What a weekend
What a weekend, it certainly defied all the pundits’ trends,
The ‘World Game’ French were trashed by Versace and petulance,
The Wallabies by a graphic haka, while Wimbledon saw the Amazon’s
Revenge and Switzerland’s answer was Roger Federer in eminence.
It is now good news that the Socceroos are an ascending star,
How far they can go is anyone’s guess but the best is yet (if Harry
Kewell, Mark Viduca, Lucas Neill and the rest manage to resurrect
Themselves for the next stoush) to come. We’ll put our money in
Our mouths that they’ll command more respect the next time round,
Our only fear is that FIFA again will fall on their faces and the disgraces
They appoint as referees uniquely decide who wins or loses a game
Without the players necessarily needing to be in attendance.
That was the shame of the weekend,
It really defined the trend…

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