Psalm 121
Divine protection.
Up to the hills I lift mine eyes,
Th’ eternal hills beyond the skies;
Thence all her help my soul derives;
There my Almighty refuge lives.
He lives; the everlasting God,
That built the world, that spread the flood;
The heav’ns with all their hosts he made,
And the dark regions of the dead.
He guides our feet, he guards our way;
His morning smiles bless all the day;
He spreads the evening veil, and keeps
The silent hours while Isr’el sleeps.
Isr’el, a name divinely blest,
May rise secure, securely rest;
Thy holy Guardian’s wakeful eyes
Admit no slumber nor surprise.
No sun shall smite thy head by day,
Nor the pale moon with sickly ray
Shall blast thy couch; no baleful star
Dart his malignant fire so far.
Should earth and hell with malice burn,
Still thou shalt go, and still return,
Safe in the Lord; his heav’nly care
Defends thy life from every snare.
On thee foul spirits have no power;
And in thy last departing hour,
Angels that trace the airy road
Shall bear thee homeward to thy God.

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