Home ⇒ 📌Yves Bonnefoy ⇒ The house where I was born (04)
The house where I was born (04)
Another time.
It was still night. Water slid
Silently on the black ground,
And I knew that my only task would be
To remember, and I laughed,
I bent down, I took from the mud
A pile of branches and leaves,
I lifted up the whole dripping mass
In arms I held close to my heart.
What to do with this wood where
The sound of color rose from so much absence,
It hardly mattered, I went in haste, looking for
At least some kind of shed, beneath the load
Of branches that were full of
Rough edges, stabbing pains, points, cries.
And voices that cast shadows on the road,
Or called to me, and, my heart beating fast,
I turned around to face the empty road.

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