My Twins
Of twin daughters I’m the mother –
Lord! how I was proud of them;
Each the image of the other,
Like two lilies on one stem;
But while May, my first-born daughter,
Was angelic from the first,
Different as wine and water,
Maude, my second, seemed accurst.
I’m a tender-hearted dame,
Military is my bent;
Thus my pretty dears can claim
For their Pa the Regiment.
As they say: to err is human;
But though lots of love I’ve had,
I’m an ordinary women,
Just as good as I am bad.
Good and bad should find their level,
So I often wonder why
May was angel, Maude was devil,
Yet between the two was I.
May, they say, has taken vows –
Sister Mary, pure and sweet;
Maudie’s in a bawdy house,
Down in Mariposa Street.
It’s not natural I’m thinking,
One should pray, the other curse;
I’m so worried I am drinking,
Which is making matters worse.
Yet my daughters love each other,
And I love them equal well;
Saint and sinner call me mother. . .
Ain’t heredity just hell?

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