The manic fires flared again today, very much the same irrational urges
Blazing from the open grate, urgent fervours that belittle and berate,
Ardours that depict a gross mistake and derisively debate
Hereditary intelligence. While surely lacking relevance,
It has a bit of je ne sais quoi, ‘contemporaneous penchance’,
A droll predictability which, connected to mutterings, dark and murky,
And bursts of unvoiced but extreme obstinacy, has compromised a plane
Where rational discourse could be revised. Well, we survived
This darker day although I guess my version is the only view recorded,
One would claim ‘distorted’ view because in truth only I reported it.
The tiles are laid, the tiles were never but, the problem is a dearth of wine
And equanimity. The day today was just another one of happenstance,
Of tiles and missing tools and bloody providence,
Tomorrow has a legacy of avoiding the void of misanthropy.

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