Hymn 160
Custom in sin. Let the wild leopards of the wood Put off the spots that nature gives, Then may the wicked turn to God, And change their tempers and their lives. As well might
Psalm 2
Christ dying, rising, interceding, and reigning. Acts 4:24, etc. [Maker and sovereign Lord Of heav’n, and earth, and seas, Thy providence confirms thy word, And answers thy decrees. The things so long foretold By
Psalm 102 part 2
v.13-21 C. M. Prayer heard, and Zion restored. Let Zion and her sons rejoice, Behold the promised hour; Her God hath heard her mourning voice, And comes t’ exalt his power. Her dust and
Hymn 170
God incomprehensible and sovereign. [Can creatures to perfection find Th’ eternal, uncreated Mind? Or can the largest stretch of thought Measure and search his nature out? ‘Tis high as heav’n, ’tis deep as hell
Psalm 11
God loves the righteous and hates the wicked. My refuge is the God of love; Why do my foes insult and cry, “Fly like a tim’rous, trembling dove, To distant woods or mountains fly?”
Psalm 118 part 2
v.17-21 C. M. Public praise for deliverance from death. Lord, thou hast heard thy servant cry And rescued from the grave; Now shall he live; and none can die, If God resolve to save.
Psalm 119 part 5
Delight in Scripture; or, The word of God dwelling in us. Ver. 97 O how I love thy holy law! ‘Tis daily my delight; And thence my meditations draw Divine advice by night. Ver.
Psalm 91 part 1
v.1-7 L. M. Safety in public diseases and dangers. He that hath made his refuge God Shall find a most secure abode, Shall walk all day beneath his shade, And there at night shall
Psalm 96
v.1,10ff C. M. Christ’s first and second coming. Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands, Ye tribes of every tongue; His new-discovered grace demands A new and nobler song. Say to the nations, Jesus
Psalm 77 part 2
Comfort derived from ancient providences. “How awful is thy chast’ning rod!” May thy own children say: “The great, the wise, the dreadful God! How holy is his way!” I’ll meditate his works of old,
Psalm 107 last part
Colonies planted; or, Nations blessed and punished. A Psalm for New England. When God, provoked with daring crimes, Scourges the madness of the times, He turns their fields to barren sand, And dries the
Psalm 90
Man mortal, and God eternal A mournful song at a funeral. Through every age, eternal God, Thou art our rest, our safe abode; High was thy throne ere heav’n was made, Or earth thy
Psalm 25 part 3
v.15-22 S. M. Distress of soul; or, Backsliding and desertion. Mine eyes and my desire Are ever to the Lord; I love to plead his promises, And rest upon his word. Turn, turn thee
Psalm 35 part 2
v.12-14 C. M. Love to enemies. Behold the love, the gen’rous love, That holy David shows; Hark, how his sounding bowels move To his afflicted foes! When they are sick his soul complains, And
Psalm 72 part 1
The kingdom of Christ. Great God, whose universal sway The known and unknown worlds obey, Now give the kingdom to thy Son, Extend his power, exalt his throne. Thy sceptre well becomes his hands,