The same embrace
We talked with family last night, not mine or yours
Specifically but ours, the ones we love familiarly. When
Little Jake (though not so little now) was heard to say,
“Goodbye, I gotta go,” it was like our hearts were breaking;
He’ll always be our baby too – as each of you are perfect
Children of our spirit-making, each of you are keenly sought
And brought to mind and claimed within the same embrace.
We could hear the families depart, the handsome faces animate,
Alive with energy and radiating charm, the banter racing at a frantic
Pace. We could surmise the subtle smiles on parents’ faces, smiles
Disguised in patient parents’ graces checked and balanced,
Saintly satisfaction chaste with forbearance ushered to the fore,
The conversations at the door, the knowing though
You’re going you’ll soon be seeing all again.
For now we’re happy just to share our son with you and know
He too enjoys the same embrace within the arms of family,
We will endeavour to return the freedom of our hearts to you
Whenever chance permits – perhaps a trip, a journey to rejoin
Our roots, or maybe you can ferret out your skirts and suits, discard
Your rubber boots and join us here. We have a thing we want
To share, a Peachester wedding at Easter in the coming year.

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