Home ⇒ 📌John Berryman ⇒ Dream Song 71: Spellbound held subtle Henry all his four
Dream Song 71: Spellbound held subtle Henry all his four
Spellbound held subtle Henry all his four
Hearers in the racket of the market
With ancient signs, infamous characters,
New rythms. On the steps he was beloved,
Hours a day, by all his four, or more,
Depending. And they paid him.
It was not, so, like no one listening
But critics famed & Henry’s pals or other
Tellers at all
Chiefly in another country. No.
He by the heart & brains & tail, because
Of their love for it, had them.
Junk he said to all them open-mouthed.
Weather wóuld govern. When the monsoon spread
Its floods, few came, two.
Came a day when none, though he began
In his accustomed way on the filthy steps
In a crash of waters, came.

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