“There’s something in your face, Michael, I’ve seen it all the day;
There’s something quare that wasn’t there when first ye wint away. . . .”
“It’s just the Army life, mother, the drill, the left and right,
That puts the stiffinin’ in yer spine and locks yer jaw up tight. . . .”
“There’s something in your eyes, Michael, an’ how they stare and stare
You’re lookin’ at me now, me boy, as if I wasn’t there. . . .”
“It’s just the things I’ve seen, mother, the sights that come and come,
A bit o’ broken, bloody pulp that used to be a chum. . . .”
“There’s something on your heart, Michael, that makes ye wake at night,
And often when I hear ye moan, I trimble in me fright. . . .”
“It’s just a man I killed, mother, a mother’s son like me;
It seems he’s
“But maybe he was bad, Michael, maybe it was right
To kill the inimy you hate in fair and honest fight. . . .”
“I did not hate at all, mother; he never did me harm;
I think he was a lad like me, who worked upon a farm. . . .”
“And what’s it all about, Michael; why did you have to go,
A quiet, peaceful lad like you, and we were happy so? . . .”
“It’s thim that’s up above, mother, it’s thim that sits an’ rules;
We’ve got to fight the wars they make, it’s us as are the fools. . . .”
“And what will be the end, Michael, and what’s the use, I say,
Of fightin’ if whoever wins it’s us that’s got to pay? . . .”
“Oh, it will be the end, mother, when lads like
him and me,That sweat to feed the ones above, decide that we’ll be free. . . .”
“And when will that day come, Michael, and when will fightin’ cease,
And simple folks may till their soil and live and love in peace? . . .”
“It’s coming soon and soon, mother, it’s nearer every day,
When only men who work and sweat will have a word to say;
When all who earn their honest bread in every land and soil
Will claim the Brotherhood of Man, the Comradeship of Toil;
When we, the Workers, all demand: ‘What are we fighting for?’ . . .
Then, then we’ll end that stupid crime, that devil’s madness War.”

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