Home ⇒ 📌William Strode ⇒ Jacke-On-Both-Sides
I hold as fayth
What Rome’s Church sayth
Where the King’s head,
That flock’s misled
Where th’ Altar’s drest
That People’s blest
Who shuns the Masse
Hee’s but an Asse
Who Charity preach
They Heav’n soone reach
On Fayth t’rely,
‘Tis heresy
What England’s Church allows
My Conscience disavowes;
That Church can have no seame;
That holdes the Pope supreme;
There’s service scarce divine;
With table, bread and wine;
Hee’s Catholique and wise;
Who the Communion flyes;
That Church with schismes fraught;
Where only fayth is taught;
Noe matter for good workes,
Makes Christians worse than Turkes.

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