Across Kansas
My family slept those level miles But like a bell rung deep till dawn I drove down an aisle of sound, Nothing real but in the bell, Past the town where I was born.
It is time for all the heroes to go home If they have any, time for all of us common ones To locate ourselves by the real things We live by. Far to the
Graydigger's Home
Paw marks near one burrow show Graydigger At home, I bend low, from down there swivel My head, grasstop level the world Goes on forever, the mountains a bigger Burrow, their snow like last
Just Thinking
Got up on a cool morning. Leaned out a window. No cloud, no wind. Air that flowers held For awhile. Some dove somewhere. Been on probation most of my life. And The rest of
Lit Instructor
Day after day up there beating my wings With all the softness truth requires I feel them shrug whenever I pause: They class my voice among tentative things, And they credit fact, force, battering.