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My Tails
I haven’t worn my evening dress
For nearly twenty years;
Oh I’m unsocial, I confess,
A hermit, it appears.
So much moth-balled it’s but away,
And though wee wifie wails,
Never unto my dimmest day
I’ll don my tails.
How slim and trim I looked in them,
Though I was sixty old;
And now their sleekness I condemn
To lie in rigid fold.
I have a portrait of myself
Proud-printed in the Press,
In garb now doomed to wardrobe shelf,
My evening dress.
So let this be my last request,
That when I come to die,
In tails I may be deftly drest,
With white waistcoat and tie.
No, not for me a vulgar shroud
My carcass to caress;
Oh let me do my coffin proud
In evening dress!

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