Dream Song 97: Henry of Donnybrook bred like a pig

Henry of Donnybrook bred like a pig,
Bred when he was brittle, bred when big,
How he’s sweating to support them.
Which birthday of the brighter darker man,
The Goya of the Globe & Blackfriars, whom—
Our full earth smiled on him

Squeezing his old heart with a daughter loose
(hostages they áre)—the world’s produced,
So far, alarms, alarms.
Fancy the chill & fatigue four hundred years
Award a warm one. All we know is ears.
My slab lifts up its arms

In a solicitude entire, too late.
Of brutal revelry gap your mouth to state:
Front back & backside go bare!
Cats’ blackness, booze, blows, grunts, grand groans.
Yo-bad yõm i-oowaled bo v’ha’l lail awmer h’re gawber!
€”Now, now, poor Bones.

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Dream Song 97: Henry of Donnybrook bred like a pig