Home ⇒ 📌Robert William Service ⇒ Lord Let Me Live
Lord Let Me Live
Lord, let me live, that more and more
Your wonder world I may adore;
With every dawn to grow and grow
Alive to graciousness aglow;
And every eve in beauty see
Reason for rhapsody.
Lord, let me bide, that I may prove
The buoyant brightness of my love
For sapphire sea and lyric sky
And buttercup and butterfly;
And glory in the golden thought
Of rapture You have wrought.
Lord, let me linger, just for this,
To win to utterness of bliss;
To see in every dawn design
Proof of Your Providence divine;
With night to find ablaze above,
Assurance of Your love.
Lord, for Your praise my days prolong,
That I may sing in sunny sort,
And prove with my exultant song
The longest life is all to short:
Aye, even in a bead of dew
To shrine in beauty YOU.

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