Home ⇒ 📌William Strode ⇒ On A Watch Made By A Blacksmith
On A Watch Made By A Blacksmith
A Vulcan and a Venus seldom part.
A blacksmith never us’d to filinge art
Beyond a lock and key, for Venus’ sake
Hath cut a watch soe small that sence will ake
In searching every wire, and subtile sphere
Which his industrious skill hath order’d theire:
It scarce outswells a nut, and is soe light
A Ladies eare might well indure the weight.
Twas for a Mistrisse: pitty not his owne,
And yet not pitty when her worth is knowne,
Or els his love that ownes her: Either’s name
Is carv’d within the plates: the witty frame
Hath made their letters kiss for them, while they
Have like the watch one pulse, one sympathy.

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