Home ⇒ 📌Faye Diane Kilday ⇒ A Special Friend
A Special Friend
Everyone needs a special friend
To help them on their way,
To pick them up when they are down,
To guide them when they stray.
To share a chat and cup of tea,
To work out hard decisions,
To lend a hand with household
Chores and help them achieve
Their ambitions.
A special friend is someone sincere,
Through good times and bad they
Will always be near.
And if you have a special friend,
Be sure to treat them kind,
For in today’s hard times of strife
They’re a rare and valuable find!

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- Fear Not, Dear Friend, But Freely Live Your Days FEAR not, dear friend, but freely live your days Though lesser lives should suffer. Such am I, A lesser life, that what is his of sky Gladly would give for you, and what of praise. Step, without trouble, down the sunlit ways. We that have touched your raiment, are made whole From all the selfish […]...
- By the Spring, at Sunset Sometimes we remember kisses, Remember the dear heart-leap when they came: Not always, but sometimes we remember The kindness, the dumbness, the good flame Of laughter and farewell. Beside the road Afar from those who said “Good-by” I write, Far from my city task, my lawful load. Sun in my face, wind beside my shoulder, […]...
- The Argument Of His Book I sing of brooks, of blossoms, birds, and bowers, Of April, May, of June, and July-flowers. I sing of May-poles, hock-carts, wassails, wakes, Of bridegrooms, brides, and of their bridal-cakes. I write of youth, of love, and have access By these to sing of cleanly wantonness. I sing of dews, of rains, and piece by […]...
- The Long Race Up the old hill to the old house again Where fifty years ago the friend was young Who should be waiting somewhere there among Old things that least remembered most remain, He toiled on with a pleasure that was pain To think how soon asunder would be flung The curtain half a century had hung […]...
- To My Dear Friend Mr. Congreve On His Commedy Call'd The Double Dealer Well then; the promis’d hour is come at last; The present age of wit obscures the past: Strong were our sires; and as they fought they writ, Conqu’ring with force of arms, and dint of wit; Theirs was the giant race, before the Flood; And thus, when Charles return’d, our empire stood. Like Janus he […]...
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