Dream Song 131: Come touch me baby in his waking dream

Come touch me baby in his waking dream
Disordered Henry murmured. I’ll read you Hegel
And that will hurt your mind
I can’t remember when you were unkind
But I will clear that block, I’ll set you on fire
Along with our babies

To save them up the high & ruined stairs,
My growing daughters. I am insane, I think,
They say & act so.
But then they let me out, and I must save them,
High fires will help, at this time, in my affairs.
I am insane, I know

And many of my close friends were half-sane
I see the rorschach for the dead on its way
Prop them up!
Trade us a lesson, pour me down a sink
I swear I’ll love her always, like a drink
Let pass from me this cup

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Dream Song 131: Come touch me baby in his waking dream