Emily Dickinson

Who Giants know, with lesser Men

Who Giants know, with lesser Men Are incomplete, and shy For Greatness, that is ill at ease In minor Company A Smaller, could not be perturbed The Summer Gnat displays Unconscious that his single

Summer begins to have the look

Summer begins to have the look Peruser of enchanting Book Reluctantly but sure perceives A gain upon the backward leaves Autumn begins to be inferred By millinery of the cloud Or deeper color in

The event was directly behind Him

The event was directly behind Him Yet He did not guess Fitted itself to Himself like a Robe Relished His ignorance. Motioned itself to drill Loaded and Levelled And let His Flesh Centuries from

To hear an Oriole sing

To hear an Oriole sing May be a common thing Or only a divine. It is not of the Bird Who sings the same, unheard, As unto Crowd The Fashion of the Ear Attireth

He fumbles at your Soul

He fumbles at your Soul As Players at the Keys Before they drop full Music on He stuns you by degrees Prepares your brittle Nature For the Ethereal Blow By fainter Hammers further heard

When Diamonds are a Legend

When Diamonds are a Legend, And Diadems a Tale I Brooch and Earrings for Myself, Do sow, and Raise for sale And tho’ I’m scarce accounted, My Art, a Summer Day had Patrons Once

You're right "the way is narrow&quot

You’re right “the way is narrow” And “difficult the Gate” And “few there be” Correct again That “enter in thereat” ‘Tis Costly So are purples! ‘Tis just the price of Breath With but the

I think just how my shape will rise

I think just how my shape will rise When I shall be “forgiven” Till Hair and Eyes and timid Head Are out of sight in Heaven I think just how my lips will weigh

The Bird must sing to earn the Crumb

The Bird must sing to earn the Crumb What merit have the Tune No Breakfast if it guaranty The Rose content may bloom To gain renown of Lady’s Drawer But if the Lady come

It makes no difference abroad

It makes no difference abroad The Seasons fit the same The Mornings blossom into Noons And split their Pods of Flame Wild flowers kindle in the Woods The Brooks slam all the Day No

God permits industrious Angels

God permits industrious Angels Afternoons to play I met one forgot my Schoolmates All for Him straightway God calls home the Angels promptly At the Setting Sun I missed mine how dreary Marbles After

The Court is far away

The Court is far away No Umpire have I My Sovereign is offended To gain his grace I’d die! I’ll seek his royal feet I’ll say Remember King Thou shalt thyself one day a

Of Tribulation, these are They

Of Tribulation, these are They, Denoted by the White The Spangled Gowns, a lesser Rank Of Victors designate All these did conquer But the ones who overcame most times Wear nothing commoner than Snow

The Soul selects her own Society

The Soul selects her own Society Then shuts the Door To her divine Majority Present no more Unmoved she notes the Chariots pausing At her low Gate Unmoved an Emperor be kneeling Upon her

Her "last Poems&quot

Her “last Poems” Poets ended Silver perished with her Tongue Not on Record bubbled other, Flute or Woman So divine Not unto its Summer Morning Robin uttered Half the Tune Gushed too free for

The Road was lit with Moon and star

The Road was lit with Moon and star The Trees were bright and still Descried I by the distant Light A Traveller on a Hill To magic Perpendiculars Ascending, though Terrene Unknown his shimmering

The grave my little cottage is

The grave my little cottage is, Where “Keeping house” for thee I make my parlor orderly And lay the marble tea. For two divided, briefly, A cycle, it may be, Till everlasting life unite

Summer has two Beginnings

Summer has two Beginnings Beginning once in June Beginning in October Affectingly again Without, perhaps, the Riot But graphicker for Grace As finer is a going Than a remaining Face Departing then forever Forever

Exhilaration is the Breeze

Exhilaration is the Breeze That lifts us from the Ground And leaves us in another place Whose statement is not found Returns us not, but after time We soberly descend A little newer for

As if some little Arctic flower

As if some little Arctic flower Upon the polar hem Went wandering down the Latitudes Until it puzzled came To continents of summer To firmaments of sun To strange, bright crowds of flowers And

The feet of people walking home

The feet of people walking home With gayer sandals go The Crocus til she rises The Vassal of the snow The lips at Hallelujah Long years of practise bore Til bye and bye these

No Life can pompless pass away

No Life can pompless pass away The lowliest career To the same Pageant wends its way As that exalted here How cordial is the mystery! The hospitable Pall A “this way” beckons spaciously A

To own the Art within the Soul

To own the Art within the Soul The Soul to entertain With Silence as a Company And Festival maintain Is an unfurnished Circumstance Possession is to One As an Estate perpetual Or a reduceless

Promise This When You be Dying

Promise This When You be Dying Some shall summon Me Mine belong Your latest Sighing Mine to Belt Your Eye Not with Coins though they be Minted From an Emperor’s Hand Be my lips

Of nearness to her sundered Things

Of nearness to her sundered Things The Soul has special times When Dimness looks the Oddity Distinctness easy seems The Shapes we buried, dwell about, Familiar, in the Rooms Untarnished by the Sepulchre, The

Me prove it now Whoever doubt

Me prove it now Whoever doubt Me stop to prove it now Make haste the Scruple! Death be scant For Opportunity The River reaches to my feet As yet My Heart be dry Oh

I was a Phoebe nothing more

I was a Phoebe nothing more A Phoebe nothing less The little note that others dropt I fitted into place I dwelt too low that any seek Too shy, that any blame A Phoebe

I could die to know

I could die to know ‘Tis a trifling knowledge News-Boys salute the Door Carts joggle by Morning’s bold face stares in the window Were but mine the Charter of the least Fly Houses hunch

She rose to His Requirement dropt

She rose to His Requirement dropt The Playthings of Her Life To take the honorable Work Of Woman, and of Wife If ought She missed in Her new Day, Of Amplitude, or Awe Or

To pile like Thunder to its close

To pile like Thunder to its close Then crumble grand away While Everything created hid This would be Poetry Or Love the two coeval come We both and neither prove Experience either and consume

What we see we know somewhat

What we see we know somewhat Be it but a little What we don’t surmise we do Though it shows so fickle I shall vote for Lands with Locks Granted I can pick ’em

A Drop Fell on the Apple Tree

A Drop Fell on the Apple Tree Another on the Roof A Half a Dozen kissed the Eaves And made the Gables laugh A few went out to help the Brook That went to

Nature the Gentlest Mother is

Nature the Gentlest Mother is, Impatient of no Child The feeblest or the waywardest Her Admonition mild In Forest and the Hill By Traveller be heard Restraining Rampant Squirrel Or too impetuous Bird How

These are the Signs to Nature's Inns

These are the Signs to Nature’s Inns Her invitation broad To Whosoever famishing To taste her mystic Bread These are the rites of Nature’s House The Hospitality That opens with an equal width To

He ate and drank the precious Words

He ate and drank the precious Words His Spirit grew robust He knew no more that he was poor, Nor that his frame was Dust He danced along the dingy Days And this Bequest

A first Mute Coming

A first Mute Coming In the Stranger’s House A first fair Going When the Bells rejoice A first Exchange of What hath mingled been For Lot exhibited to Faith alone

The Outer from the Inner

The Outer from the Inner Derives its Magnitude ‘Tis Duke, or Dwarf, according As is the Central Mood The fine unvarying Axis That regulates the Wheel Though Spokes spin more conspicuous And fling a

To flee from memory

To flee from memory Had we the Wings Many would fly Inured to slower things Birds with surprise Would scan the cowering Van Of men escaping From the mind of man

The Moon upon her fluent Route

The Moon upon her fluent Route Defiant of a Road The Star’s Etruscan Argument Substantiate a God If Aims impel these Astral Ones The ones allowed to know Know that which makes them as

Of all the Souls that stand create

Of all the Souls that stand create I have elected One When Sense from Spirit files away And Subterfuge is done When that which is and that which was Apart intrinsic stand And this

To earn it by disdaining it

To earn it by disdaining it Is Fame’s consummate Fee He loves what spurns him Look behind He is pursuing thee. So let us gather every Day The Aggregate of Life’s Bouquet Be Honor

The going from a world we know

The going from a world we know To one a wonder still Is like the child’s adversity Whose vista is a hill, Behind the hill is sorcery And everything unknown, But will the secret

These held their Wick above the West

These held their Wick above the West Till when the Red declined Or how the Amber aided it Defied to be defined Then waned without disparagement In a dissembling Hue That would not let

Because that you are going

Because that you are going And never coming back And I, however absolute, May overlook your Track Because that Death is final, However first it be, This instant be suspended Above Mortality Significance that

Denial is the only fact

Denial is the only fact Perceived by the Denied Whose Will a numb significance The Day the Heaven died And all the Earth strove common round Without Delight, or Beam What Comfort was it

The Trees like Tassels hit and swung

The Trees like Tassels hit and swung There seemed to rise a Tune From Miniature Creatures Accompanying the Sun Far Psalteries of Summer Enamoring the Ear They never yet did satisfy Remotest when most

The Sun just touched the Morning

The Sun just touched the Morning The Morning Happy thing Supposed that He had come to dwell And Life would all be Spring! She felt herself supremer A Raised Ethereal Thing! Henceforth for Her

Mine by the Right of the White Election!

Mine by the Right of the White Election! Mine by the Royal Seal! Mine by the Sign in the Scarlet prison Bars cannot conceal! Mine here in Vision and in Veto! Mine by the

This Chasm, Sweet, upon my life

This Chasm, Sweet, upon my life I mention it to you, When Sunrise through a fissure drop The Day must follow too. If we demur, its gaping sides Disclose as ’twere a Tomb Ourself

What care the Dead, for Chanticleer

What care the Dead, for Chanticleer What care the Dead for Day? ‘Tis late your Sunrise vex their face And Purple Ribaldry of Morning Pour as blank on them As on the Tier of

'Tis Anguish grander than Delight

‘Tis Anguish grander than Delight ‘Tis Resurrection Pain The meeting Bands of smitten Face We questioned to, again. ‘Tis Transport wild as thrills the Graves When Cerements let go And Creatures clad in Miracle

Not in this World to see his face

Not in this World to see his face Sounds long until I read the place Where this is said to be But just the Primer to a life Unopened rare Upon the Shelf Clasped

One Anguish in a Crowd

One Anguish in a Crowd A Minor thing it sounds And yet, unto the single Doe Attempted of the Hounds ‘Tis Terror as consummate As Legions of Alarm Did leap, full flanked, upon the

Let Us play Yesterday

Let Us play Yesterday I the Girl at school You and Eternity the Untold Tale Easing my famine At my Lexicon Logarithm had I for Drink ‘Twas a dry Wine Somewhat different must be

The smouldering embers blush

The smouldering embers blush Oh Hearts within the Coal Hast thou survived so many years? The smouldering embers smile Soft stirs the news of Light The stolid seconds glow One requisite has Fire that

We like a Hairbreadth 'scape

We like a Hairbreadth ‘scape It tingles in the Mind Far after Act or Accident Like paragraphs of Wind If we had ventured less The Breeze were not so fine That reaches to our

In lands I never saw they say

In lands I never saw they say Immortal Alps look down Whose Bonnets touch the firmament Whose Sandals touch the town Meek at whose everlasting feet A Myriad Daisy play Which, Sir, are you

I had no Cause to be awake

I had no Cause to be awake My Best was gone to sleep And Morn a new politeness took And failed to wake them up But called the others clear And passed their Curtains

How the old Mountains drip with Sunset

How the old Mountains drip with Sunset How the Hemlocks burn How the Dun Brake is draped in Cinder By the Wizard Sun How the old Steeples hand the Scarlet Till the Ball is

Like Brooms of Steel

Like Brooms of Steel The Snow and Wind Had swept the Winter Street The House was hooked The Sun sent out Faint Deputies of Heat Where rode the Bird The Silence tied His ample

The Blunder is in estimate

The Blunder is in estimate. Eternity is there We say, as of a Station Meanwhile he is so near He joins me in my Ramble Divides abode with me No Friend have I that

Kill your Balm and its Odors bless you

Kill your Balm and its Odors bless you Bare your Jessamine to the storm And she will fling her maddest perfume Haply your Summer night to Charm Stab the Bird that built in your

I measure every Grief I meet

I measure every Grief I meet With narrow, probing, Eyes I wonder if It weighs like Mine Or has an Easier size. I wonder if They bore it long Or did it just begin

A Prison gets to be a friend

A Prison gets to be a friend Between its Ponderous face And Ours a Kinsmanship express And in its narrow Eyes We come to look with gratitude For the appointed Beam It deal us

Who were "the Father and the Son&quot

Who were “the Father and the Son” We pondered when a child, And what had they to do with us And when portentous told With inference appalling By Childhood fortified We thought, at least

Before the ice is in the pools

Before the ice is in the pools Before the skaters go, Or any check at nightfall Is tarnished by the snow Before the fields have finished, Before the Christmas tree, Wonder upon wonder Will

The Wind tapped like a tired Man

The Wind tapped like a tired Man And like a Host “Come in” I boldly answered entered then My Residence within A Rapid footless Guest To offer whom a Chair Were as impossible as

"Sic transit gloria mundi&quot

“Sic transit gloria mundi,” “How doth the busy bee,” “Dum vivimus vivamus,” I stay mine enemy! Oh “veni, vidi, vici!” Oh caput cap-a-pie! And oh “memento mori” When I am far from thee! Hurrah

Severer Service of myself

Severer Service of myself I hastened to demand To fill the awful Vacuum Your life had left behind I worried Nature with my Wheels When Hers had ceased to run When she had put

The look of thee, what is it like

The look of thee, what is it like Hast thou a hand or Foot Or Mansion of Identity And what is thy Pursuit? Thy fellows are they realms or Themes Hast thou Delight or

Not any more to be lacked

Not any more to be lacked Not any more to be known Denizen of Significance For a span so worn Even Nature herself Has forgot it is there Sedulous of her Multitudes Notwithstanding Despair

I cautious, scanned my little life

I cautious, scanned my little life I winnowed what would fade From what would last till Heads like mine Should be a-dreaming laid. I put the latter in a Barn The former, blew away.

I gained it so

I gained it so By Climbing slow By Catching at the Twigs that grow Between the Bliss and me It hung so high As well the Sky Attempt by Strategy I said I gained

When One has given up One's life

When One has given up One’s life The parting with the rest Feels easy, as when Day lets go Entirely the West The Peaks, that lingered last Remain in Her regret As scarcely as

The Mountains grow unnoticed

The Mountains grow unnoticed Their Purple figures rise Without attempt Exhaustion Assistance or Applause In Their Eternal Faces The Sun with just delight Looks long and last and golden For fellowship at night

Because I could not stop for Death

Because I could not stop for Death He kindly stopped for me The Carriage held but just Ourselves And Immortality. We slowly drove, he knew no haste And I had put away My labor

One Year ago jots what?

One Year ago jots what? God spell the word! I can’t Was’t Grace? Not that Was’t Glory? That will do Spell slower Glory Such Anniversary shall be

My God He sees thee

My God He sees thee Shine thy best Fling up thy Balls of Gold Till every Cubit play with thee And every Crescent hold Elate the Acre at his feet Upon his Atom swim

The Sun and Moon must make their haste

The Sun and Moon must make their haste The Stars express around For in the Zones of Paradise The Lord alone is burned His Eye, it is the East and West The North and

I reckon when I count it all

I reckon when I count it all First Poets Then the Sun Then Summer Then the Heaven of God And then the List is done But, looking back the First so seems To Comprehend

Pain expands the Time

Pain expands the Time Ages coil within The minute Circumference Of a single Brain Pain contracts the Time Occupied with Shot Gamuts of Eternities Are as they were not

Safe in their Alabaster Chambers

Safe in their Alabaster Chambers Untouched my Morning And untouched by Noon Sleep the meek members of the Resurrection Rafter of satin, And Roof of stone. Light laughs the breeze In her Castle above

I reason, Earth is short

I reason, Earth is short And Anguish absolute And many hurt, But, what of that? I reason, we could die The best Vitality Cannot excel Decay, But, what of that? I reason, that in

Away from Home are some and I

Away from Home are some and I An Emigrant to be In a Metropolis of Homes Is easy, possibly The Habit of a Foreign Sky We difficult acquire As Children, who remain in Face

To die takes just a little while

To die takes just a little while They say it doesn’t hurt It’s only fainter by degrees And then it’s out of sight A darker Ribbon for a Day A Crape upon the Hat

One Sister have I in our house

One Sister have I in our house, And one, a hedge away. There’s only one recorded, But both belong to me. One came the road that I came And wore my last year’s gown

Behind Me dips Eternity

Behind Me dips Eternity Before Me Immortality Myself the Term between Death but the Drift of Eastern Gray, Dissolving into Dawn away, Before the West begin ‘Tis Kingdoms afterward they say In perfect pauseless

This is a Blossom of the Brain

This is a Blossom of the Brain A small italic Seed Lodged by Design or Happening The Spirit fructified Shy as the Wind of his Chambers Swift as a Freshet’s Tongue So of the

Except the smaller size

Except the smaller size No lives are round These hurry to a sphere And show and end The larger slower grow And later hang The Summers of Hesperides Are long.

Ah, Moon and Star!

Ah, Moon and Star! You are very far But were no one Farther than you Do you think I’d stop For a Firmament Or a Cubit or so? I could borrow a Bonnet Of

There's something quieter than sleep

There’s something quieter than sleep Within this inner room! It wears a sprig upon its breast And will not tell its name. Some touch it, and some kiss it Some chafe its idle hand

It's all I have to bring today

It’s all I have to bring today This, and my heart beside This, and my heart, and all the fields And all the meadows wide Be sure you count should I forget Some one

As plan for Noon and plan for Night

As plan for Noon and plan for Night So differ Life and Death In positive Prospective The Foot upon the Earth At Distance, and Achievement, strains, The Foot upon the Grave Makes effort at

While it is alive

While it is alive Until Death touches it While it and I lap one Air Dwell in one Blood Under one Sacrament Show me Division can split or pare Love is like Life merely

All overgrown by cunning moss

All overgrown by cunning moss, All interspersed with weed, The little cage of “Currer Bell” In quiet “Haworth” laid. Gathered from many wanderings Gethsemane can tell Thro’ what transporting anguish She reached the Asphodel!

Over the fence

Over the fence Strawberries grow Over the fence I could climb if I tried, I know Berries are nice! But if I stained my Apron God would certainly scold! Oh, dear, I guess if

Her little Parasol to lift

Her little Parasol to lift And once to let it down Her whole Responsibility To imitate be Mine. A Summer further I must wear, Content if Nature’s Drawer Present me from sepulchral Crease As

The Bobolink is gone

The Bobolink is gone The Rowdy of the Meadow And no one swaggers now but me The Presbyterian Birds Can now resume the Meeting He boldly interrupted that overflowing Day When supplicating mercy In

You said that I "was Great" one Day

You said that I “was Great” one Day Then “Great” it be if that please Thee Or Small or any size at all Nay I’m the size suit Thee Tall like the Stag would

Could Hope inspect her Basis

Could Hope inspect her Basis Her Craft were done Has a fictitious Charter Or it has none Balked in the vastest instance But to renew Felled by but one assassin Prosperity

The Day that I was crowned

The Day that I was crowned Was like the other Days Until the Coronation came And then ’twas Otherwise As Carbon in the Coal And Carbon in the Gem Are One and yet the

Who abdicated Ambush

Who abdicated Ambush And went the way of Dusk, And now against his subtle Name There stands an Asterisk As confident of him as we Impregnable we are The whole of Immortality Secreted in

Unit, like Death, for Whom?

Unit, like Death, for Whom? True, like the Tomb, Who tells no secret Told to Him The Grave is strict Tickets admit Just two the Bearer And the Borne And seat just One The

I shall not murmur if at last

I shall not murmur if at last The ones I loved below Permission have to understand For what I shunned them so Divulging it would rest my Heart But it would ravage theirs Why,

The Devil had he fidelity

The Devil had he fidelity Would be the best friend Because he has ability But Devils cannot mend Perfidy is the virtue That would but he resign The Devil without question Were thoroughly divine

What Inn is this

What Inn is this Where for the night Peculiar Traveller comes? Who is the Landlord? Where the maids? Behold, what curious rooms! No ruddy fires on the hearth No brimming Tankards flow Necromancer! Landlord!

I heard, as if I had no Ear

I heard, as if I had no Ear Until a Vital Word Came all the way from Life to me And then I knew I heard. I saw, as if my Eye were on

Endow the Living with the Tears

Endow the Living with the Tears You squander on the Dead, And They were Men and Women now, Around Your Fireside Instead of Passive Creatures, Denied the Cherishing Till They the Cherishing deny With

'Twas a long Parting but the time

‘Twas a long Parting but the time For Interview had Come Before the Judgment Seat of God The last and second time These Fleshless Lovers met A Heaven in a Gaze A Heaven of

The Bee is not afraid of me

The Bee is not afraid of me. I know the Butterfly. The pretty people in the Woods Receive me cordially The Brooks laugh louder when I come The Breezes madder play; Wherefore mine eye

She could not live upon the Past

She could not live upon the Past The Present did not know her And so she sought this sweet at last And nature gently owned her The mother that has not a knell For

The Butterfly's Assumption Gown

The Butterfly’s Assumption Gown In Chrysoprase Apartments hung This afternoon put on How condescending to descend And be of Buttercups the friend In a New England Town

I took one Draught of Life

I took one Draught of Life I’ll tell you what I paid Precisely an existence The market price, they said. They weighed me, Dust by Dust They balanced Film with Film, Then handed me

Death is potential to that Man

Death is potential to that Man Who dies and to his friend Beyond that unconspicuous To Anyone but God Of these Two God remembers The longest for the friend Is integral and therefore Itself

The Bat is dun, with wrinkled Wings

The Bat is dun, with wrinkled Wings Like fallow Article And not a song pervade his Lips Or none perceptible. His small Umbrella quaintly halved Describing in the Air An Arc alike inscrutable Elate

The Crickets sang

The Crickets sang And set the Sun And Workmen finished one by one Their Seam the Day upon. The low Grass loaded with the Dew The Twilight stood, as Strangers do With Hat in

I think to Live may be a Bliss

I think to Live may be a Bliss To those who dare to try Beyond my limit to conceive My lip to testify I think the Heart I former wore Could widen till to

The Clover's simple Fame

The Clover’s simple Fame Remembered of the Cow Is better than enameled Realms Of notability. Renown perceives itself And that degrades the Flower The Daisy that has looked behind Has compromised its power

I'll tell you how the Sun rose

I’ll tell you how the Sun rose A Ribbon at a time The Steeples swam in Amethyst The news, like Squirrels, ran The Hills untied their Bonnets The Bobolinks begun Then I said softly

Distrustful of the Gentian

Distrustful of the Gentian And just to turn away, The fluttering of her fringes Child my perfidy Weary for my I will singing go I shall not feel the sleet then I shall not

A chilly Peace infests the Grass

A chilly Peace infests the Grass The Sun respectful lies Not any Trance of industry These shadows scrutinize Whose Allies go no more astray For service or for Glee But all mankind deliver here

There comes an hour when begging stops

There comes an hour when begging stops, When the long interceding lips Perceive their prayer is vain. “Thou shalt not” is a kinder sword Than from a disappointing God “Disciple, call again.”

Nature sometimes sears a Sapling

Nature sometimes sears a Sapling Sometimes scalps a Tree Her Green People recollect it When they do not die Fainter Leaves to Further Seasons Dumbly testify We who have the Souls Die oftener Not

The Savior must have been

The Savior must have been A docile Gentleman To come so far so cold a Day For little Fellowmen The Road to Bethlehem Since He and I were Boys Was leveled, but for that

You love the Lord you cannot see

You love the Lord you cannot see You write Him every day A little note when you awake And further in the Day. An Ample Letter How you miss And would delight to see

The Bird her punctual music brings

The Bird her punctual music brings And lays it in its place Its place is in the Human Heart And in the Heavenly Grace What respite from her thrilling toil Did Beauty ever take

I had some things that I called mine

I had some things that I called mine And God, that he called his, Till, recently a rival Claim Disturbed these amities. The property, my garden, Which having sown with care, He claims the

Summer we all have seen

Summer we all have seen A few of us believed A few the more aspiring Unquestionably loved But Summer does not care She goes her spacious way As eligible as the moon To our

Soul, Wilt thou toss again?

Soul, Wilt thou toss again? By just such a hazard Hundreds have lost indeed But tens have won an all Angel’s breathless ballot Lingers to record thee Imps in eager Caucus Raffle for my

We do not know the time we lose

We do not know the time we lose The awful moment is And takes its fundamental place Among the certainties A firm appearance still inflates The card the chance the friend The spectre of

For Death or rather

For Death or rather For the Things ‘twould buy This put away Life’s Opportunity The Things that Death will buy Are Room Escape from Circumstances And a Name With Gifts of Life How Death’s

Conferring with myself

Conferring with myself My stranger disappeared Though first upon a berry fat Miraculously fared How paltry looked my cares My practise how absurd Superfluous my whole career Beside this travelling Bird

He forgot and I remembered

He forgot and I remembered ‘Twas an everyday affair Long ago as Christ and Peter “Warmed them” at the “Temple fire.” “Thou wert with him” quoth “the Damsel”? “No” said Peter, ’twasn’t me Jesus

You'll know Her by Her Foot

You’ll know Her by Her Foot The smallest Gamboge Hand With Fingers where the Toes should be Would more affront the Sand Than this Quaint Creature’s Boot Adjusted by a Stern Without a Button

You cannot make Remembrance grow

You cannot make Remembrance grow When it has lost its Root The tightening the Soil around And setting it upright Deceives perhaps the Universe But not retrieves the Plant Real Memory, like Cedar Feet

I watcher her face to see which way

I watcher her face to see which way She took the awful news Whether she died before she heard Or in protracted bruise Remained a few slow years with us Each heavier than the

Oh Shadow on the Grass

Oh Shadow on the Grass, Art thou a Step or not? Go make thee fair my Candidate My nominated Heart Oh Shadow on the Grass While I delay to guess Some other thou wilt

The inundation of the Spring

The inundation of the Spring Enlarges every soul It sweeps the tenement away But leaves the Water whole In which the soul at first estranged Seeks faintly for its shore But acclimated pines no

My nosegays are for Captives

My nosegays are for Captives Dim expectant eyes, Fingers denied the plucking, Patient till Paradise. To such, if they should whisper Of morning and the moor, They bear no other errand, And I, no

It would never be Common more I said

It would never be Common more I said Difference had begun Many a bitterness had been But that old sort was done Or if it sometime showed as ’twill Upon the Downiest Morn Such

That is solemn we have ended

That is solemn we have ended Be it but a Play Or a Glee among the Garret Or a Holiday Or a leaving Home, or later, Parting with a World We have understood for

Bring me the sunset in a cup

Bring me the sunset in a cup, Reckon the morning’s flagons up And say how many Dew, Tell me how far the morning leaps Tell me what time the weaver sleeps Who spun the

My Triumph lasted till the Drums

My Triumph lasted till the Drums Had left the Dead alone And then I dropped my Victory And chastened stole along To where the finished Faces Conclusion turned on me And then I hated

A feather from the Whippoorwill

A feather from the Whippoorwill That everlasting sings! Whose galleries are Sunrise Whose Opera the Springs Whose Emerald Nest the Ages spin Of mellow murmuring thread Whose Beryl Egg, what Schoolboys hunt In “Recess”

The Soul's distinct connection

The Soul’s distinct connection With immortality Is best disclosed by Danger Or quick Calamity As Lightning on a Landscape Exhibits Sheets of Place Not yet suspected but for Flash And Click and Suddenness.

We like March

We like March. His Shoes are Purple He is new and high Makes he Mud for Dog and Peddler. Makes he Forests dry. Knows the Adder Tongue his coming And presents her Spot Stands

My Worthiness is all my Doubt

My Worthiness is all my Doubt His Merit all my fear Contrasting which, my quality Do lowlier appear Lest I should insufficient prove For His beloved Need The Chiefest Apprehension Upon my thronging Mind

The Dandelion's pallid tube

The Dandelion’s pallid tube Astonishes the Grass, And Winter instantly becomes An infinite Alas The tube uplifts a signal Bud And then a shouting Flower, The Proclamation of the Suns That sepulture is o’er.

Sang from the Heart, Sire

Sang from the Heart, Sire, Dipped my Beak in it, If the Tune drip too much Have a tint too Red Pardon the Cochineal Suffer the Vermillion Death is the Wealth Of the Poorest

Patience has a quiet Outer

Patience has a quiet Outer Patience Look within Is an Insect’s futile forces Infinites between ‘Scaping one against the other Fruitlesser to fling Patience is the Smile’s exertion Through the quivering

Low at my problem bending

Low at my problem bending, Another problem comes Larger than mine Serener Involving statelier sums. I check my busy pencil, My figures file away. Wherefore, my baffled fingers They perplexity?

We pray to Heaven

We pray to Heaven We prate of Heaven Relate when Neighbors die At what o’clock to heaven they fled Who saw them Wherefore fly? Is Heaven a Place a Sky a Tree? Location’s narrow

Quite empty, quite at rest

Quite empty, quite at rest, The Robin locks her Nest, and tries her Wings. She does not know a Route But puts her Craft about For rumored Springs She does not ask for Noon

Trudging to Eden, looking backward

Trudging to Eden, looking backward, I met Somebody’s little Boy Asked him his name He lisped me “Trotwood” Lady, did He belong to thee? Would it comfort to know I met him And that

Upon Concluded Lives

Upon Concluded Lives There’s nothing cooler falls Than Life’s sweet Calculations The mixing Bells and Palls Make Lacerating Tune To Ears the Dying Side ‘Tis Coronal and Funeral Saluting in the Road

'Twas warm at first like Us

‘Twas warm at first like Us Until there crept upon A Chill like frost upon a Glass Till all the scene be gone. The Forehead copied Stone The Fingers grew too cold To ache

To my quick ear the Leaves conferred

To my quick ear the Leaves conferred The Bushes they were Bells I could not find a Privacy From Nature’s sentinels In Cave if I presumed to hide The Walls begun to tell Creation

The Moon was but a Chin of Gold

The Moon was but a Chin of Gold A Night or two ago And now she turns Her perfect Face Upon the World below Her Forehead is of Amplest Blonde Her Cheek a Beryl

I went to thank Her

I went to thank Her But She Slept Her Bed a funneled Stone With Nosegays at the Head and Foot That Travellers had thrown Who went to thank Her But She Slept ‘Twas Short

The Products of my Farm are these

The Products of my Farm are these Sufficient for my Own And here and there a Benefit Unto a Neighbor’s Bin. With Us, ’tis Harvest all the Year For when the Frosts begin We

The World feels Dusty

The World feels Dusty When We stop to Die We want the Dew then Honors taste dry Flags vex a Dying face But the least Fan Stirred by a friend’s Hand Cools like the

I never told the buried gold

I never told the buried gold Upon the hill that lies I saw the sun his plunder done Crouch low to guard his prize. He stood as near As stood you here A pace

More Life went out when He went

More Life went out when He went Than Ordinary Breath Lit with a finer Phosphor Requiring in the Quench A Power of Renowned Cold, The Climate of the Grave A Temperature just adequate So

The Loneliness One dare not sound

The Loneliness One dare not sound And would as soon surmise As in its Grave go plumbing To ascertain the size The Loneliness whose worst alarm Is lest itself should see And perish from

I made slow Riches but my Gain

I made slow Riches but my Gain Was steady as the Sun And every Night, it numbered more Than the preceding One All Days, I did not earn the same But my perceiveless Gain

I envy Seas, whereon He rides

I envy Seas, whereon He rides I envy Spokes of Wheels Of Chariots, that Him convey I envy Crooked Hills That gaze upon His journey How easy All can see What is forbidden utterly

Perhaps you think me stooping

Perhaps you think me stooping I’m not ashamed of that Christ stooped until He touched the Grave Do those at Sacrament Commemorative Dishonor Or love annealed of love Until it bend as low as

From Us She wandered now a Year

From Us She wandered now a Year, Her tarrying, unknown, If Wilderness prevent her feet Or that Ethereal Zone No eye hath seen and lived We ignorant must be We only know what time

I would not paint a picture

I would not paint a picture I’d rather be the One Its bright impossibility To dwell delicious on And wonder how the fingers feel Whose rare celestial stir Evokes so sweet a Torment Such

'Tis Opposites entice

‘Tis Opposites entice Deformed Men ponder Grace Bright fires the Blanketless The Lost Day’s face The Blind esteem it be Enough Estate to see The Captive strangles new For deeming Beggars play To lack

For every Bird a Nest

For every Bird a Nest Wherefore in timid quest Some little Wren goes seeking round Wherefore when boughs are free Households in every tree Pilgrim be found? Perhaps a home too high Ah Aristocracy!

To the bright east she flies

To the bright east she flies, Brothers of Paradise Remit her home, Without a change of wings, Or Love’s convenient things, Enticed to come. Fashioning what she is, Fathoming what she was, We deem

These saw Visions

These saw Visions Latch them softly These held Dimples Smooth them slow This addressed departing accents Quick Sweet Mouth to miss thee so This We stroked Unnumbered Satin These we held among our own

I saw no Way The Heavens were stitched

I saw no Way The Heavens were stitched I felt the Columns close The Earth reversed her Hemispheres I touched the Universe And back it slid and I alone A Speck upon a Ball

Extol thee could I? Then I will

Extol thee could I? Then I will By saying nothing new But just the truest truth That thou art heavenly. Perceiving thee is evidence That we are of the sky Partaking thee a guaranty

This is my letter to the World

This is my letter to the World That never wrote to Me The simple News that Nature told With tender Majesty Her Message is committed To Hands I cannot see For love of Her

An Antiquated Tree

An Antiquated Tree Is cherished of the Crow Because that Junior Foliage is disrespectful now To venerable Birds Whose Corporation Coat Would decorate Oblivion’s Remotest Consulate.

"Was not" was all the Statement

“Was not” was all the Statement. The Unpretension stuns Perhaps the Comprehension They wore no Lexicons But lest our Speculation In inanition die Because “God took him” mention That was Philology

Facts by our side are never sudden

Facts by our side are never sudden Until they look around And then they scare us like a spectre Protruding from the Ground The height of our portentous Neighbor We never know Till summoned

A Bee his burnished Carriage

A Bee his burnished Carriage Drove boldly to a Rose Combinedly alighting Himself his Carriage was The Rose received his visit With frank tranquillity Withholding not a Crescent To his Cupidity Their Moment consummated

The Robin is the One

The Robin is the One That interrupt the Morn With hurried few express Reports When March is scarcely on The Robin is the One That overflow the Noon With her cherubic quantity An April

Dying! Dying in the night!

Dying! Dying in the night! Won’t somebody bring the light So I can see which way to go Into the everlasting snow? And “Jesus”! Where is Jesus gone? They said that Jesus always came

It's coming the postponeless Creature

It’s coming the postponeless Creature It gains the Block and now it gains the Door Chooses its latch, from all the other fastenings Enters with a “You know Me Sir”? Simple Salute and certain

After a hundred years

After a hundred years Nobody knows the Place Agony that enacted there Motionless as Peace Weeds triumphant ranged Strangers strolled and spelled At the lone Orthography Of the Elder Dead Winds of Summer Fields

He put the Belt around my life

He put the Belt around my life I heard the Buckle snap And turned away, imperial, My Lifetime folding up Deliberate, as a Duke would do A Kingdom’s Title Deed Henceforth, a Dedicated sort

The Beggar Lad dies early

The Beggar Lad dies early It’s Somewhat in the Cold And Somewhat in the Trudging feet And haply, in the World The Cruel smiling bowing World That took its Cambric Way Nor heard the

Fairer through Fading as the Day

Fairer through Fading as the Day Into the Darkness dips away Half Her Complexion of the Sun Hindering Haunting Perishing Rallies Her Glow, like a dying Friend Teasing with glittering Amend Only to aggravate

As Sleigh Bells seem in summer

As Sleigh Bells seem in summer Or Bees, at Christmas show So fairy so fictitious The individuals do Repealed from observation A Party that we knew More distant in an instant Than Dawn in

As imperceptibly as Grief

As imperceptibly as Grief The Summer lapsed away Too imperceptible at last To seem like Perfidy A Quietness distilled As Twilight long begun, Or Nature spending with herself Sequestered Afternoon The Dusk drew earlier

Through lane it lay through bramble

Through lane it lay through bramble Through clearing and through wood Banditti often passed us Upon the lonely road. The wolf came peering curious The owl looked puzzled down The serpent’s satin figure Glid

Escape is such a thankful Word

Escape is such a thankful Word I often in the Night Consider it unto myself No spectacle in sight Escape it is the Basket In which the Heart is caught When down some awful

Twice had Summer her fair Verdure

Twice had Summer her fair Verdure Proffered to the Plain Twice a Winter’s silver Fracture On the Rivers been Two full Autumns for the Squirrel Bounteous prepared Nature, Had’st thou not a Berry For

He was my host he was my guest

He was my host he was my guest, I never to this day If I invited him could tell, Or he invited me. So infinite our intercourse So intimate, indeed, Analysis as capsule seemed

From Blank to Blank

From Blank to Blank A Threadless Way I pushed Mechanic feet To stop or perish or advance Alike indifferent If end I gained It ends beyond Indefinite disclosed I shut my eyes and groped

Knock with tremor

Knock with tremor These are Caesars Should they be at Home Flee as if you trod unthinking On the Foot of Doom These receded to accostal Centuries ago Should they rend you with “How

The Frost of Death was on the Pane

The Frost of Death was on the Pane “Secure your Flower” said he. Like Sailors fighting with a Leak We fought Mortality. Our passive Flower we held to Sea To Mountain To the Sun

The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants

The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants At Evening, it is not At Morning, in a Truffled Hut It stop upon a Spot As if it tarried always And yet its whole Career Is

The Child's faith is new

The Child’s faith is new Whole like His Principle Wide like the Sunrise On fresh Eyes Never had a Doubt Laughs at a Scruple Believes all sham But Paradise Credits the World Deems His

I tie my Hat I crease my Shawl

I tie my Hat I crease my Shawl Life’s little duties do precisely As the very least Were infinite to me I put new Blossoms in the Glass And throw the old away I

No Bobolink reverse His Singing

No Bobolink reverse His Singing When the only Tree Ever He minded occupying By the Farmer be Clove to the Root His Spacious Future Best Horizon gone Whose Music be His Only Anodyne Brave

The Opening and the Close

The Opening and the Close Of Being, are alike Or differ, if they do, As Bloom upon a Stalk. That from an equal Seed Unto an equal Bud Go parallel, perfected In that they

My friend must be a Bird

My friend must be a Bird Because it flies! Mortal, my friend must be, Because it dies! Barbs has it, like a Bee! Ah, curious friend! Thou puzzlest me!

A solemn thing it was I said

A solemn thing it was I said A woman white to be And wear if God should count me fit Her blameless mystery A hallowed thing to drop a life Into the purple well

I lived on Dread

I lived on Dread To Those who know The Stimulus there is In Danger Other impetus Is numb and Vitalless As ’twere a Spur upon the Soul A Fear will urge it where To

An altered look about the hills

An altered look about the hills A Tyrian light the village fills A wider sunrise in the morn A deeper twilight on the lawn A print of a vermillion foot A purple finger on

Inconceivably solemn!

Inconceivably solemn! Things go gay Pierce by the very Press Of Imagery Their far Parades order on the eye With a mute Pomp A pleading Pageantry Flags, are a brave sight But no true

I prayed, at first, a little Girl

I prayed, at first, a little Girl, Because they told me to But stopped, when qualified to guess How prayer would feel to me If I believed God looked around, Each time my Childish

The Province of the Saved

The Province of the Saved Should be the Art To save Through Skill obtained in Themselves The Science of the Grave No Man can understand But He that hath endured The Dissolution in Himself

Truth is as old as God

Truth is as old as God His Twin identity And will endure as long as He A Co-Eternity And perish on the Day Himself is borne away From Mansion of the Universe A lifeless

The Fact that Earth is Heaven

The Fact that Earth is Heaven Whether Heaven is Heaven or not If not an Affidavit Of that specific Spot Not only must confirm us That it is not for us But that it

The Notice that is called the Spring

The Notice that is called the Spring Is but a month from here Put up my Heart thy Hoary work And take a Rosy Chair. Not any House the Flowers keep The Birds enamor

If anybody's friend be dead

If anybody’s friend be dead It’s sharpest of the theme The thinking how they walked alive At such and such a time Their costume, of a Sunday, Some manner of the Hair A prank

A Toad, can die of Light

A Toad, can die of Light Death is the Common Right Of Toads and Men Of Earl and Midge The privilege Why swagger, then? The Gnat’s supremacy is large as Thine Life is a

The Lamp burns sure within

The Lamp burns sure within Tho’ Serfs supply the Oil It matters not the busy Wick At her phosphoric toil! The Slave forgets to fill The Lamp burns golden on Unconscious that the oil

I watched the Moon around the House

I watched the Moon around the House Until upon a Pane She stopped a Traveller’s privilege for Rest And there upon I gazed as at a stranger The Lady in the Town Doth think

We miss a Kinsman more

We miss a Kinsman more When warranted to see Than when withheld of Oceans From possibility A Furlong than a League Inflicts a pricklier pain, Till We, who smiled at Pyrenees Of Parishes, complain.

Whose cheek is this?

Whose cheek is this? What rosy face Has lost a blush today? I found her “pleiad” in the woods And bore her safe away. Robins, in the tradition Did cover such with leaves, But

Which is the best the Moon or the Crescent?

Which is the best the Moon or the Crescent? Neither said the Moon That is best which is not Achieve it You efface the Sheen. Not of detention is Fruition Shudder to attain. Transport’s

I'm ceded I've stopped being Theirs

I’m ceded I’ve stopped being Theirs The name They dropped upon my face With water, in the country church Is finished using, now, And They can put it with my Dolls, My childhood, and

The morns are meeker than they were

The morns are meeker than they were The nuts are getting brown The berry’s cheek is plumper The Rose is out of town. The Maple wears a gayer scarf The field a scarlet gown

The Wind begun to rock the Grass

The Wind begun to rock the Grass With threatening Tunes and low He threw a Menace at the Earth A Menace at the Sky. The Leaves unhooked themselves from Trees And started all abroad

Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights

Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights With plain inspecting face “Did you” or “Did you not,” to ask ‘Tis “Conscience” Childhood’s Nurse With Martial Hand she strokes the Hair Upon my wincing Head

How noteless Men, and Pleiads, stand

How noteless Men, and Pleiads, stand, Until a sudden sky Reveals the fact that One is rapt Forever from the Eye Members of the Invisible, Existing, while we stare, In Leagueless Opportunity, O’ertakenless, as

Myself can read the Telegrams

Myself can read the Telegrams A Letter chief to me The Stock’s advance and Retrograde And what the Markets say The Weather how the Rains In Counties have begun. ‘Tis News as null as

I lost a World the other day!

I lost a World the other day! Has Anybody found? You’ll know it by the Row of Stars Around its forehead bound. A Rich man might not notice it Yet to my frugal Eye,

A soft Sea washed around the House

A soft Sea washed around the House A Sea of Summer Air And rose and fell the magic Planks That sailed without a care For Captain was the Butterfly For Helmsman was the Bee

Mute thy Coronation

Mute thy Coronation Meek my Vive le roi, Fold a tiny courtier In thine Ermine, Sir, There to rest revering Till the pageant by, I can murmur broken, Master, It was I

What mystery pervades a well!

What mystery pervades a well! That water lives so far A neighbor from another world Residing in a jar Whose limit none have ever seen, But just his lid of glass Like looking every

When I count the seeds

When I count the seeds That are sown beneath, To bloom so, bye and bye When I con the people Lain so low, To be received as high When I believe the garden Mortal

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, And Mourners to and fro Kept treading treading till it seemed That Sense was breaking through And when they all were seated, A Service, like a Drum

Removed from Accident of Loss

Removed from Accident of Loss By Accident of Gain Befalling not my simple Days Myself had just to earn Of Riches as unconscious As is the Brown Malay Of Pearls in Eastern Waters, Marked

Before I got my eye put out

Before I got my eye put out I liked as well to see As other Creatures, that have Eyes And know no other way But were it told to me Today That I might

Which is best? Heaven

Which is best? Heaven Or only Heaven to come With that old Codicil of Doubt? I cannot help esteem The “Bird within the Hand” Superior to the one The “Bush” may yield me Or

The power to be true to You

The power to be true to You, Until upon my face The Judgment push his Picture Presumptuous of Your Place Of This Could Man deprive Me Himself the Heaven excel Whose invitation Yours reduced

I took my power in my hand

I took my power in my hand And went AGAINST the world ‘Twas not so much as David had But I was twice as bold I aimed by pebble, but myself Was ALL the

Consulting summer's clock

Consulting summer’s clock, But half the hours remain. I ascertain it with a shock I shall not look again. The second half of joy Is shorter than the first. The truth I do not

You see I cannot see your lifetime

You see I cannot see your lifetime I must guess How many times it ache for me today Confess How many times for my far sake The brave eyes film But I guess guessing

High from the earth I heard a bird

High from the earth I heard a bird, He trod upon the trees As he esteemed them trifles, And then he spied a breeze, And situated softly Upon a pile of wind Which in

The harm of Years is on him

The harm of Years is on him The infamy of Time Depose him like a Fashion And give Dominion room. Forget his Morning Forces The Glory of Decay Is a minuter Pageant Than least

Bees are Black, with Gilt Surcingles

Bees are Black, with Gilt Surcingles Buccaneers of Buzz. Ride abroad in ostentation And subsist on Fuzz. Fuzz ordained not Fuzz contingent Marrows of the Hill. Jugs a Universe’s fracture Could not jar or

I have a King, who does not speak

I have a King, who does not speak So wondering thro’ the hours meek I trudge the day away Half glad when it is night, and sleep, If, haply, thro’ a dream, to peep

More than the Grave is closed to me

More than the Grave is closed to me The Grave and that Eternity To which the Grave adheres I cling to nowhere till I fall The Crash of nothing, yet of all How similar

It's easy to invent a Life

It’s easy to invent a Life God does it every Day Creation but the Gambol Of His Authority It’s easy to efface it The thrifty Deity Could scarce afford Eternity To Spontaneity The Perished

One Crucifixion is recorded only

One Crucifixion is recorded only How many be Is not affirmed of Mathematics Or History One Calvary exhibited to Stranger As many be As persons or Peninsulas Gethsemane Is but a Province in the

I saw that the Flake was on it

I saw that the Flake was on it But plotted with Time to dispute “Unchanged” I urged with a candor That cost me my honest Heart But “you” she returned with valor Sagacious of

My Wars are laid away in Books

My Wars are laid away in Books I have one Battle more A Foe whom I have never seen But oft has scanned me o’er And hesitated me between And others at my side,

Teach Him When He makes the names

Teach Him When He makes the names Such an one to say On his babbling Berry lips As should sound to me Were my Ear as near his nest As my thought today As

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant Success in Circuit lies Too bright for our infirm Delight The Truth’s superb surprise As Lightning to the Children eased With explanation kind The Truth must

All forgot for recollecting

All forgot for recollecting Just a paltry One All forsook, for just a Stranger’s New Accompanying Grace of Wealth, and Grace of Station Less accounted than An unknown Esteem possessing Estimate Who can Home

Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord

Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord, Then, I am ready to go! Just a look at the Horses Rapid! That will do! Put me in on the firmest side So I shall

There is a Shame of Nobleness

There is a Shame of Nobleness Confronting Sudden Pelf A finer Shame of Ecstasy Convicted of Itself A best Disgrace a Brave Man feels Acknowledged of the Brave One More “Ye Blessed” to be

A little East of Jordan

A little East of Jordan, Evangelists record, A Gymnast and an Angel Did wrestle long and hard Till morning touching mountain And Jacob, waxing strong, The Angel begged permission To Breakfast to return Not

No Notice gave She, but a Change

No Notice gave She, but a Change No Message, but a Sigh For Whom, the Time did not suffice That She should specify. She was not warm, though Summer shone Nor scrupulous of cold

Exultation is the going

Exultation is the going Of an inland soul to sea, Past the houses past the headlands Into deep Eternity Bred as we, among the mountains, Can the sailor understand The divine intoxication Of the

The Heart has narrow Banks

The Heart has narrow Banks It measures like the Sea In mighty unremitting Bass And Blue Monotony Till Hurricane bisect And as itself discerns Its insufficient Area The Heart convulsive learns That Calm is

The Days that we can spare

The Days that we can spare Are those a Function die Or Friend or Nature stranded then In our Economy Our Estimates a Scheme Our Ultimates a Sham We let go all of Time

Bloom is Result to meet a Flower

Bloom is Result to meet a Flower And casually glance Would scarcely cause one to suspect The minor Circumstance Assisting in the Bright Affair So intricately done Then offered as a Butterfly To the

The Body grows without

The Body grows without The more convenient way That if the Spirit like to hide Its Temple stands, alway, Ajar secure inviting It never did betray The Soul that asked its shelter In solemn

She laid her docile Crescent down

She laid her docile Crescent down And this confiding Stone Still states to Dates that have forgot The News that she is gone So constant to its stolid trust, The Shaft that never knew

The Fingers of the Light

The Fingers of the Light Tapped soft upon the Town With “I am great and cannot wait So therefore let me in.” “You’re soon,” the Town replied, “My Faces are asleep But swear, and

The Road to Paradise is plain

The Road to Paradise is plain, And holds scarce one. Not that it is not firm But we presume A Dimpled Road Is more preferred. The Belles of Paradise are few Not me nor

If I should cease to bring a Rose

If I should cease to bring a Rose Upon a festal day, ‘Twill be because beyond the Rose I have been called away If I should cease to take the names My buds commemorate

Its Hour with itself

Its Hour with itself The Spirit never shows. What Terror would enthrall the Street Could Countenance disclose The Subterranean Freight The Cellars of the Soul Thank God the loudest Place he made Is license

If I could bribe them by a Rose

If I could bribe them by a Rose I’d bring them every flower that grows From Amherst to Cashmere! I would not stop for night, or storm Or frost, or death, or anyone My

The One who could repeat the Summer day

The One who could repeat the Summer day Were greater than itself though He Minutest of Mankind should be And He could reproduce the Sun At period of going down The Lingering and the

If all the griefs I am to have

If all the griefs I am to have Would only come today, I am so happy I believe They’d laugh and run away. If all the joys I am to have Would only come

Savior! I've no one else to tell

Savior! I’ve no one else to tell And so I trouble thee. I am the one forgot thee so Dost thou remember me? Nor, for myself, I came so far That were the little

What tenements of clover

What tenements of clover Are fitting for the bee, What edifices azure For butterflies and me What residences nimble Arise and evanesce Without a rhythmic rumor Or an assaulting guess.

Two swimmers wrestled on the spar

Two swimmers wrestled on the spar Until the morning sun When One turned smiling to the land Oh God! the Other One! The stray ships passing Spied a face Upon the waters borne With

A Solemn thing within the Soul

A Solemn thing within the Soul To feel itself get ripe And golden hang while farther up The Maker’s Ladders stop And in the Orchard far below You hear a Being drop A Wonderful

How know it from a Summer's Day?

How know it from a Summer’s Day? Its Fervors are as firm And nothing in the Countenance But scintillates the same Yet Birds examine it and flee And Vans without a name Inspect the

A Cap of Lead across the sky

A Cap of Lead across the sky Was tight and surly drawn We could not find the mighty Face The Figure was withdrawn A Chill came up as from a shaft Our noon became

Rearrange a "Wife's" affection!

Rearrange a “Wife’s” affection! When they dislocate my Brain! Amputate my freckled Bosom! Make me bearded like a man! Blush, my spirit, in thy Fastness Blush, my unacknowledged clay Seven years of troth have

The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves

The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves Her unintending Eyes Took her own Heart, including ours, By innocent Surprise The wrestle in her simple Throat To hold the feeling down That vanquished her defeated

When I was small, a Woman died

When I was small, a Woman died Today her Only Boy Went up from the Potomac His face all Victory To look at her How slowly The Seasons must have turned Till Bullets clipt

When they come back if Blossoms do

When they come back if Blossoms do I always feel a doubt If Blossoms can be born again When once the Art is out When they begin, if Robins may, I always had a

The Moon is distant from the Sea

The Moon is distant from the Sea And yet, with Amber Hands She leads Him docile as a Boy Along appointed Sands He never misses a Degree Obedient to Her Eye He comes just

One of the ones that Midas touched

One of the ones that Midas touched Who failed to touch us all Was that confiding Prodigal The reeling Oriole So drunk he disavows it With badinage divine So dazzling we mistake him For

She sped as Petals of a Rose

She sped as Petals of a Rose Offended by the Wind A frail Aristocrat of Time Indemnity to find Leaving on nature a Default As Cricket or as Bee But Andes in the Bosoms

Bereavement in their death to feel

Bereavement in their death to feel Whom We have never seen A Vital Kinsmanship import Our Soul and theirs between For Stranger Strangers do not mourn There be Immortal friends Whom Death see first

If those I loved were lost

If those I loved were lost The Crier’s voice would tell me If those I loved were found The bells of Ghent would ring Did those I loved repose The Daisy would impel me.

Summer is shorter than any one

Summer is shorter than any one Life is shorter than Summer Seventy Years is spent as quick As an only Dollar Sorrow now is polite and stays See how well we spurn him Equally

A House upon the Height

A House upon the Height That Wagon never reached No Dead, were ever carried down No Peddler’s Cart approached Whose Chimney never smoked Whose Windows Night and Morn Caught Sunrise first and Sunset last

Bless God, he went as soldiers

Bless God, he went as soldiers, His musket on his breast Grant God, he charge the bravest Of all the martial blest! Please God, might I behold him In epauletted white I should not

Of the Heart that goes in, and closes the Door

Of the Heart that goes in, and closes the Door Shall the Playfellow Heart complain Though the Ring is unwhole, and the Company broke Can never be fitted again?

On this long storm the Rainbow rose

On this long storm the Rainbow rose On this late Morn the Sun The clouds like listless Elephants Horizons straggled down The Birds rose smiling, in their nests The gales indeed were done Alas,

Musicians wrestle everywhere

Musicians wrestle everywhere All day among the crowded air I hear the silver strife And walking long before the morn Such transport breaks upon the town I think it that “New Life”! If is

I fear a Man of frugal Speech

I fear a Man of frugal Speech I fear a Silent Man Haranguer I can overtake Or Babbler entertain But He who weigheth While the Rest Expend their furthest pound Of this Man I

He parts Himself like Leaves

He parts Himself like Leaves And then He closes up Then stands upon the Bonnet Of Any Buttercup And then He runs against And oversets a Rose And then does Nothing Then away upon

Wild Nights Wild Nights!

Wild Nights Wild Nights! Were I with thee Wild Nights should be Our luxury! Futile the Winds To a Heart in port Done with the Compass Done with the Chart! Rowing in Eden Ah,

If I shouldn't be alive

If I shouldn’t be alive When the Robins come, Give the one in Red Cravat, A Memorial crumb. If I couldn’t thank you, Being fast asleep, You will know I’m trying Why my Granite

Heart, not so heavy as mine

Heart, not so heavy as mine Wending late home As it passed my window Whistled itself a tune A careless snatch a ballad A ditty of the street Yet to my irritated Ear An

I know of people in the Grave

I know of people in the Grave Who would be very glad To know the news I know tonight If they the chance had had. ‘Tis this expands the least event And swells the

I have never seen "Volcanoes&quot

I have never seen “Volcanoes” But, when Travellers tell How those old phlegmatic mountains Usually so still Bear within appalling Ordnance, Fire, and smoke, and gun, Taking Villages for breakfast, And appalling Men If

'Tis not that Dying hurts us so

‘Tis not that Dying hurts us so ‘Tis Living hurts us more But Dying is a different way A Kind behind the Door The Southern Custom of the Bird That ere the Frosts are

Somewhere upon the general Earth

Somewhere upon the general Earth Itself exist Today The Magic passive but extant That consecrated me Indifferent Seasons doubtless play Where I for right to be Would pay each Atom that I am But

Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat?

Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat? Then crouch within the door Red is the Fire’s common tint But when the vivid Ore Has vanquished Flame’s conditions, It quivers from the Forge

Midsummer, was it, when They died

Midsummer, was it, when They died A full, and perfect time The Summer closed upon itself In Consummated Bloom The Corn, her furthest kernel filled Before the coming Flail When These leaned unto Perfectness

The Rose did caper on her cheek

The Rose did caper on her cheek Her Bodice rose and fell Her pretty speech like drunken men Did stagger pitiful Her fingers fumbled at her work Her needle would not go What ailed

That she forgot me was the least

That she forgot me was the least I felt it second pain That I was worthy to forget Was most I thought upon. Faithful was all that I could boast But Constancy became To

It will be Summer eventually

It will be Summer eventually. Ladies with parasols Sauntering Gentlemen with Canes And little Girls with Dolls Will tint the pallid landscape As ’twere a bright Bouquet Thro’ drifted deep, in Parian The Village

On that dear Frame the Years had worn

On that dear Frame the Years had worn Yet precious as the House In which We first experienced Light The Witnessing, to Us Precious! It was conceiveless fair As Hands the Grave had grimed

The Soul should always stand ajar

The Soul should always stand ajar That if the Heaven inquire He will not be obliged to wait Or shy of troubling Her Depart, before the Host have slid The Bolt unto the Door

Within my reach!

Within my reach! I could have touched! I might have chanced that way! Soft sauntered thro’ the village Sauntered as soft away! So unsuspected Violets Within the meadows go Too late for striving fingers

It bloomed and dropt, a Single Noon

It bloomed and dropt, a Single Noon The Flower distinct and Red I, passing, thought another Noon Another in its stead Will equal glow, and thought no More But came another Day To find

Besides this May

Besides this May We know There is Another How fair Our Speculations of the Foreigner! Some know Him whom We knew Sweet Wonder A Nature be Where Saints, and our plain going Neighbor Keep

The Color of the Grave is Green

The Color of the Grave is Green The Outer Grave I mean You would not know it from the Field Except it own a Stone To help the fond to find it Too infinite

Fitter to see Him, I may be

Fitter to see Him, I may be For the long Hindrance Grace to Me With Summers, and with Winters, grow, Some passing Year A trait bestow To make Me fairest of the Earth The

Advance is Life's condition

Advance is Life’s condition The Grave but a Relay Supposed to be a terminus That makes it hated so The Tunnel is not lighted Existence with a wall Is better we consider Than not

A Coffin is a small Domain

A Coffin is a small Domain, Yet able to contain A Citizen of Paradise In it diminished Plane. A Grave is a restricted Breadth Yet ampler than the Sun And all the Seas He

'Tis Seasons since the Dimpled War

‘Tis Seasons since the Dimpled War In which we each were Conqueror And each of us were slain And Centuries ’twill be and more Another Massacre before So modest and so vain Without a

I never hear the word "escape&quot

I never hear the word “escape” Without a quicker blood, A sudden expectation A flying attitude! I never hear of prisons broad By soldiers battered down, But I tug childish at my bars Only

Our share of night to bear

Our share of night to bear Our share of morning Our blank in bliss to fill Our blank in scorning Here a star, and there a star, Some lose their way! Here a mist,

She sights a Bird she chuckles

She sights a Bird she chuckles She flattens then she crawls She runs without the look of feet Her eyes increase to Balls Her Jaws stir twitching hungry Her Teeth can hardly stand She

We send the Wave to find the Wave

We send the Wave to find the Wave An Errand so divine, The Messenger enamored too, Forgetting to return, We make the wise distinction still, Soever made in vain, The sagest time to dam

Such is the Force of Happiness

Such is the Force of Happiness The Least can lift a Ton Assisted by its stimulus Who Misery sustain No Sinew can afford The Cargo of Themselves Too infinite for Consciousness’ Slow capabilities.

It might be lonelier

It might be lonelier Without the Loneliness I’m so accustomed to my Fate Perhaps the Other Peace Would interrupt the Dark And crowd the little Room Too scant by Cubits to contain The Sacrament

I keep my pledge

I keep my pledge. I was not called Death did not notice me. I bring my Rose. I plight again, By every sainted Bee By Daisy called from hillside By Bobolink from lane. Blossom

I thought that nature was enough

I thought that nature was enough Till Human nature came But that the other did absorb As Parallax a Flame Of Human nature just aware There added the Divine Brief struggle for capacity The

The Sun kept stooping stooping low!

The Sun kept stooping stooping low! The Hills to meet him rose! On his side, what Transaction! On their side, what Repose! Deeper and deeper grew the stain Upon the window pane Thicker and

Is Bliss then, such Abyss

Is Bliss then, such Abyss, I must not put my foot amiss For fear I spoil my shoe? I’d rather suit my foot Than save my Boot For yet to buy another Pair Is

Endanger it, and the Demand

Endanger it, and the Demand Of tickets for a sigh Amazes the Humility Of Credibility Recover it to Nature And that dejected Fleet Find Consternation’s Carnival Divested of its Meat.

What is "Paradise&quot

What is “Paradise” Who live there Are they “Farmers” Do they “hoe” Do they know that this is “Amherst” And that I am coming too Do they wear “new shoes” in “Eden” Is it

I tend my flowers for thee

I tend my flowers for thee Bright Absentee! My Fuchsia’s Coral Seams Rip while the Sower dreams Geraniums tint and spot Low Daisies dot My Cactus splits her Beard To show her throat Carnations

Good night, because we must

Good night, because we must, How intricate the dust! I would go, to know! Oh incognito! Saucy, Saucy Seraph To elude me so! Father! they won’t tell me, Won’t you tell them to?

"Tomorrow" whose location

“Tomorrow” whose location The Wise deceives Though its hallucination Is last that leaves Tomorrow thou Retriever Of every tare Of Alibi art thou Or ownest where?

Life is what we make of it

Life is what we make of it Death we do not know Christ’s acquaintance with Him Justify Him though He would trust no stranger Other could betray Just His own endorsement That sufficeth Me

I was the slightest in the House

I was the slightest in the House I took the smallest Room At night, my little Lamp, and Book And one Geranium So stationed I could catch the Mint That never ceased to fall

I worked for chaff and earning Wheat

I worked for chaff and earning Wheat Was haughty and betrayed. What right had Fields to arbitrate In matters ratified? I tasted Wheat and hated Chaff And thanked the ample friend Wisdom is more

The Spirit lasts but in what mode

The Spirit lasts but in what mode Below, the Body speaks, But as the Spirit furnishes Apart, it never talks The Music in the Violin Does not emerge alone But Arm in Arm with

For each ecstatic instant

For each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ration To the ecstasy. For each beloved hour Sharp pittances of years Bitter contested farthings And Coffers heaped with Tears!

Taking up the fair Ideal

Taking up the fair Ideal, Just to cast her down When a fracture we discover Or a splintered Crown Makes the Heavens portable And the Gods a lie Doubtless “Adam” scowled at Eden For

Of Bronze and Blaze

Of Bronze and Blaze The North Tonight So adequate it forms So preconcerted with itself So distant to alarms And Unconcern so sovereign To Universe, or me Infects my simple spirit With Taints of

I know some lonely Houses off the Road

I know some lonely Houses off the Road A Robber’d like the look of Wooden barred, And Windows hanging low, Inviting to A Portico, Where two could creep One hand the Tools The other

'Tis easier to pity those when dead

‘Tis easier to pity those when dead That which pity previous Would have saved A Tragedy enacted Secures Applause That Tragedy enacting Too seldom does.

'Tis customary as we part

‘Tis customary as we part A trinket to confer It helps to stimulate the faith When Lovers be afar ‘Tis various as the various taste Clematis journeying far Presents me with a single Curl

I cannot want it more

I cannot want it more I cannot want it less My Human Nature’s fullest force Expends itself on this. And yet it nothing is To him who easy owns Is Worth itself or Distance

My Life had stood a Loaded Gun

My Life had stood a Loaded Gun In Corners till a Day The Owner passed identified And carried Me away And now We roam in Sovereign Woods And now We hunt the Doe And

Forever it composed of Nows

Forever it composed of Nows ‘Tis not a different time Except for Infiniteness And Latitude of Home From this experienced Here Remove the Dates to These Let Months dissolve in further Months And Years

The Bible is an antique Volume

The Bible is an antique Volume Written by faded men At the suggestion of Holy Spectres Subjects Bethlehem Eden the ancient Homestead Satan the Brigadier Judas the Great Defaulter David the Troubador Sin a

Abraham to kill him

Abraham to kill him Was distinctly told Isaac was an Urchin Abraham was old Not a hesitation Abraham complied Flattered by Obeisance Tyranny demurred Isaac to his children Lived to tell the tale Moral

A Drunkard cannot meet a Cork

A Drunkard cannot meet a Cork Without a Revery And so encountering a Fly This January Day Jamaicas of Remembrance stir That send me reeling in The moderate drinker of Delight Does not deserve

Smiling back from Coronation

Smiling back from Coronation May be Luxury On the Heads that started with us Being’s Peasantry Recognizing in Procession Ones We former knew When Ourselves were also dusty Centuries ago Had the Triumph no

The parasol is the umbrella's daughter

The parasol is the umbrella’s daughter, And associates with a fan While her father abuts the tempest And abridges the rain. The former assists a siren In her serene display; But her father is

Peril as a Possesssion

Peril as a Possesssion ‘Tis Good to hear Danger disintegrates Satiety There’s Basis there Begets an awe That searches Human Nature’s creases As clean as Fire.

Alone and in a Circumstance

Alone and in a Circumstance Reluctant to be told A spider on my reticence Assiduously crawled And so much more at Home than I Immediately grew I felt myself a visitor And hurriedly withdrew

Who never lost, are unprepared

Who never lost, are unprepared A Coronet to find! Who never thirsted Flagons, and Cooling Tamarind! Who never climbed the weary league Can such a foot explore The purple territories On Pizarro’s shore? How

A full fed Rose on meals of Tint

A full fed Rose on meals of Tint A Dinner for a Bee In process of the Noon became – Each bright Mortality The Forfeit is of Creature fair Itself, adored before Submitting for

On such a night, or such a night

On such a night, or such a night, Would anybody care If such a little figure Slipped quiet from its chair So quiet Oh how quiet, That nobody might know But that the little

So bashful when I spied her!

So bashful when I spied her! So pretty so ashamed! So hidden in her leaflets Lest anybody find So breathless till I passed here So helpless when I turned And bore her struggling, blushing,

Death warrants are supposed to be

Death warrants are supposed to be An enginery of equity A merciful mistake A pencil in an Idol’s Hand A Devotee has oft consigned To Crucifix or Block

The Sea said "Come" to the Brook

The Sea said “Come” to the Brook The Brook said “Let me grow” The Sea said “Then you will be a Sea I want a Brook Come now”! The Sea said “Go” to the

To disappear enhances

To disappear enhances The Man that runs away Is tinctured for an instant With Immortality But yesterday a Vagrant Today in Memory lain With superstitious value We tamper with “Again” But “Never” far as

I know where Wells grow Droughtless Wells

I know where Wells grow Droughtless Wells Deep dug for Summer days Where Mosses go no more away And Pebble safely plays It’s made of Fathoms and a Belt A Belt of jagged Stone

'Twould ease a Butterfly

‘Twould ease a Butterfly Elate a Bee Thou’rt neither Neither thy capacity But, Blossom, were I, I would rather be Thy moment Than a Bee’s Eternity Content of fading Is enough for me Fade

After the Sun comes out

After the Sun comes out How it alters the World Waggons like messengers hurry about Yesterday is old All men meet as if Each foreclosed a news Fresh as a Cargo from Batize Nature’s

The joy that has no stem no core

The joy that has no stem no core, Nor seed that we can sow, Is edible to longing. But ablative to show. By fundamental palates Those products are preferred Impregnable to transit And patented

The Things that never can come back, are several

The Things that never can come back, are several Childhood some forms of Hope the Dead Though Joys like Men may sometimes make a Journey And still abide We do not mourn for Traveler,

I know lives, I could miss

I know lives, I could miss Without a Misery Others whose instant’s wanting Would be Eternity The last a scanty Number ‘Twould scarcely fill a Two The first a Gnat’s Horizon Could easily outgrow

"Red Sea," indeed! Talk not to me

“Red Sea,” indeed! Talk not to me Of purple Pharaoh I have a Navy in the West Would pierce his Columns thro’ Guileless, yet of such Glory fine That all along the Line Is

The Popular Heart is a Cannon first

The Popular Heart is a Cannon first Subsequent a Drum Bells for an Auxiliary And an Afterward of Rum Not a Tomorrow to know its name Nor a Past to stare Ditches for Realms

Death sets a Thing significant

Death sets a Thing significant The Eye had hurried by Except a perished Creature Entreat us tenderly To ponder little Workmanships In Crayon, or in Wool, With “This was last Her fingers did” Industrious

I learned at least what Home could be

I learned at least what Home could be How ignorant I had been Of pretty ways of Covenant How awkward at the Hymn Round our new Fireside but for this This pattern of the

A train went through a burial gate

A train went through a burial gate, A bird broke forth and sang, And trilled, and quivered, and shook his throat Till all the churchyard rang; And then adjusted his little notes, And bowed

Our little Kinsmen after Rain

Our little Kinsmen after Rain In plenty may be seen, A Pink and Pulpy multitude The tepid Ground upon. A needless life, it seemed to me Until a little Bird As to a Hospitality

This docile one inter

This docile one inter While we who dare to live Arraign the sunny brevity That sparkled to the Grave. On her departing span No wilderness remain As dauntless in the House of Death As

The Poets light but Lamps

The Poets light but Lamps Themselves go out The Wicks they stimulate If vital Light Inhere as do the Suns Each Age a Lens Disseminating their Circumference

As old as Woe

As old as Woe How old is that? Some eighteen thousand years As old as Bliss How old is that They are of equal years Together chiefest they ard found But seldom side by

The Future never spoke

The Future never spoke Nor will He like the Dumb Reveal by sign a syllable Of His Profound To Come But when the News be ripe Presents it in the Act Forestalling Preparation Escape

The Judge is like the Owl

The Judge is like the Owl I’ve heard my Father tell And Owls do build in Oaks So here’s an Amber Sill That slanted in my Path When going to the Barn And if

Victory comes late

Victory comes late And is held low to freezing lips Too rapt with frost To take it How sweet it would have tasted Just a Drop Was God so economical? His Table’s spread too

She bore it till the simple veins

She bore it till the simple veins Traced azure on her hand Til pleading, round her quiet eyes The purple Crayons stand. Till Daffodils had come and gone I cannot tell the sum, And

How soft a Caterpillar steps

How soft a Caterpillar steps I fond one on my Hand From such a velvet world it comes Such plushes at command Its soundless travels just arrest My slow terrestrial eye Intent upon its

It was a Grave, yet bore no Stone

It was a Grave, yet bore no Stone Enclosed ’twas not of Rail A Consciousness its Acre, and It held a Human Soul. Entombed by whom, for what offence If Home or Foreign born

Spring comes on the World

Spring comes on the World I sight the Aprils Hueless to me until thou come As, till the Bee Blossoms stand negative, Touched to Conditions By a Hum.

Life, and Death, and Giants

Life, and Death, and Giants Such as These are still Minor Apparatus Hopper of the Mill Beetle at the Candle Or a Fife’s Fame Maintain by Accident that they proclaim

Bereaved of all, I went abroad

Bereaved of all, I went abroad No less bereaved was I Upon a New Peninsula The Grave preceded me Obtained my Lodgings, ere myself And when I sought my Bed The Grave it was

Drama's Vitallest Expression is the Common Day

Drama’s Vitallest Expression is the Common Day That arise and set about Us Other Tragedy Perish in the Recitation This the best enact When the Audience is scattered And the Boxes shut “Hamlet” to

At leisure is the Soul

At leisure is the Soul That gets a Staggering Blow The Width of Life before it spreads Without a thing to do It begs you give it Work But just the placing Pins Or

'Twas later when the summer went

‘Twas later when the summer went Than when the Cricket came And yet we knew that gentle Clock Meant nought but Going Home ‘Twas sooner when the Cricket went Than when the Winter came

The Symptom of the Gale

The Symptom of the Gale The Second of Dismay Between its Rumor and its Face Is almost Revelry The Houses firmer root The Heavens cannot be found The Upper Surfaces of things Take covert

My Soul accused me And I quailed

My Soul accused me And I quailed As Tongue of Diamond had reviled All else accused me and I smiled My Soul that Morning was My friend Her favor is the best Disdain Toward

Funny to be a Century

Funny to be a Century And see the People going by I should die of the Oddity But then I’m not so staid as He He keeps His Secrets safely very Were He to

Papa above!

Papa above! Regard a Mouse O’erpowered by the Cat! Reserve within thy kingdom A “Mansion” for the Rat! Snug in seraphic Cupboards To nibble all the day While unsuspecting Cycles Wheel solemnly away!

All these my banners be

All these my banners be. I sow my pageantry In May It rises train by train Then sleeps in state again My chancel all the plain Today. To lose if one can find again

They shut me up in Prose

They shut me up in Prose As when a little Girl They put me in the Closet Because they liked me “still” Still! Could themself have peeped And seen my Brain go round They

The ones that disappeared are back

The ones that disappeared are back The Phoebe and the Crow Precisely as in March is heard The curtness of the Jay Be this an Autumn or a Spring My wisdom loses way One

Deprived of other Banquet

Deprived of other Banquet, I entertained Myself At first a scant nutrition An insufficient Loaf But grown by slender addings To so esteemed a size ‘Tis sumptuous enough for me And almost to suffice

Departed to the Judgment

Departed to the Judgment A Mighty Afternoon Great Clouds like Ushers learning Creation looking on The Flesh Surrendered Cancelled The Bodiless begun Two Worlds like Audiences disperse And leave the Soul alone

My Reward for Being, was This

My Reward for Being, was This. My premium My Bliss An Admiralty, less A Sceptre penniless And Realms just Dross When Thrones accost my Hands With “Me, Miss, Me” I’ll unroll Thee Dominions dowerless

Great Streets of silence led away

Great Streets of silence led away To Neighborhoods of Pause Here was no Notice no Dissent No Universe no laws By Clocks, ’twas Morning, and for Night The Bells at Distance called But Epoch

How happy I was if I could forget

How happy I was if I could forget To remember how sad I am Would be an easy adversity But the recollecting of Bloom Keeps making November difficult Till I who was almost bold

There is a Zone whose even Years

There is a Zone whose even Years No Solstice interrupt Whose Sun constructs perpetual Noon Whose perfect Seasons wait Whose Summer set in Summer, till The Centuries of June And Centuries of August cease

Where Thou art that is Home

Where Thou art that is Home Cashmere or Calvary the same Degree or Shame I scarce esteem Location’s Name So I may Come What Thou dost is Delight Bondage as Play be sweet Imprisonment

As far from pity, as complaint

As far from pity, as complaint As cool to speech as stone As numb to Revelation As if my Trade were Bone As far from time as History As near yourself Today As Children,

I felt my life with both my hands

I felt my life with both my hands To see if it was there I held my spirit to the Glass, To prove it possibler I turned my Being round and round And paused

It did not surprise me

It did not surprise me So I said or thought She will stir her pinions And the nest forgot, Traverse broader forests Build in gayer boughs, Breathe in Ear more modern God’s old fashioned

I've known a Heaven, like a Tent

I’ve known a Heaven, like a Tent To wrap its shining Yards Pluck up its stakes, and disappear Without the sound of Boards Or Rip of Nail Or Carpenter But just the miles of

Sweet, to have had them lost

Sweet, to have had them lost For news that they be saved The nearer they departed Us The nearer they, restored, Shall stand to Our Right Hand Most precious and the Dead Next precious

Some such Butterfly be seen

Some such Butterfly be seen On Brazilian Pampas Just at noon no later Sweet Then the License closes Some such Spice express and pass Subject to Your Plucking As the Stars You knew last

On my volcano grows the Grass

On my volcano grows the Grass A meditative spot An acre for a Bird to choose Would be the General thought How red the Fire rocks below How insecure the sod Did I disclose

Nature rarer uses Yellow

Nature rarer uses Yellow Than another Hue. Saves she all of that for Sunsets Prodigal of Blue Spending Scarlet, like a Woman Yellow she affords Only scantly and selectly Like a Lover’s Words.

Said Death to Passion

Said Death to Passion “Give of thine an Acre unto me.” Said Passion, through contracting Breaths “A Thousand Times Thee Nay.” Bore Death from Passion All His East He sovereign as the Sun Resituated

That sacred Closet when you sweep

That sacred Closet when you sweep Entitled “Memory” Select a reverential Broom And do it silently. ‘Twill be a Labor of surprise Besides Identity Of other Interlocutors A probability August the Dust of that

Of Being is a Bird

Of Being is a Bird The likest to the Down An Easy Breeze do put afloat The General Heavens upon It soars and shifts and whirls And measures with the Clouds In easy even

If she had been the Mistletoe

If she had been the Mistletoe And I had been the Rose How gay upon your table My velvet life to close Since I am of the Druid, And she is of the dew

His Feet are shod with Gauze

His Feet are shod with Gauze His Helmet, is of Gold, His Breast, a Single Onyx With Chrysophrase, inlaid. His Labor is a Chant His Idleness a Tune Oh, for a Bee’s experience Of

'Tis whiter than an Indian Pipe

‘Tis whiter than an Indian Pipe ‘Tis dimmer than a Lace No stature has it, like a Fog When you approach the place Nor any voice imply it here Or intimate it there A

The Frost was never seen

The Frost was never seen If met, too rapid passed, Or in too unsubstantial Team The Flowers notice first A Stranger hovering round A Symptom of alarm In Villages remotely set But search effaces

A single Clover Plank

A single Clover Plank Was all that saved a Bee A Bee I personally knew From sinking in the sky ‘Twixt Firmament above And Firmament below The Billows of Circumference Were sweeping him away

Had I known that the first was the last

Had I known that the first was the last I should have kept it longer. Had I known that the last was the first I should have drunk it stronger. Cup, it was your

Ourselves were wed one summer dear

Ourselves were wed one summer dear Your Vision was in June And when Your little Lifetime failed, I wearied too of mine And overtaken in the Dark Where You had put me down By

Snow flakes

Snow flakes. I counted till they danced so Their slippers leaped the town, And then I took a pencil To note the rebels down. And then they grew so jolly I did resign the

Light is sufficient to itself

Light is sufficient to itself If Others want to see It can be had on Window Panes Some Hours in the Day. But not for Compensation It holds as large a Glow To Squirrel

Unable are the Loved to die

Unable are the Loved to die For Love is Immortality, Nay, it is Deity Unable they that love to die For Love reforms Vitality Into Divinity.

His Mind like Fabrics of the East

His Mind like Fabrics of the East Displayed to the despair Of everyone but here and there An humble Purchaser For though his price was not of Gold More arduous there is That one

Within my Garden, rides a Bird

Within my Garden, rides a Bird Upon a single Wheel Whose spokes a dizzy Music make As ’twere a travelling Mill He never stops, but slackens Above the Ripest Rose Partakes without alighting And

I've seen a Dying Eye

I’ve seen a Dying Eye Run round and round a Room In search of Something as it seemed Then Cloudier become And then obscure with Fog And then be soldered down Without disclosing what

Doom is the House without the Door

Doom is the House without the Door ‘Tis entered from the Sun And then the Ladder’s thrown away, Because Escape is done ‘Tis varied by the Dream Of what they do outside Where Squirrels

I read my sentence steadily

I read my sentence steadily Reviewed it with my eyes, To see that I made no mistake In its extremest clause The Date, and manner, of the shame And then the Pious Form That

Not probable The barest Chance

Not probable The barest Chance A smile too few a word too much And far from Heaven as the Rest The Soul so close on Paradise What if the Bird from journey far Confused

The butterfly obtains

The butterfly obtains But little sympathy Though favorably mentioned In Entomology Because he travels freely And wears a proper coat The circumspect are certain That he is dissolute Had he the homely scutcheon Of

No Other can reduce

No Other can reduce Our mortal Consequence Like the remembering it be nought A Period from hence But Contemplation for Contemporaneous Nought Our Single Competition Jehovah’s Estimate.

I cannot see my soul but know 'tis there

I cannot see my soul but know ’tis there Nor ever saw his house nor furniture, Who has invited me with him to dwell; But a confiding guest consult as well, What raiment honor

Dying! To be afraid of thee

Dying! To be afraid of thee One must to thine Artillery Have left exposed a Friend Than thine old Arrow is a Shot Delivered straighter to the Heart The leaving Love behind. Not for

Shame is the shawl of Pink

Shame is the shawl of Pink In which we wrap the Soul To keep it from infesting Eyes The elemental Veil Which helpless Nature drops When pushed upon a scene Repugnant to her probity

When we have ceased to care

When we have ceased to care The Gift is given For which we gave the Earth And mortgaged Heaven But so declined in worth ‘Tis ignominy now To look upon

How sick to wait in any place but thine

How sick to wait in any place but thine I knew last night when someone tried to twine Thinking perhaps that I looked tired or alone Or breaking almost with unspoken pain And I

After all Birds have been investigated and laid aside

After all Birds have been investigated and laid aside Nature imparts the little Blue-Bird assured Her conscientious Voice will soar unmoved Above ostensible Vicissitude. First at the March competing with the Wind Her panting

The Chemical conviction

The Chemical conviction That Nought be lost Enable in Disaster My fractured Trust The Faces of the Atoms If I shall see How more the Finished Creatures Departed me!

I know a place where Summer strives

I know a place where Summer strives With such a practised Frost She each year leads her Daisies back Recording briefly “Lost” But when the South Wind stirs the Pools And struggles in the

Ashes denote that Fire was

Ashes denote that Fire was Revere the Grayest Pile For the Departed Creature’s sake That hovered there awhile Fire exists the first in light And then consolidates Only the Chemist can disclose Into what

I can wade Grief

I can wade Grief Whole Pools of it I’m used to that But the least push of Joy Breaks up my feet And I tip drunken Let no Pebble smile ‘Twas the New Liquor

When I hoped I feared

When I hoped I feared Since I hoped I dared Everywhere alone As a Church remain Spectre cannot harm Serpent cannot charm He deposes Doom Who hath suffered him

Did we disobey Him?

Did we disobey Him? Just one time! Charged us to forget Him But we couldn’t learn! Were Himself such a Dunce What would we do? Love the dull lad best Oh, wouldn’t you?

To lose thee sweeter than to gain

To lose thee sweeter than to gain All other hearts I knew. ‘Tis true the drought is destitute, But then, I had the dew! The Caspian has its realms of sand, Its other realm

One thing of it we borrow

One thing of it we borrow And promise to return The Booty and the Sorrow Its Sweetness to have known One thing of it we covet The power to forget The Anguish of the

Glowing is her Bonnet

Glowing is her Bonnet, Glowing is her Cheek, Glowing is her Kirtle, Yet she cannot speak. Better as the Daisy From the Summer hill Vanish unrecorded Save by tearful rill Save by loving sunrise

Winter is good his Hoar Delights

Winter is good his Hoar Delights Italic flavor yield To Intellects inebriate With Summer, or the World Generic as a Quarry And hearty as a Rose Invited with Asperity But welcome when he goes.

Elijah's Wagon knew no thill

Elijah’s Wagon knew no thill Was innocent of Wheel Elijah’s horses as unique As was his vehicle Elijah’s journey to portray Expire with him the skill Who justified Elijah In feats inscrutable

The face I carry with me last

The face I carry with me last When I go out of Time To take my Rank by in the West That face will just be thine I’ll hand it to the Angel That

Talk not to me of Summer Trees

Talk not to me of Summer Trees The foliage of the mind A Tabernacle is for Birds Of no corporeal kind And winds do go that way at noon To their Ethereal Homes Whose

My best Acquaintances are those

My best Acquaintances are those With Whom I spoke no Word The Stars that stated come to Town Esteemed Me never rude Although to their Celestial Call I failed to make reply My constant

She dealt her pretty words like Blades

She dealt her pretty words like Blades How glittering they shone And every One unbared a Nerve Or wantoned with a Bone She never deemed she hurt That is not Steel’s Affair A vulgar

Forever honored by the Tree

Forever honored by the Tree Whose Apple Winterworn Enticed to Breakfast from the Sky Two Gabriels Yestermorn. They registered in Nature’s Book As Robins Sire and Son But Angels have that modest way To

Suspense is Hostiler than Death

Suspense is Hostiler than Death Death tho’soever Broad, Is Just Death, and cannot increase Suspense does not conclude But perishes to live anew But just anew to die Annihilation plated fresh With Immortality

I taste a liquor never brewed

I taste a liquor never brewed From Tankards scooped in Pearl Not all the Vats upon the Rhine Yield such an Alcohol! Inebriate of Air am I And Debauchee of Dew Reeling thro endless

The Lightning is a yellow Fork

The Lightning is a yellow Fork From Tables in the sky By inadvertent fingers dropt The awful Cutlery Of mansions never quite disclosed And never quite concealed The Apparatus of the Dark To ignorance

So much of Heaven has gone from Earth

So much of Heaven has gone from Earth That there must be a Heaven If only to enclose the Saints To Affidavit given. The Missionary to the Mole Must prove there is a Sky

A long long Sleep A famous Sleep

A long long Sleep A famous Sleep That makes no show for Morn By Stretch of Limb or stir of Lid An independent One Was ever idleness like This? Upon a Bank of Stone

Because He loves Her

Because He loves Her We will pry and see if she is fair What difference is on her Face From Features others wear. It will not harm her magic pace That we so far

To offer brave assistance

To offer brave assistance To Lives that stand alone When One has failed to stop them Is Human but Divine To lend an Ample Sinew Unto a Nameless Man Whose Homely Benediction No other

'Tis One by One the Father counts

‘Tis One by One the Father counts And then a Tract between Set Cypherless to teach the Eye The Value of its Ten Until the peevish Student Acquire the Quick of Skill Then Numerals

One Joy of so much anguish

One Joy of so much anguish Sweet nature has for me I shun it as I do Despair Or dear iniquity Why Birds, a Summer morning Before the Quick of Day Should stab my

Safe Despair it is that raves

Safe Despair it is that raves Agony is frugal. Puts itself severe away For its own perusal. Garrisoned no Soul can be In the Front of Trouble Love is one, not aggregate Nor is

Dear March Come in

Dear March Come in How glad I am I hoped for you before Put down your Hat You must have walked How out of Breath you are Dear March, Come right up the stairs

We talked with each other about each other

We talked with each other about each other Though neither of us spoke We were listening to the seconds’ Races And the Hoofs of the Clock Pausing in Front of our Palsied Faces Time

How News must feel when travelling

How News must feel when travelling If News have any Heart Alighting at the Dwelling ‘Twill enter like a Dart! What News must think when pondering If News have any Thought Concerning the stupendousness

How dare the robins sing

How dare the robins sing, When men and women hear Who since they went to their account Have settled with the year! Paid all that life had earned In one consummate bill, And now,

And this of all my Hopes

And this of all my Hopes This, is the silent end Bountiful colored, my Morning rose Early and sere, its end Never Bud from a Stem Stepped with so gay a Foot Never a

The Stars are old, that stood for me

The Stars are old, that stood for me The West a little worn Yet newer glows the only Gold I ever cared to earn Presuming on that lone result Her infinite disdain But vanquished

Ourselves we do inter with sweet derision

Ourselves we do inter with sweet derision. The channel of the dust who once achieves Invalidates the balm of that religion That doubts as fervently as it believes.

The Battle fought between the Soul

The Battle fought between the Soul And No Man is the One Of all the Battles prevalent By far the Greater One No News of it is had abroad Its Bodiless Campaign Establishes, and

The right to perish might be thought

The right to perish might be thought An undisputed right Attempt it, and the Universe Upon the opposite Will concentrate its officers You cannot even die But nature and mankind must pause To pay

The Love a Life can show Below

The Love a Life can show Below Is but a filament, I know, Of that diviner thing That faints upon the face of Noon And smites the Tinder in the Sun And hinders Gabriel’s

'Twas like a Maelstrom, with a notch

‘Twas like a Maelstrom, with a notch, That nearer, every Day, Kept narrowing its boiling Wheel Until the Agony Toyed coolly with the final inch Of your delirious Hem And you dropt, lost, When

These tested Our Horizon

These tested Our Horizon Then disappeared As Birds before achieving A Latitude. Our Retrospection of Them A fixed Delight, But our Anticipation A Dice a Doubt

I am afraid to own a Body

I am afraid to own a Body I am afraid to own a Soul Profound precarious Property Possession, not optional Double Estate entailed at pleasure Upon an unsuspecting Heir Duke in a moment of

The Brain is wider than the Sky

The Brain is wider than the Sky For put them side by side The one the other will contain With ease and You beside The Brain is deeper than the sea For hold them

The Auctioneer of Parting

The Auctioneer of Parting His “Going, going, gone” Shouts even from the Crucifix, And brings his Hammer down He only sells the Wilderness, The prices of Despair Range from a single human Heart To

Conscious am I in my Chamber

Conscious am I in my Chamber, Of a shapeless friend He doth not attest by Posture Nor Confirm by Word Neither Place need I present Him Fitter Courtesy Hospitable intuition Of His Company Presence

Banish Air from Air

Banish Air from Air Divide Light if you dare They’ll meet While Cubes in a Drop Or Pellets of Shape Fit Films cannot annul Odors return whole Force Flame And with a Blonde push

You'll know it as you know 'tis Noon

You’ll know it as you know ’tis Noon By Glory As you do the Sun By Glory As you will in Heaven Know God the Father and the Son. By intuition, Mightiest Things Assert

Death is a Dialogue between

Death is a Dialogue between The Spirit and the Dust. “Dissolve” says Death The Spirit “Sir I have another Trust” Death doubts it Argues from the Ground The Spirit turns away Just laying off

So much Summer

So much Summer Me for showing Illegitimate Would a Smile’s minute bestowing Too exorbitant To the Lady With the Guinea Look if She should know Crumb of Mine A Robin’s Larder Would suffice to

Pain has an Element of Blank

Pain has an Element of Blank It cannot recollect When it begun or if there were A time when it was not It has no Future but itself Its Infinite contain Its Past enlightened

Did you ever stand in a Cavern's Mouth

Did you ever stand in a Cavern’s Mouth Widths out of the Sun And look and shudder, and block your breath And deem to be alone In such a place, what horror, How Goblin

The Clouds their Backs together laid

The Clouds their Backs together laid The North begun to push The Forests galloped till they fell The Lightning played like mice The Thunder crumbled like a stuff How good to be in Tombs

God made a little Gentian

God made a little Gentian It tried to be a Rose And failed and all the Summer laughed But just before the Snows There rose a Purple Creature That ravished all the Hill And

Who Court obtain within Himself

Who Court obtain within Himself Sees every Man a King And Poverty of Monarchy Is an interior thing No Man depose Whom Fate Ordain And Who can add a Crown To Him who doth

The Birds reported from the South

The Birds reported from the South A News express to Me A spicy Charge, My little Posts But I am deaf Today The Flowers appealed a timid Throng I reinforced the Door Go blossom

A narrow Fellow in the Grass

A narrow Fellow in the Grass Occasionally rides You may have met Him did you not His notice sudden is The Grass divides as with a Comb A spotted shaft is seen And then

Beauty be not caused It Is

Beauty be not caused It Is Chase it, and it ceases Chase it not, and it abides Overtake the Creases In the Meadow when the Wind Runs his fingers thro’ it Deity will see

He was weak, and I was strong then

He was weak, and I was strong then So He let me lead him in I was weak, and He was strong then So I let him lead me Home. ‘Twasn’t far the door

Tho' I get home how late how late

Tho’ I get home how late how late So I get home – ’twill compensate Better will be the Ecstasy That they have done expecting me When Night descending dumb and dark They hear

To my small Hearth His fire came

To my small Hearth His fire came And all my House aglow Did fan and rock, with sudden light ‘Twas Sunrise ’twas the Sky Impanelled from no Summer brief With limit of Decay ‘Twas

Alone, I cannot be

Alone, I cannot be For Hosts do visit me Recordless Company Who baffle Key They have no Robes, nor Names No Almanacs nor Climes But general Homes Like Gnomes Their Coming, may be known

His Bill is clasped his Eye forsook

His Bill is clasped his Eye forsook His Feathers wilted low The Claws that clung, like lifeless Gloves Indifferent hanging now The Joy that in his happy Throat Was waiting to be poured Gored

It feels a shame to be Alive

It feels a shame to be Alive When Men so brave are dead One envies the Distinguished Dust Permitted such a Head The Stone that tells defending Whom This Spartan put away What little

Poor little Heart!

Poor little Heart! Did they forget thee? Then dinna care! Then dinna care! Proud little Heart! Did they forsake thee? Be debonnaire! Be debonnaire! Frail little Heart! I would not break thee Could’st credit

All Circumstances are the Frame

All Circumstances are the Frame In which His Face is set All Latitudes exist for His Sufficient Continent The Light His Action, and the Dark The Leisure of His Will In Him Existence serve

Wonder is not precisely Knowing

Wonder is not precisely Knowing And not precisely Knowing not A beautiful but bleak condition He has not lived who has not felt Suspense is his maturer Sister Whether Adult Delight is Pain Or

Many a phrase has the English language

Many a phrase has the English language I have heard but one Low as the laughter of the Cricket, Loud, as the Thunder’s Tongue Murmuring, like old Caspian Choirs, When the Tide’s a’ lull

The Face in evanescence lain

The Face in evanescence lain Is more distinct than ours And ours surrendered for its sake As Capsules are for Flower’s Or is it the confiding sheen Dissenting to enamor us Of Detriment divine?

Belshazzar had a Letter

Belshazzar had a Letter He never had but one Belshazzar’s Correspondent Concluded and begun In that immortal Copy The Conscience of us all Can read without its Glasses On Revelation’s Wall

Good Night! Which put the Candle out?

Good Night! Which put the Candle out? A jealous Zephyr not a doubt Ah, friend, you little knew How long at that celestial wick The Angels labored diligent Extinguished now for you! It might

A little bread a crust a crumb

A little bread a crust a crumb A little trust a demijohn Can keep the soul alive Not portly, mind! but breathing warm Conscious as old Napoleon, The night before the Crown! A modest

This slow Day moved along

This slow Day moved along I heard its axles go As if they could not hoist themselves They hated motion so I told my soul to come It was no use to wait We

A still Volcano Life

A still Volcano Life That flickered in the night When it was dark enough to do Without erasing sight A quiet Earthquake Style Too subtle to suspect By natures this side Naples The North

I know Suspense it steps so terse

I know Suspense it steps so terse And turns so weak away Besides Suspense is neighborly When I am riding by Is always at the Window Though lately I descry And mention to my
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