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Poem 90
IN youth before I waxed old.
The blynd boy Venus baby,
For want of cunning made me bold,
In bitter byue to grope for honny.
But when he saw me stung and cry,
He tooke his wings and away did fly.
As Diane hunted on a day,
She chaunst to come where Cupid lay,
His quiuer by his head:
One of his shafts she stole away,
And one of hers did close conuay,
Into the others stead:
With that loue wounded my loues hart,
But Diane beasts with Cupids dart.





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- Poem 12 OPen the temple gates vnto my loue, Open them wide that she may enter in, And all the postes adorne as doth behoue, And all the pillours deck with girlands trim, For to recyue this Saynt with honour dew, That commeth in to you, With trembling steps and humble reuerence, She commeth in, before th’almighties […]...
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- Poem 4 YE Nymphes of Mulla which with carefull heed, The siluer scaly trouts doe tend full well, And greedy pikes which vse therein to feed, (Those trouts and pikes all others doo excell) And ye likewise which keepe the rushy lake, Where none doo fishes take. Bynd vp the locks the which hang scatterd light, And […]...
- Poem 94 NAthlesse the cruell boy not so content, Would needs the fly pursue: And in his hand with heedlesse hardiment, Him caught for to subdue. But when on it he hasty hand did lay, The Bee him stung therefore: Now out alasse (he cryde) and welaway, I wounded am full sore: The fly that I so […]...
- Poem 3 BRing with you all the Nymphes that you can heare Both of the riuers and the forrests greene: And of the sea that neighbours to her neare, Al with gay girlands goodly wel beseene. And let them also with them bring in hand, Another gay girland For my fayre loue of lillyes and of roses, […]...
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- Poem 7 NOw is my loue all ready forth to come, Let all the virgins therefore well awayt, And ye fresh boyes that tend vpon her groome Prepare your selues; for he is comming strayt. Set all your things in seemely good aray Fit for so ioyfull day, The ioyfullst day that euer sunne did see Faire […]...
- Poem 2 EArly before the worlds light giuing lampe, His golden beame vpon the hils doth spred, Hauing disperst the nights vnchearefull dampe, Doe ye awake and with fresh lusty hed, Go to the bowre of my beloued loue, My truest turtle doue Bid her awake; for Hymen is awake, And long since ready forth his maske […]...
- Sonnet LXIX THe famous warriors of the anticke world, Vsed Trophees to erect in stately wize: In which they would the records haue enrold, Of theyr great deeds and valarous emprize. What trophee then shall I most fit deuize, In which I may record the memory Of my loues conquest, peerelesse beauties prise, Adorn’d with honour, loue, […]...
- Sonnet LIX THrise happie she, that is so well assured Vnto her selfe and setled so in hart: That nether will for better be allured, Ne feard with worse to any chaunce to start, But like a steddy ship doth strongly part The raging waues and keepes her course aright: Ne ought for tempest doth from it […]...
- Sonnet IIII NEw yeare forth looking out of Ianus gate, Doth seeme to promise hope of new delight: And bidding th’old Adieu, his passed date Bids all old thoughts to die in dumpish spright. And calling forth out of sad Winters night, Fresh loue, that long hath slept in cheerlesse bower: Wils him awake, and soone about […]...
- Sonnet LIIII OF this worlds Theatre in which we stay, My loue lyke the Spectator ydly sits Beholding me that all the pageants play, Disguysing diuersly my troubled wits. Sometimes I ioy when glad occasion sits, And mask in myrth lyke to a Comedy: Soone after when my ioy to sorrow flits, I waile and make my […]...
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