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Sonnet LXII: When First I Ended
When first I ended, then I first began,
The more I travell’d, further from my rest,
Where most I lost, there most of all I wan,
Pined with hunger rising from a feast.
Methinks I fly, yet want I legs to go,
Wise in conceit, in act a very sot,
Ravish’d with joy amid a hell of woe;
What most I seem, that surest am I not.
I build my hopes a world above the sky,
Yet with the mole I creep into the earth;
In plenty I am starv’d with penury,
And yet I surfeit in the greatest dearth.
I have, I want, despair and yet desire,
Burn’d in a sea of ice and drown’d amidst a fire.

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