make sense of incomprehensible Avoidance strategies on recycling water. You may have missed the point,

Twenty Four Hour Embrace

Awakening In the twenty four hour embrace of a few moments sleep, Where half a lifetime eludes dreams; And feeling you were cheated By too much gin and lack of sleep In these unconsummated

Puissant Morons

Clean your glory glasses, scrub the lenses clean And see the puissant morons stare; Garbed in common guises far from unfamiliar, Guises fair as anyone you know or care, And what they seem is

When I Close My Eyes

When I close my eyes I cannot reconstruct your face But the three-dimensional solidity or you Bursts through the tissues of my skin, Transmogrified by a tactile binary fusion. I have catalogued a lifetime

Remember with affection

They’ll always tell a story those Obscure mementos stacked on Dusty shelves, demure and silent like The other gaudy tributes tacked To walls in floodlit halls and if you Could suppose their lusty origins

Dreams of a lifetime

Ronald Hi Khong Wong is gone, Sadly he deceased The commencement of this week. It wasn’t unexpected. He never contradicted The prediction of his death Although, perhaps, he hoped for time To sort some

It was your first outing

It was your first outing, or more rightly, our first outing With you. We were as proud as new parents could be, Wheeling our son in the crowded Sunday shopping throng, Glancing down again

Men with trivial scars

We wear scars from our youth, trifling things Reflecting those earnings from growing days, Of battles raised and wounds worn in simple Praise of a Spring of early learning’s. I was there when you

Good neighbours

To my shame I’ve been mending fences again… A quaint habit I inherited from my father; He would rather fix a fence than parley Repair, and that it is where our views diverged. He

Other side

The dung was recent, not an event Unusual in itself but difficult to explain Of cows grazing the other side of the fence. Too new to be dismissed without a thought, Disturbing evidence which

Out of The Annexe

It grew out of the Annexe and our Corps in a world at peace While our army trained, magnificent in its heroic pretence, For an implausible war. They were halcyon days In the shelter,

Worthy Places

There were some worthy places where we could escape, Avoid the heavy weight of living in a densely Peopled space; the first was to the outside loo (the only loo but where at least

To let them die peace

There wasn’t room for sympathy, The epicentre moved too rapidly for that And even when we knew the anger Of the dispossessed the storm had passed. It blew into their lives already stressed By

Touched my family

Even from afar came shouts of recognition Joyful voices rang across the years disdained and Faces of our childhood unforgot fit instantly familiar names; Voices still the same despite the extra grey, the extra

Courage is a motherless lamb

For a small child crossing the pen alone was a courageous feat, Occasionally, with a maniacal bleat, the wether would burst from cover And butt whomever graced his yard. He meant it in fun,

When We Were Young

As a child I played in the same frosty fields Barefoot as my no lesser loved classmates, Whom we challenged to show courage in the numbing cold, Then together we held our chilled fingers

Benefit of doubt

It’s a ruling from the field of pain (devoid of antique nave, A judgement process aptly named ‘benefit of doubt’); You’ve encountered it without veneer in waning times Where referees decline to rule on

Uncommon common sense

The other day I listened to a man on the radio Who made uncommon common sense, ‘specially since It was an interview on ABC’s noon talk-back show. He was a Professor, of what I

The Hunt

The hunt begins at a languid pace Belying hysteria building in place, biding its time To menace the peace in an orchard where mayhem’s Scant held on a leash. Abigail Belle’s the first into

Ah, that Murphy girl

Let’s talk about the weather then, Would that help you take your ease? Gossip is so rare from you The noise of falling leaves is louder than Your breathing; if breathing is whatever is

Growing Apart

We knew their names Or thought we did, we knew their faces From an album of places we’d played In a fabulous lifetime of childhood shared. Events of our beginnings declared us united By

It seldom snowed – Part II

It seldom snowed in Camp they said, on the mountains, yes, And in the Styx, aka zone six. That’s where we were afoot In alpine grass, garbed to test our winter skills, Tramp the

Talk to me of love

Talk to me of love with wonder in your eyes, Of limber magic flying through the veiling air And soft-edged silks trailing in a vintage plume, The bloom of fragrant lavender intimate in your

Your Voices Joined Is All It Takes

They came in masted wooden ships across An unindentured sea and cast their lot in ocean Swells to chance at history, and Sovereign power Commanded thus they rot in purgatory. Petty crime or deeds

As much a part

In a slow drawn focus the concrete Blocks that prop up my view of the sky Morph soft and easy like double Brie melting into a shirred close-up shot Of the pores and the

Political nonsense

I was saddened just to hear the bitter rancour In his voice, a sour hostility aloof of commonsense, And ranks who sat in audience held captive to his Ranting must have felt it too.

This House Which Is Lived In

This house which is lived in resounds With the chorus of voices bound in the press Of its generous, unconcealed blessings; Affection is neither distressed nor restrained, Nor caught in the intricate mesh of


But I am not yet dead and yet I rest my head Sweetly on the bare gravestones of great poets, I am not yet dead though I sleep soundly In the graveyards with their

Does the name toll a bell?

Let them declare Jihad then, let them despair that I Will speak the truth as I see it, and where that truth bears Brutally on their lies I will have applied my brand of

The best days of my life

What is it about Bryan Adams and his song ‘Summer of 69’? Why do the lyrics linger? Was it 90° in the shade and the harbinger of the end Of the golden weather, or

The power of the Lake

The power of the Lake lingers still So many years beyond its fascination Ending; it was there in the beginning, An unveiling of towering sensitivities, A flowering of gentle obsession. The town that grew

Partisanship and politics

Were I not a patriot, which of course I am, I would explain Just how the term remains a sticking point within my craw, How it contains a core of prudish mockery, dissembles jingoistic

Pedestrian ambitions

My thoughts are like the boots randomly arrayed In the rack outside the window, some in pairs neatly Stacked, comfortably worn with a relaxed air of Confidence, some scattered in patterns of bizarre Relationships,

Mountains of Delight

The problem was the manner of choice (or whether there was a choice for that matter) As you had taken those options to yourself, Choosing as you had to do, and as it was

No further slice of me

Enduring an inguinal hernia repair can Drive you to despair, it is a monumental Nonsense; in my defence I hadn’t lived Through one before, couldn’t be sure What it meant, should have feared Not

Does your semen smell like camembert?

Does your semen smell like camembert? It’s just A thought I had today at lunch, I must have had The hunch before, perhaps reversed, and then Forgot. It’s not the sort of thought you’d

Strawberries again today

The red berries wreak an awesome spell that some would dread; Others, weak and soulless, must succumb, they treasure with the eyes The plump and soulful fruit, the shape inspires a heady heart that

The same embrace

We talked with family last night, not mine or yours Specifically but ours, the ones we love familiarly. When Little Jake (though not so little now) was heard to say, “Goodbye, I gotta go,”

Moocooboola Dam

For more than a billion years we’ve been Nearly out of water; sincerely, a need repeatedly Exposed in calamitous reports of the tragic-comic sort Glibly cognising a collective ‘we’ as the principle cause And

The Price of Fame

Do I really love you? So let me guess, you’ll think I’m easy prey If I say, okay I do – but it wont get in the way of my impending fame; I will

Cherry bomb

I said goodbye and went to bed to die; I never knew that they had lied – was quite Surprised they didn’t seem to care, I agonised, Refused to cry although in time the

Just wasn't right

You lift the lid in awe, a seat and lid Upon an inside stall where you can go, Quite unlike the outside loo at home, But oh the smell, the hellish smell So rank

The perfect cup

We were born of tea, our mum could drink fourteen Cups a day, an awesome feat to try to rationalise, Beyond belief unless you knew where we had one She would have two. The

We, The Living

We, the living, buried deep in selfish grief Strive to comprehend the passing of your hour, Minds are numbed, aghast and grasping For some sense of revelation, Seeking analgesic succour in our weeping, Searching

No conscience in escape

Should you be allowed sole privilege Of unconscionable martyrdom? This affliction is self-pity brought by suffering As penitent to unrequited lust. Private sexuality has you bound In bonds no-one devised, In silent bondage languishing,

Her gentle hands

She came at night, her gentle hands Defused the ticking bomb that was his brain, She soothed the pain and drew his livid Length inside, she sat astride to weld His broken head with

Terra nullis ignorata

We came to find the place contained In legendary tracts, the hidden land Of fulsome wealth that we had sorely lacked, An empty land of winsome dreams. We found the continent intact with Evidence

We reflect this day on the essence of intimacy

We reflect this day on the essence of intimacy, From its origins in the spring-tide of youth To an afterward secured in distant mist In awe for the reason and to what end it

Days of the slow roll

It was the days of the slow roll, Times when we dextrously dressed Our hand-rolled cigarettes With a dearth of fine-cut tobacco, Teased in frugal strands from A handsomely battered, Always near empty, 2oz

Water Babes

We were water babes, born in the arms of a sparkling brook That patiently took us into its heart. At the very start we Were never far from its shingly banks, playing amid ranks

Where The Creek Used To Run

In ash-fine silt that spread like sand After the flood and before the wild weeds Claimed the old stream bed; Before thistle phalanxes sprang From the dying mud to invest hollows Between abandoned river

I love you in the morning

I love you in the morning and at the setting of the sun And in the hours of darkness before the day’s begun And in my waking solitude to greet the break of dawn

In soothing, sweetened words

No, she said, I never knew it was your first. It doesn’t Matter anyway. I always had an inkling that we’d find A way. And then we did. I’m glad about it just for

The Reason Why I'm Fat

I thought my father was far too fat – eagerly I told him so, If he was offended it didn’t show and I don’t recall Where that strange conversation went. Now I know He

Almost taste the flavour

It was a fat-tyred 4WD utility hard back, The sort of ute you’d expect a contractor To drive, except it was plastered with tacky Stickers, and no genuine subby does that. It snailed down

So Let Us Dare

How do we discover an antidote to each other, A faculty to commune in spiteful space? Our bleeding hearts and noxious farts Tie us in a hopeless chase to free this place Of evil

For Siggy & Bill

I awoke with two poets in my bed, Books I chose from the library, possibly Intent on a swift read while schmoosing For poetic leads. My motives are appallingly Plain, a head bereft of

At Feet Of Dogs

At my feet the lapdogs of desire, I wont greet their fawning, least not yet, Their foul breath would shrink a haemorroid, Perhaps I’ll feed them oats with garlic Instead. I fed their need

Do you know who is thinking of you?

If you start out every day in the same old gloomy way It’s little wonder what other people think of you, but The ones who matter most are the ones who hold you close

Tools for life

Has life ever dumped you in a heap? Perhaps you’ve found self belief so strongly Reinforcing that doubt never enters it, Nor divorces you from your own reality. While I admire conviction I see

The Ease and Charm of You

There’s an infinity of wisdom in your smile that would deny The winsome wit that lies at back of it; and then the droll and Cheeky svénska troll of you which peeps out from

Sweetness Of The Decent Night

They talked to me again today, they spoke in gentle tones And said the things I ought to hear then lead me where The frangipani flowered; they said the heady scent was meant To

Of Such Simplicity

You and me, The proof is there to see, Our lives are held within the spell of great simplicity, We’re free of all the shadows dwelling in the hall, Seen in awe like pretty

Crying to be written

Dawn has reached the ridges to the north and a thin Line of light chased the night west; it is the best Time of day for me – a cup of coffee, Benson &

And you will claim

And you will claim we need more births to keep Our population mix in check while nature’s truths Suggest there are too many of us yet? And you will make the claim with good

The beans were exciting

I tried cooking in my new Quicksilver jacket, just An affectation I assure you – no, not the coat Or the cooking but me in the wearing of it, A form of warped appreciation,

Being old in the game

It was a half-life that seemed like a genuine world Wielding hard symbolism over those who ruled it; we Lived vaguely in teen-easy ambivalence whilst our peers Took their chances in ordered existence, wearing

Before the arthritis set in

It’s Wednesday, September 6th and a birthday, Again, these things arrive tediously on time With wry regularity – and sadly, no sense Of providence or charity. Instead of counting a year less I am

Desires that you can only tame to know

“Zipless sex” one cynic called This festival of fornication, This celebration of new-found sexual strength And urbane honesty, of sex for sex as sex alone And not a public test of latent puberty. These

Don't talk to me of War

Don’t talk to me of War or stalk the ground Our fabled soldiers died upon, I’m sound Of limb and strong of will, my mind as clear As when we learnt those gory lessons

To risk your Liberty

Called The Hon ‘Lizard Gizzard’ with aptness bearing fruit From his septic yellow face to his pinstripe business suit, Famous for avowals starting, “Government Approved, ‘and in relation to’…” delivered deadpan monotone, eyes A

Hoping With Care

We are honored and humble and earnest to share In events which would happen Although we weren’t there, a trifling thing As it were we are sure but amazing The changes it has wrought

Paper towel

She wrapped a paper towel around his softened cock In what he thought was quaint affection, that was new, An after-thought perhaps, refined appreciation? She had never talked a lot in bed just let

Still hear the waves

It was a brave day under an endlessly clear sky That extended forever from our valley To the unfathomably distant sea. It was a day to remember amongst days of Classical splendour and wonderment,

This Window is

This window is confidence, Documenting proceedings, Capturing moments, Cleansing views Challenging sentiment. This window is nourishment Filling the eyes With strong drink, And acidly piercing Over-elaborate structures. This window is furniture Re-hung like a

Morning's Reflections

Were meetings predestined then ours was intended, Great oracles decreed it as fate, and the auguries chattered With sweet benefactors and fêted to chance with a face. We were then both separate and free

Every Time I laugh Aloud (An Ode to Short People)

Every time I laugh aloud, who springs to mind but Johnnie Howard? Cathartic laughter eases stress which Johnnie causes in excess, So when I hum acerbic lines of Randy Newman’s quirky song ‘don’t want

For Harry (My College Room-mate who Died)

He cut his hand and it bled, the flesh Inside was red and the hurt discounted the flood Of red and vibrant blood that pulsed From the wound. But he was a warrior, A

It is an abhorrent thing

It is an abhorrent thing, this incarceration of your vulnerability, Profoundly cruel in the way you were beaten To your knees, blithely unaware it was a battle lost For your health and wellbeing. It

What a weekend

What a weekend, it certainly defied all the pundits’ trends, The ‘World Game’ French were trashed by Versace and petulance, The Wallabies by a graphic haka, while Wimbledon saw the Amazon’s Revenge and Switzerland’s

Beta Blogger Blues

Have you switched to Beta yet? It’s an even bet that if you have You quite regret your impulse To accept the canny invitation. It’s okay, I hear you say, the crew’s A clever

It seldom snowed – Part IV

It seldom snowed they said, Perhaps they’re right Although seldom was never In that endless summer Which tightened a fiery grip by day, Baking the plateau, Relentlessly melting its snow. It began as a

Forever Alight

Were meetings destined then this was one To take a leading place, the oracle decreed it fate In a matrix of moving matter, and the signs all clattered with Chance fêted as a sweet

Shirley of Serendipity

Where were you Shirley of the Sanguine Lake? Where did you disappear? The echoes of your empty house Were almost stilled yet held to soar the scheming rough And quaver in a hollow fear.

Out of ideas

If I don’t write something good tonight I will sleep Without the comforting Canopus of deep believers, If I sleep at all, and this light which ignites My enormous poetic conceit and guides my

Lake Otamangakau

I The roaring of Te Whaiau intake weir Intrudes as sleep eludes again To soar across the lake On white-tipped, swan-wide wings. A defiant wild cat’s call, a tuneless howl That crashes through these

None is spared your handsome smile

The mystery of a smile that glows within your eyes And is framed in an innocent countenance Passes not unheeded. Those transient’s hallway smiles and greetings offered through your door Are slyly seeking kisses

The Last Unicorn

The last unicorn was never free To chose another ending, The plaintive melody entrained With sweet orchestral strains Describing it was sundered in A soured rendition of Our heaven’s harsh dominion. We were never

A monument in words

And so I had a glaring revelation, I couldn’t find the poet in the man although I read his life composed by writers true disposed To tell it with veracity. They built a monument

Cappuccino smile

Ah, the aromas of that conversation, The brimming, cappuccino smile Swirled in chocolate rich and cinnamoned, The gentle coffee curlicues interlaced In arabesques of creamy foam, redolent Upon your lips, lilted in the cup

Joys of the chase

Colours fade into nameless shades of grey And where the tonsure of bas-relief crudely Stands effete, semantic symbolism degrades Into meaninglessness. The artefacts of an old Existence deny you humanity but you don’t Recognise

If democratically elected

What is it with Hezbollah Representing barely 15% Of the Lebanese Parliament Living outside the government Immersed in an undeclared war, Sympathetic to Hamas and Al Fatah for The return of Palestinian refugees, Whose

Piscine kind of kinship

To glibly say that Joe was sort of odd Quite missed the point. Peculiar in many Ways and kind of weird, I would have Been afraid of him were I a child (if I

It is a secular world

Our Indonesian friends again exhibit strains of gross hypocrisy, It’s a virus that abounds in the islands of a thousand tongues, Is skipping hosts, mutating at a scary pace, infectious to the Very worst

Love stopped before it began

It would have been love, I am sure of it, And I held her hand torn between concern and pride Whilst she cried and cried on her first day at school. We walked to

My enemy my friend

My enemy my friend Whom I know without compromise, When I listened to the Deconstructions avowed of you As your brand of pernicious Lies I was ashamed. I know where you situate In matters

Time to play

It is a pristine page, clean on the blue screen Where I compose, I don’t expect it to stay that way As words glow from blunt, abused fingers, as insistent Sounds in my head

For you secular needs

Somebody please explain, can you help Me understand; I’ve watched the weather Radar creep its colours on the screen And watched out of the window for the band Of welcome rain. One tells me

Bretton Wood

It happened by Bretton Wood (although that Wasn’t it’s real name) and I recall a clear, grey dawn And the tall sky fallow with torpid clouds; We went on before to watch how they

Share of obligation

If the debate rages in the pages of the news today Then I’m confused, I’ve searched and found no evidence. Perhaps the anger of some residents about a Catholic school That’s due to close

On The Death of a Father

I was schooled well before he died, able at least To feel what others felt when their fathers Were deceased. Able but not willing And not without despair to glimpse the man Who’d hide

Steve's tears

My beloved called to me to come and see Steve’s Tears, he was crying on TV; Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Man, And they weren’t crocodile tears. Harriet had died, Steve could not contain his

A final journeying

Steve is gone, I hardly can believe The man wont cry again, I cannot credit that His energy wont bloom And burst the candid pane That kept us so aware of just How much

Free from intrusion

You awaken this time with a welcoming smile, an experience Sublime, not a dream – the boner from Hell Has presented itself like a prospect of fate, and reasoned Debate be damned, you’ll argue

A Crystalline Awakening

A crystalline awakening on the plateau, The crisp air as brittle as new celery Snaps with expectancy. The cold clings like a blanket Mantled across the rigid landscape, Muting stark shapes in antiseptic folds

I'll have to change my mind

I’ll have to change my mind on war, I need to take a break From structured thought; there’s more to peace – it dictates A longer oar to keep the calm than takes to

Haircut today

I am having a haircut today, it is not A complex event requiring excellent Foresight, careful planning or indecent Logistical arrangement; not to my way Of thinking. It does, however, dictate Great diplomacy and

Camping in a kitchen

To say we’ve done it all before is not to bend The truth and though we’ve lost our youth The vision of the bright contemporary kitchen Draws us on, sustaining us beyond our strength.


The manic fires flared again today, very much the same irrational urges Blazing from the open grate, urgent fervours that belittle and berate, Ardours that depict a gross mistake and derisively debate Hereditary intelligence.

Fountain of your rise

Michelle, the thought of you confused or under siege Bereaves us; you, the cheerful heart who waged a Silent war for lost, egregious souls whose thanks Deserted you should never be constrained, should never

Simple pleasures that you bring

Do you mind if I write a few lines for you tonight? I’m fuelled for sure, perhaps a bit ebullient, (now there’s a rhyme that will be hard to find A word to suit!)


Why can’t I keep out of harm’s way? Am I so preoccupied, simultaneously looking ahead, Concurrently looking behind; concerned to avoid What I’ll fail to heed and blunder on into calamity? I lurch with

Thought it was America

Is there anything which isn’t made in China? The answer is… of course there is, the question Was rhetorical, a crude attempt to palliate China’s late renaissance; eighty years ago you’d say That nothing

After the rain

Resurgent greens and stronger hues Combined within the colours in-between Will spring again, the reddish brown Has nearly gone and all the silver Greys erased in darker shades That shine with slickly natured stains

No way of going back

It was my life in fast review, initially at double speed Until I learned which functions scrolled the images On screen. I could pause, freeze frame advance, Endlessly replay and alter sound although the

Something to shout about

Captain AJ Shout, VC, MC, MID (& bar), who died at Gallipoli Of wounds and was posthumously awarded the VC, A rare and prestigious award for most conspicuous bravery, Could say, even in dying,

Frogmouth biker

The biker was a menace on the farm, a madman bent On speed, intent on leaving all for dead (it was fortunate He never left the shed). This biker was a frogmouth owl, A

Thank you Ambrose

Thank you Ambrose for the kitchen door ajar, A sign your friendship never closed on me, an amity extended From afar although it was a distant glow I didn’t really know. Thank you Ambrose

What does it take?

Is the current rate of global warming A serious and cogent warning? Do we need to think about the fact That higher tides will drown Pacific island states Within a year or two, or

On your birthday, today

On your birthday, today, there is time to reflect On the essence of our intimacy, From a beginning in the spring-tide of youth To an afterward secured in the distant mist, And for what

Colours in lamplight

Colours in lamplight are previews, Scarcely eschewed as wave-length turbulence Tuned to closeness and friendship. Colours in firelight are skin-warmed Glowings, harbouring contentment, Revealing intuitive insight. Colours in moonlight are barely shown Shy smiles

To keep the ambience alive

When you thanked me for the day I felt ashamed, I couldn’t say it wasn’t much because it was for you, I had enjoyed it too although it was another day Like any other

Jack's Legacy

The critic gushed and said, “Just like Jack, So raw, I never thought to see another writer just Like Kerouac!” Kerouac, who the fuck is he? A writer? Christ, that’s a laugh, compare me

Dead thoughts of corpses

The symbols that we use are T shirts of the dead Thoughts of corpses without heads, a rictus Without sound – open-mouthed, empty, unbound. And if you ever write those clichés which incite My

Carbonara eyes

Nicky said I couldn’t write, she’s got a charming Sense of social etiquette – given she’s a bitch (the canine sort, can’t spell for shit or even write A word) but then she has

Dreams of better days

At break of day we rested, the contest of our wills Declined to wrest the peace away and where The foreign powers held sway a quiet was in abundance; A ghostly calm entranced the

The Waipakihi

Access Road Fifteen they named it This anonymous road to the Waipakihi Where its brawling water becomes Tongariro. A moment’s journey across a horizon Anchored in haze-ridden Taupomoana Distanced, but jewelled in my thoughts.

Lethargy of leaden wings

I hadn’t had the ‘flu in ages, avoided all those awful places Fraught of gritty eyes and splitting heads, patrons ringed In lethargy of leaden wings, deafened by the roaring chills And still-life flushes,

Ready to step into life

This morning, coffee in hand, standing at the kitchen Window thinking of things that need to be done I contemplated the post with a lean at the front gate Which I should right one

A few kind words

A few kind words, what can be bought with that? In essence just a clique of tidy prose, A verb, a noun, perhaps an adjectival phrase Offered in the form of venal praise –

The last excuse

What is left now that we’ve used the last excuse, What is left to justify excess. The rhetoric at best Was very thin when things began, but to suggest We must remain and play

Tickets to the game

I asked my Dad about the War when I was very young, He said it happened a long, long time ago And a long, long way away, he seemed a little vague On the

Olmecs rule

The news is out, down Veracruz they found the evidence, Olmecs had the written word 400 years before Sumerians. A Chinese claim predates all that, but let it rest. Examine what it means to

Blame Katrina, or Larry

You may have heard a dumb-ass claim that Katrina, a hurricane, is to blame for current Stress upon our fiscal state, that petrol prices Ate their share but be aware of what the lack

Absorbed in familiar rhythms

Absorbed in familiar rhythms, Carillon of senses steeped In good vibrations, surrounded By musical beat Pulsing potently In avidly articulated veins, Moving heated blood Faultlessly, delivering its purity Into a reservoir of deep power,