Home ⇒ 📌Michael Drayton ⇒ Sonnet XXXII: Our Flood's-Queen Thames
Sonnet XXXII: Our Flood's-Queen Thames
Our flood’s-queen Thames for ships and swans is crown’d,
And stately Severn for her shore is prais’d,
The crystal Trent for fords and fish renown’d,
And Avon’s fame to Albion’s cliffs is rais’d;
Carlegion Chester vaunts her holy Dee,
York many wonders of her Ouse can tell,
The Peak her Dove, whose banks so fertile be,
And Kent will say her Medway doth excell;
Cotswold commends her Isis to the Thame,
Our Northern borders boast of Tweed’s fair flood,
Our Western parts extol their Wylye’s fame,
And the old Lea brags of the Danish blood.
Arden’s sweet Anker, let thy glory be,
That fair Idea only lives by thee.

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