Home ⇒ 📌John Berryman ⇒ Dream Song 44: Tell it to the forest fire, tell it to the moon
Dream Song 44: Tell it to the forest fire, tell it to the moon
Tell it to the forest fire, tell it to the moon,
Mention it in general to the moon
On the way down,
He’s about to have his lady, permanent;
And this is the worst of all came ever sent
Writhing Henry’s way.
Ha ha, fifth column, quisling, genocide,
He held his hands & laught from side to side
A loverly time.
The berries & the rods left him alone less.
Thro’ a race of water once I went: happiness.
I’ll walk into the sky.
There the great flare & stench, O flying creatures,
Surely will dim-dim? Bars will be closed.
No girl will again
Conceive above your throes. A fine thunder peals
Will with its friends and soon, from agony
Put the fire out.

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