Jack – beyond the digits
so here we are at last at the ten-boy
Never to be the single-figure-aged-again boy
And all the trailing clouds that cling to the not-big child
Can be blown away – you’re up in your own sky now
Clear-blue on some days (if on others windy and wild)
Now you’ll have to see yourself as the tall-boy
The take-it-on-the-chin and care-for-all boy
And looking at what’s to be done and getting down
To doing it without boring parents laying down the law
It’s your walk from hereon to your own new town
Then you’ll be able to grow into that free-boy
Not hankering to be that sit-on-your-mother’s-knee boy
And you’ll find yourself with keys to fit in every door
You’ve been denied or dreamed of (keys towards the man)
And a richer jack will sprout from the jack you were before
So aquarian and water-dog and feb-the-fourth-boy
The i’ve-got-to-figure-out-my-south-from-north-boy
Now you’ve double-jumped may your life bloom well
Be kind to sweet matthew and let that deep sun shine
That’s been nuzzling inside you in its young-boy shell
And we wish a happy birthday to the ten-boy
To the video-games and freaky-foresters’-den-boy
To the boy who takes pity on his dad’s bald head
Whose laziness is legion – seasoned with sharp wit
A boy who’s perfect when he’s fast asleep in bed
And awake not quite an angel but at least well-fed

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