Home ⇒ 📌William Lisle Bowles ⇒ V. To the River Tweed
V. To the River Tweed
O TWEED! a stranger, that with wand’ring feet
O’er hill and dale has journey’d many a mile,
(If so his weary thoughts he might beguile)
Delighted turns thy beauteous scenes to greet.
The waving branches that romantick bend
O’er thy tall banks, a soothing charm bestow;
The murmurs of thy wand’ring wave below
Seem to his ear the pity of a friend.
Delightful stream! tho’ now along thy shore,
When spring returns in all her wonted pride,
The shepherd’s distant pipe is heard no more,
Yet here with pensive peace could I abide,
Far from the stormy world’s tumultuous roar,
To muse upon thy banks at eventide.

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