Dream Song 53: He lay in the middle of the world, and twicht

He lay in the middle of the world, and twicht.
More Sparine for Pelides,
Human (half) & down here as he is,
With probably insulting mail to open
And certainly unworthy words to hear
And his unforgiving memory.

€”I seldom go to films. They are too exciting,
Said the Honourable Possum.
€”It takes me so long to read the ‘paper,
Said to me one day a novelist hot as a firecracker,
Because I have to identify myself with everyone in it,
Including the corpses, pal.’

Kierkegaard wanted a society, to refuse to read ‘papers,
And that was not, friends, his worst idea.
Tiny Hardy, toward the end, refused to say anything,
A programme adopted early on by long Housman,
And Gottfried Benn
Said:—We are using our own skins for wallpaper and we cannot win.

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Dream Song 53: He lay in the middle of the world, and twicht