Home ⇒ 📌Anne Sexton ⇒ The Author Of The Jesus Papers Speaks
The Author Of The Jesus Papers Speaks
In my dream
I milked a cow,
The terrible udder
Like a great rubber lily
Sweated in my fingers
And as I yanked,
Waiting for the moon juice,
Waiting for the white mother,
Blood spurted from it
And covered me with shame.
Then God spoke to me and said:
People say only good things about Christmas.
If they want to say something bad,
They whisper.
So I went to the well and drew a baby
Out of the hollow water.
Then God spoke to me and said:
Here. Take this gingerbread lady
And put her in your oven.
When the cow gives blood
And the Christ is born
We must all eat sacrifices.
We must all eat beautiful women.

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