The Cradle
NEAR Rome, of yore, close to the Florence road, Was seen a humble innkeeper’s abode; Small sums were charged; few guests the night would stay; And these could seldom much afford to pay. A
Alice Sick
SICK, Alice grown, and fearing dire event, Some friend advised a servant should be sent Her confessor to bring and ease her mind; Yes, she replied, to see him I’m inclined; Let father Andrew
Richard Minutolo
IN ev’ry age, at Naples, we are told, Intrigue and gallantry reign uncontrolled; With beauteous objects in abundance blessed. No country round so many has possessed; Such fascinating charms the FAIR disclose, That irresistibly
The Glutton
A STURGEON, once, a glutton famed was led To have for supper all, except the head. With wond’rous glee he feasted on the fish; And quickly swallowed down the royal dish. O’ercharged, howe’er, his
The Eel Pie
HOWEVER exquisite we BEAUTY find, It satiates sense, and palls upon the mind: Brown bread as well as white must be for me; My motto ever is VARIETY. THAT brisk brunette, with languid, sleepy
The Sick Abbess
EXAMPLE often proves of sov’reign use; At other times it cherishes abuse; ‘Tis not my purpose, howsoe’er, to tell Which of the two I fancy to excel. Some will conceive the Abbess acted right,
To Promise Is One Thing To Keep It, Another
JOHN courts Perrette; but all in vain; Love’s sweetest oaths, and tears, and sighs All potent spells her heart to gain The ardent lover vainly tries: Fruitless his arts to make her waver, She
The Convent Gardener Of Lamporechio
WHEN Cupid with his dart, would hearts assail, The rampart most secure is not the VEIL; A husband better will the FAIR protect, Than walls or lattices, I much suspect. Those parents, who in
The Ear-Maker And The Mould-Mender
WHEN William went from home (a trader styled): Six months his better half he left with child, A simple, comely, modest, youthful dame, Whose name was Alice; from Champaign she came. Her neighbour Andrew
The Pack-Saddle
A FAMOUS painter, jealous of his wife; Whose charms he valued more than fame or life, When going on a journey used his art, To paint an ASS upon a certain part, (Umbilical, ’tis
The Devil In Hell
HE surely must be wrong who loving fears; And does not flee when beauty first appears. Ye FAIR, with charms divine, I know your fame; No more I’ll burn my fingers in the flame.
The Contract
THE husband’s dire mishap, and silly maid, In ev’ry age, have proved the fable’s aid; The fertile subject never will be dry: ‘Tis inexhaustible, you may rely. No man’s exempt from evils such as
The Jealous Husband
A CERTAIN husband who, from jealous fear, With one eye slept while t’other watched his dear, Deprived his wife of every social joy, (Friends oft the jealous character annoy,) And made a fine collection
The Falcon
I RECOLLECT, that lately much I blamed, The sort of lover, avaricious named; And if in opposites we reason see, The liberal in paradise should be. The rule is just and, with the warmest
Belphegor Addressed To Miss De Chammelay
YOUR name with ev’ry pleasure here I place, The last effusions of my muse to grace. O charming Phillis! may the same extend Through time’s dark night: our praise together blend; To this we