Our Two Opinions
Us two wuz boys when we fell out,
Nigh to the age uv my youngest now;
Don’t rec’lect what’t wuz about,
Some small deeff’rence, I’ll allow.
Lived next neighbors twenty years,
A-hatin’ each other, me ‘nd Jim,
He havin’ his opinyin uv me,
‘Nd I havin’ my opinyin uv him.
Grew up together ‘nd would n’t speak,
Courted sisters, ‘nd marr’d ’em, too;
Tended same meetin’-house oncet a week,
A-hatin’ each other through ‘nd through!
But when Abe Linkern asked the West
F’r soldiers, we answered, me ‘nd Jim,
He havin’ his opinyin uv me,
‘Nd I havin’ my opinyin uv him.
But down in Tennessee one night
Ther’ wuz sound uv firin’ fur away,
‘Nd the sergeant allowed ther’ ‘d be a fight
With the Johnnie Rebs some time nex’
‘Nd as I wuz thinkin’ uv Lizzie ‘nd home
Jim stood afore me, long ‘nd slim,
He havin’ his opinyin uv me,
‘Nd I havin’ my opinyin uv him.
Seemed like we knew there wuz goin’ to be
Serious trouble f’r me ‘nd him;
Us two shuck hands, did Jim ‘nd me,
But never a word from me or Jim!
He went his way ‘nd I went mine,
‘Nd into the battle’s roar went we,
I havin’ my opinyin uv Jim,
‘Nd he havin’ his opinyin uv me.
Jim never come back from the war again,
But I ha’ n’t forgot that last, last night
When, waitin’ f’r orders, us two men
Made up ‘nd shuck hands, afore the fight.
‘Nd, after it all, it’s soothin’ to know
That here I be ‘nd yonder’s Jim,
He havin’ his opinyin uv me,
‘Nd I havin’ my opinyin uv him.

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