Home ⇒ 📌Erica Jong ⇒ Parable Of The Four-Poster
Parable Of The Four-Poster
Because she wants to touch him,
She moves away.
Because she wants to talk to him,
She keeps silent.
Because she wants to kiss him,
She turns away
& kisses a man she does not want to kiss.
He watches
Thinking she does not want him.
He listens
Hearing her silence.
He turns away
Thinking her distant
& kisses a girl he does not want to kiss.
They marry each other –
A four-way mistake.
He goes to bed with his wife
Thinking of her.
Sher goes to bed with her husband
Thinking of him.
-& all this in a real old-fashioned four-poster bed.
Do they live unhappily ever after?
Of course.
Do they undo their mistakes?
Who is the victim here?
Love is the victim.
Who is the villian?
Love that never dies.

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