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Psalm 141
L. M.
Watchfulness and brotherly reproof.
A morning or evening Psalm.
My God, accept my early vows,
Like morning incense in thine house;
And let my nightly worship rise
Sweet as the evening sacrifice.
Watch o’er my lips, and guard them, Lord,
From every rash and heedless word;
Nor let my feet incline to tread
The guilty path where sinners lead.
O may the righteous, when I stray,
Smite, and reprove my wand’ring way!
Their gentle words, like ointment shed,
Shall never bruise, but cheer my head.
When I behold them pressed with grief,
I’ll cry to heav’n for their relief;
And by my warm petitions prove
How much I prize their faithful love.

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