Middleton's Rouseabout
Tall and freckled and sandy,
Face of a country lout;
This was the picture of Andy,
Middleton’s Rouseabout.
Type of a coming nation,
In the land of cattle and sheep,
Worked on Middleton’s station,
‘Pound a week and his keep.’
On Middleton’s wide dominions
Plied the stockwhip and shears;
Hadn’t any opinions,
Hadn’t any ‘idears’.
Swiftly the years went over,
Liquor and drought prevailed;
Middleton went as a drover,
After his station had failed.
Type of a careless nation,
Men who are soon played out,
Middleton was:-and his station
Was bought by the Rouseabout.
Flourishing beard and sandy,
Tall and robust and stout;
This is the picture of Andy,
Middleton’s Rouseabout.
Now on his own dominions
Works with his overseers;
Hasn’t any opinions,
Hasn’t any ‘idears’.

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