Home ⇒ 📌Jorie Graham ⇒ The Way Things Work
The Way Things Work
is by admitting
Or opening away.
This is the simplest form
Of current: Blue
Moving through blue;
Blue through purple;
The objects of desire
Opening upon themselves
Without us; the objects of faith.
The way things work
Is by solution,
Resistance lessened or
Increased and taken
Advantage of.
The way things work
Is that we finally believe
They are there,
Common and able
O illustrate themselves.
Wheel, kinetic flow,
Rising and falling water,
Ingots, levers and keys,
I believe in you,
Cylinder lock, pully,
Lifting tackle and
Crane lift your small head
I believe in you
Your head is the horizon to
My hand. I believe
Forever in the hooks.
The way things work
Is that eventually
Something catches.

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