Michael Drayton
Sonnet XVII: Stay, Speedy Time
To Time Stay, speedy Time, behold, before thou pass, From age to age what thou hast sought to see, One in whom all the excellencies be, In whom Heav’n looks itself as in a
Endimion and Phoebe (excerpts)
In Ionia whence sprang old poets’ fame, From whom that sea did first derive her name, The blessed bed whereon the Muses lay, Beauty of Greece, the pride of Asia, Whence Archelaus, whom times
Sonnet XI: You Not Alone
You not alone, when you are still alone, O God, from you that I could private be. Since you one were, I never since was one; Since you in me, my self since out
Sonnet VIII: There's Nothing Grieves Me
There’s nothing grieves me, but that Age should haste, That in my days I may not see thee old, That where those two clear sparkling eyes are plac’d Only two loop-holes then I might
Sonnet XX: An Evil Spirit
An evil spirit, your beauty haunts me still, Wherewith, alas, I have been long possest, Which ceaseth not to tempt me to each ill, Nor gives me once but one poor minute’s rest; In
The Parting
SINCE there ‘s no help, come let us kiss and part Nay, I have done, you get no more of me; And I am glad, yea, glad with all my heart, That thus so
Sonnet V: Nothing But No
Nothing but “No,” and “Aye,” and “Aye,” and “No”? How falls it out so strangely you reply? I tell ye, Fair, I’ll not be answer’d so, With this affirming “No,” denying “Aye.” I say,
How Many Paltry Foolish Painted Things
How many paltry foolish painted things, That now in coaches trouble every street, Shall be forgotten, whom no poet sings, Ere they be well wrapped in their winding-sheet! Where I to thee eternity shall
To the Reader of These Sonnets
Into these Loves who but for Passion looks, At this first sight here let him lay them by And seek elsewhere, in turning other books, Which better may his labor satisfy. No far-fetch’d sigh
Sonnet XXIV: I Hear Some Say
I hear some say, “This man is not in love.” “What? Can he love? A likely thing,” they say; “Read but his verse, and it will easily prove.” O judge not rashly, gentle Sir,
Sonnet LVIII: In Former Times
In former times such as had store of coin, In wars at home, or when for conquests bound, For fear that some their treasure should purloin, Gave it to keep to spirits within the
FAIR stood the wind for France When we our sails advance, Nor now to prove our chance Longer will tarry; But putting to the main, At Caux, the mouth of Seine, With all his
Sonnet LIX: As Love and I
As Love and I, late harbor’d in one inn, With proverbs thus each other entertain: “In Love there is no lack,” thus I begin; “Fair words make fools,” replieth he again; “Who spares to
Sonnet I: Like an Advent'rous Seafarer
Like an advent’rous seafarer am I, Who hath some long and dang’rous voyage been, And, call’d to tell of his discovery, How far he sail’d, what countries he had seen; Proceeding from the port
Sonnet LII: What? Dost Thou Mean
What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart? To take all mine and give me none again? Or have thine eyes such magic or that art That what they get they ever
Sonnet XLII: Some Men There Be
Some men there be which like my method well And much commend the strangeness of my vein; Some say I have a passing pleasing strain; Some say that im my humor I excel; Some,
Nymphidia, The Court Of Fairy (excerpts)
But let us leave Queen Mab a while, Through many a gate, o’er many a stile, That now had gotten by this wile, Her dear Pigwiggen kissing; And tell how Oberon doth fare, Who
Sonnet LXIII: Truce, Gentle Love
Truce, gentle Love, a parley now I crave; Methinks ’tis long since first these wars begun; Nor thou nor I the better yet can have; Bad is the match where neither party won. I
Sonnet XIX: You Cannot Love
To Humor You cannot love, my pretty heart, and why? There was a time you told me that you would; But now again you will the same deny, If it might please you, would
Sonnet LIII: Clear Anker
Another to the River Anker Clear Anker, on whose silver-sanded shore My soul-shrin’d saint, my fair Idea, lies, O blessed brook, whose milk-white swans adore The crystal stream refined by her eyes, Where sweet
Sonnet XLVI: Plain-Path'd Experience
Plain-path’d Experience, th’unlearned’s guide, Her simple followers evidently shows Sometimes what Schoolmen scarcely can decide, Nor yet wise Reason absolutely knows. In making trial of a murther wrought, If the vile actors of the
Sonnet XXI: A Witless Galant
A witless gallant a young wench that woo’d (Yet his dull spirit her not one jot could move), Entreated me, as e’er I wish’d his good, To write him but one sonnet to his
Sonnet XXXI: Methinks I See
To the Critic Methinks I see some crooked mimic jeer, And tax my Muse with this fantastic grace, Turning my papers asks, “What have we here?” Making withal some filthy antic face. I fear
All feathered things yet ever known to men, From the huge Rucke, unto the little Wren; From Forrest, Fields, from Rivers and from Pons, All that have webs, or cloven-footed ones; To the Grand
Sonnet XII: That Learned Father
To the Soul That learned Father, who so firmly proves The Soul of man immortal and divine, And doth the several offices define: Anima – Gives her that name, as she the Body moves;
Sonnet XXVIII: To Such As Say
To such as say thy love I overprize, And do not stick to term my praises folly, Against these folks, that think themselves so wise, I thus oppose my Reason’s forces wholly, Though I
Sonnet II: My Heart Was Slain
My heart was slain, and none but you and I; Who should I think the murther should commit, Since but yourself there was no creature by, But only I, guiltless of murth’ring it? It
Sonnet XXXIV: Marvel Not, Love
To Admiration Marvel not, Love, though I thy power admire, Ravish’d a world beyond the farthest thought, And knowing more than ever hath been taught, That I am only starv’d in my desire. Marvel
Sonnet LXII: When First I Ended
When first I ended, then I first began, The more I travell’d, further from my rest, Where most I lost, there most of all I wan, Pined with hunger rising from a feast. Methinks
Sonnet IV: Bright Star of Beauty
Bright star of beauty, on whose eyelids sit A thousand nymph-like and enamour’d Graces, The Goddesses of Memory and Wit, Which there in order take their several places; In whose dear bosom sweet delicious
NEAR to the silver Trent SIRENA dwelleth; She to whom Nature lent All that excelleth; By which the Muses late And the neat Graces Have for their greater state Taken their places; Twisting an
Sonnet XXXVI: Thou Purblind Boy
Cupid Conjured Thou purblind boy, since thou hast been so slack To wound her heart, whose eyes have wounded me, And suffer’d her to glory in my wrack, Thus to my aid I lastly
Sonnet LIV: Yet Read at Last
Yet read at last the story of my woe, The dreary abstracts of my endless cares, With my life’s sorrow interlined so, Smok’d with my sighs and blotted with my tears, The sad memorials
Sonnet LV: My Fair, If Thou Wilt
My Fair, if thou wilt register my love, A world of volumes shall thereof arise; Preserve my tears, and thou thyself shalt prove A second flood, down-raining from mine eyes. Note by my sighs,
Sonnet LX: Define My Weal
Define my weal, and tell the joys of Heav’n; Express my woes, and show the pains of Hell; Declare what fate unlucky stars have giv’n, And ask a world upon my life to dwell;
Sonnet XXXV: Some, Misbelieving
To Miracle Some, misbelieving and profane in love, When I do speak of miracles by thee, May say, that thou art flattered by me, Who only write my skill in verse to prove. See
Sonnet XXXIX: Some, When in Rhyme
Some, when in rhyme they of their loves do tell, With flames and lightnings their exordiums paint; Some call on Heav’n, some invocate on Hell, And Fates and Furies with their woes acquaint. Elysium
Sonnet LXI: Since There's No Help
Since there’s no help, come, let us kiss and part, Nay, I have done, you get no more of me, And I am glad, yea, glad with all my heart, That thus so cleanly
Sonnet L: As in Some Countries
As in some countries far remote from hence The wretched creature destined to die, Having the judgement due to his offence, By surgeons begg’d, their art on him to try, Which, on the living,
Idea XX: An evil spirit, your beauty, haunts me still
An evil spirit, your beauty, haunts me still, Wherewith, alas, I have been long possess’d, Which ceaseth not to tempt me to each ill, Nor gives me once but one poor minute’s rest. In
Sonnet XV: Since to Obtain Thee
His Remedy for Love Since to obtain thee nothing will be stead, I have a med’cine that shall cure my love, The powder of her heart dried, when she is dead, That gold nor
Sonnet XLIX: Thou Leaden Brain
Thou leaden brain, which censur’st what I write, And say’st my lines be dull and do not move, I marvel not thou feel’st not my delight, Which never felt’st my fiery touch of love.
Sonnet III: Taking My Pen
Taking my pen, with words to cast my woe, Duly to count the sum of all my cares, I find my griefs innumerable grow, The reckonings rise to millions of despairs; And thus dividing
Sonnet XLVII: In Pride of Wit
In pride of wit when high desire of fame Gave life and courage to my laboring pen, And first the sound and virtue of my name Won grace and credit in the ears of
Sonnet XLVIII: Cupid, I Hate Thee
Cupid, I hate thee, which I’d have thee know; A naked starveling ever may’st thou be. Poor rogue, go pawn thy fascia and thy bow For some few rags wherewith to cover thee. Or,
Sonnet IX: As Other Men
As other men, so I myself do muse Why in this sort I wrest invention so, And why these giddy metaphors I use, Leaving the path the greater part do go. I will resolve
Sonnet XXII: Love, Banish'd Heav'n
Love, banish’d Heav’n, on Earth was held in scorn, Wand’ring abroad in need and beggary, And wanting friends, though of a Goddess born, Yet crav’d the alms of such as passed by. I, like
Noah's Flood (excerpts)
Eternal and all-working God, which wast Before the world, whose frame by Thee was cast, And beautified with beamful lamps above, By thy great wisdom set how they should move To guide the seasons,
Idea LI: Calling to mind since first my love begun
Calling to mind since first my love begun, Th’ incertain times oft varying in their course, How things still unexpectedly have run, As t’ please the fates by their resistless force: Lastly, mine eyes
Sonnet VI: How Many Paltry Things
How many paltry, foolish, painted things, That now is coaches trouble every street, Shall be forgotten, whom no Poet sings, Ere they be well wrapt in their winding-sheet. Where I to thee eternity shall
To The Virginian Voyage
You brave heroic minds, Worthy your country’s name, That honour still pursue, Go, and subdue, Whilst loit’ring hinds Lurke here at home with shame. Britons, you stay too long, Quickly aboard bestow you; And
Sonnet XVIII: To This Our World
To the Celestial Numbers To this our world, to Learning, and to Heav’n, Three Nines there are, to every one a Nine, One number of the Earth, the other both divine; One woman now
Sonnet XXIX: When Conquering Love
To the Senses When conquering Love did first my Heart assail, Unto mine aid I summon’d every Sense, Doubting, if that proud tyrant should prevail, My Heart should suffer for mine Eyes’ offence; But
Sonnet XXXIII: Whilst Yet Mine Eyes
To Imagination Whilst yet mine Eyes do surfeit with delight, My woeful Heart, imprison’d in my breast, Wisheth to be transformed to my sight, That it, like these, by looking might be blest. But
Sonnet XVI: Mongst All the Creatures
An Allusion to the Phoenix ‘Mongst all the creatures in this spacious round Of the birds’ kind, the Phoenix is alone, Which best by you of living things is known; None like to that,
Sonnet X: To Nothing Fitter
To nothing fitter can I thee compare Than to the son of some rich penny-father, Who, having now brought on his end with care, Leaves to his son all he had heap’d together; This
Sonnet XXXII: Our Flood's-Queen Thames
Our flood’s-queen Thames for ships and swans is crown’d, And stately Severn for her shore is prais’d, The crystal Trent for fords and fish renown’d, And Avon’s fame to Albion’s cliffs is rais’d; Carlegion
Sonnet LVII: You Best Discern'd
You best discern’d of my mind’s inward eyes, And yet your graces outwardly divine, Whose dear remembrance in my bosom lies, Too rich a relic for so poor a shrine; You, in whom Nature
Idea XXXVII: Dear, why should you command me to my rest
Dear, why should you command me to my rest When now the night doth summon all to sleep? Methinks this time becometh lovers best; Night was ordain’d together friends to keep. How happy are
Sonnet XIV: If He From Heav'n
If he from Heav’n that filch’d that living fire Condemn’d by Jove to endless torment be, I greatly marvel how you still go free That far beyond Prometheus did aspire. The fire he stole,
Sonnet XLIII: Why Should Your Fair Eyes
Why should your fair eyes with such sovereign grace Disperse their rays on every vulgar spirit, Whilst I in darkness, in the self-same place, Get not one glance to recompense my merit? So doth
Sonnet XL: My Heart the Anvil
My heart the anvil where my thoughts do beat; My words the hammers fashioning my desire; My breast the forge including all the heat; Love is the fuel which maintains the fire; My sighs
Sonnet XXXVIII: Sitting Alone, Love
Sitting alone, Love bids me go and write; Reason plucks back, commanding me to stay, Boasting that she doth still direct the way, Or else Love were unable to endite. Love, growing angry, vexed
To His Coy Love
I pray thee leave, love me no more, Call home the heart you gave me. I but in vain that saint adore That can, but will not, save me: These poor half-kisses kill me
Idea LIII: To the River Ancor
Clear Ancor, on whose silver-sanded shore My soul-shrin’d saint, my fair Idea lies, O blessed brook, whose milk-white swans adore Thy crystal stream, refined by her eyes, Where sweet myrrh-breathing Zephyr in the spring
Sonnet XXII: With Fools and Children
To Folly With fools and children, good discretion bears; Then, honest people, bear with Love and me, Nor older yet, nor wiser made by years, Amongst the rest of fools and children be; Love,
Sonnet XXVI: I Ever Love
To Despair I ever love where never hope appears, Yet hope draws on my never-hoping care, And my life’s hope would die, but for despair; My never-certain joy breeds ever-certain fears; Uncertain dread gives
Sonnet VII: Love in a Humour
Love in a humor play’d the prodigal And bade my Senses to a solemn feast; Yet, more to grace the company withal, Invites my Heart to be the chiefest guest. No other drink would
Sonnet XLI: Why Do I Speak of Joy
Love’s Lunacy Why do I speak of joy, or write of love, When my heart is the very den of horror, And in my soul the pains of Hell I prove, With all his
Sonnet XXXVII: Dear, Why Should You
Dear, why should you command me to my rest When now the night doth summon all to sleep? Methinks this time becometh lovers best; Night was ordain’d, together friends to keep; How happy are
Sonnet XLIV: Whilst Thus My Pen
Whilst thus my pen strives to eternize thee, Age rules my lines with wrinkles in my face, Where in the map of all my misery Is modell’d out the world of my disgrace. Whilst,
Sonnet LVI: When Like an Eaglet
When like an eaglet I first found my Love, For that the virtue I thereof would know, Upon the nest I set it forth to prove If it were of that kingly kind or
Sonnet LI: Calling to Mind
Calling to mind, since first my love begun, Th’uncertain times oft varying in their course, How things still unexpectedly have run, As it please the Fates, by their resistless force. Lastly mine eyes amazedly
The Battle Of Agincourt
Fair stood the wind for France When we our sails advance, Nor now to prove our chance Longer will tarry; But putting to the main, At Caux, the mouth of Seine, With all his
Ode to the Cambro-Britons and their Harp, His Ballad of Agi
Fair stood the wind for France, When we our sails advance; Nor now to prove our chance Longer will tarry; But putting to the main, At Caux, the mouth of Seine, With all his
Sonnet XXVII: Is Not Love Here
Is not Love here as ’tis in other climes, And differeth it, as do the several nations? Or hath it lost the virtue with the times, Or in this island altereth with the fashions?
Sonnet XIII: Letters and Lines
To the Shadow Letters and lines we see are soon defac’d, Metals do waste and fret with canker’s rust, The diamond shall once consume to dust, And freshest colors with foul stains disgrac’d; Paper
Sonnet XXX: Those Priests
To the Vestals Those priests which first the Vestal fire begun, Which might be borrow’d from no earthly flame, Devis’d a vessel to receive the Sun, Being steadfastly opposed to the same; Where, with
Sonnet XLV: Muses, Which Sadly Sit
Muses, which sadly sit about my chair, Drown’d in the tears extorted by my lines, With heavy sighs whilst thus I break the air, Painting my passions in these sad designs, Since she disdains
Sonnet XXV: O Why Should Nature
O why should Nature niggardly restrain That foreign nations relish not our tongue? Else should my lines glide on the waves of Rhene And crown the Pyrens with my living song. But, bounded thus,