Dream Song 64: Supreme my holdings, greater yet my need

Supreme my holdings, greater yet my need,
Thoughtless I go out. Dawn. Have I my cig’s,
My flaskie O,
O crystal cock, —my kneel has gone to seed, —
And anybody’s blessing? (Blast the MIGs
For making funble so

My tardy readying.) Yes, utter’ that.
Anybody’s blessing? —Mr Bones,
You makes too much
I might be ‘fording you a hat:
It gonna rain. —I knew a one of groans
& greed & spite, of a crutch,

Who thought he had, a vile night, been-well-blest.
He see someone run off. Why not Henry,
With his grasp of desire?
€”Hear matters hard to manage at de best,
Mr Bones. Tween what we see, what be,
Is blinds. Them blinds’ on fire.

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Dream Song 64: Supreme my holdings, greater yet my need