A Day Like Any Other
Such insignificance: a glance
At your record on the doctor’s desk
Or a letter not meant for you.
How could you have known? It’s not true
That your life passes before you
In rapid motion, but your watch
Suddenly ticks like an amplified heart,
The hands freezing against a white
That is a judgment. Otherwise nothing.
The face in the mirror is still yours.
Two men pass on the sidewalk
And do not stare at your window.
Your room is silent, the plants
Locked inside their mysterious lives
As always. The queen-of-the-night
Refuses to bloom, does not accept
Your definition. It makes no sense,
Your scanning the street for a traffic snarl,
A new crack in the pavement,
A flag at half-mast signs
Of some disturbance in the world
Because your friend, the morning sun,
Has turned its dark side toward you.

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