Home ⇒ 📌David Lehman ⇒ October 16
October 16
What can you say about the Mets
Down three games to none
One run down with six outs to go
Cedeno singles steals second Mora walks
They pull off a double steal
And Olerud singles them home
Off the previously unhittable John Rocker
(look at his eyes, he’s so intense
He looks cross-eyed) and we’re still alive
And I’m still fourteen years old
And the kids in the movie about summer camp
Are beatniks and this is the 1960s
The early 1960s of Maury Wills
On the basepaths and Ray Charles
On the radio and chemistry biology
Geometry locker-room cruelty and daily masturbation
What a relief to return to 1999
In time for Benitez to strike out
The Braves’ last batter

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