Home ⇒ 📌Isaac Watts ⇒ Hymn 113
Hymn 113
Abraham’s blessing on the Gentiles.
Gen. 17:7; Rom. 15:8; Mk 10:14.
How large the promise, how divine,
To Abram and his seed!
“I’ll be a God to thee and thine,
Supplying all their need.”
The words of his extensive love
From age to age endure;
The Angel of the cov’nant proves,
And seals the blessing sure.
Jesus the ancient faith confirms,
To our great fathers giv’n;
He takes young children to his arms,
And calls them heirs of heav’n.
Our God, how faithful are his ways!
His love endures the same;
Nor from the promise of his grace
Blots out the children’s name.

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- Hymn 3 The nativity of Christ. Luke 1:30ff; 2:10ff Behold, the grace appears! The promise is fulfilled; Mary, the wondrous virgin, bears, And Jesus is the child. [The Lord, the highest God, Calls him his only Son; He bids him rule the lands abroad, And gives him David’s throne. O’er Jacob shall he reign With a peculiar […]...
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- Hymn 14 The triumph of faith or, Christ’s unchangeable love. Rom. 8:33ff. Who shall the Lord’s elect condemn? ‘Tis God that justifies their souls; And mercy, like a mighty stream, O’er all their sins divinely rolls. Who shall adjudge the saints to hell? ‘Tis Christ that suffered in their stead; And, the salvation to fulfil, Behold him […]...
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