Variations on ‘The short night

Below are eleven Buson haiku
Beginning with the phrase
‘The short night ‘

The short night
On the hairy caterpillar
Beads of dew.

The short night
Washing in the river.

The short night
Bubbles of crab froth
Among the river reeds.

The short night
A broom thrown away
On the beach.

The short night
The Oi River
Has sunk two feet.

The short night
On the outskirts of the village
A small shop opening.

The short night
Broken, in the shallows,
A crescent moon.

The short night
The peony
Has opened.

The short night
Waves beating in,
An abandoned fire.

The short night
Near the pillow
A screen turning silver.

The short night
Shallow footprints
On the beach at Yui.

User Submitted “The short night ” Haiku

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“The short night “
And we’ll post the best ones below!

Just dash off an e-mail to:

theshortnight@plagiarist. com

The short night-
A watery moon
Stands alone over the hill


The short night
Just as I’m falling asleep
My wife’s waking up

Larry Bole

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Variations on ‘The short night