Girl (three) and the black horse
i want to hold the horse’s string
Cried the girl (three) stamping her foot
Told by adults she was much too young
The black horse stood staring at the wall
It worries us you may get hurt
The adults whispered – meaning to offer
Comfort to the little madam (not convinced)
The black horse stood staring at the wall
I’m stronger than any old black horse
The child shouted parading round the ring
Thinking she was the star turn at the circus
The black horse stood staring at the wall
Well i suppose…..take care….ok
The adults muttered full of apprehension
The girl (three) poised – flexing her muscles
The black horse stood staring at the wall
Now take the lead and grip it tight
They sighed fluttering hands like pigeons
She scoffed at the soft instructions
The black horse stood staring at the wall
It’s easy-peasy lemon-cheesy
She triumphed (but doing as they asked)
The adults tried to swallow their fear
The black horse stood staring at the wall
So off to the man in the moon
The girl (three) laughed jerking the lead
Swelling to the size of a goddess
The black horse reared like pegasus’s colt
Don’t wait for me – i could be ages
The girl (three) sang to the shrinking adults
As the black horse leapt above the wall
The flowering cherries and the church spire
When i’m a grown-up – then i’ll come
Was the last the adults heard as the horse
And the girl (three) changed into pinpoints
And the world collapsed to its dull old self

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