To A Friend Concerning Several Ladies
You know there is not much
That I desire, a few chrysanthemums
Half lying on the grass, yellow
And brown and white, the
Talk of a few people, the trees,
An expanse of dried leaves perhaps
With ditches among them.
But there comes
Between me and these things
A letter
Or even a look-well placed,
You understand,
So that I am confused, twisted
Four ways and-left flat,
Unable to lift the food to
My own mouth:
Here is what they say: Come!
And come! and come! And if
I do not go I remain stale to
Myself and if I go –
I have watched
The city from a distance at night
And wondered why I wrote no poem.
Come! yes,
The city is ablaze for you
And you stand and look at it.
And they are right. There is
No good in the world except out of
A woman and certain women alone
For certain. But what if
I arrive like a turtle,
With my house on my back or
A fish ogling from under water?
It will not do. I must be
Steaming with love, colored
Like a flamingo. For what?
To have legs and a silly head
And to smell, pah! like a flamingo
That soils its own feathers behind.
Must I go home filled
With a bad poem?
And they say:
Who can answer these things
Till he has tried? Your eyes
Are half closed, you are a child,
Oh, a sweet one, ready to play
But I will make a man of you and
With love on his shoulder-!
And in the marshes
The crickets run
On the sunny dike’s top and
Make burrows there, the water
Reflects the reeds and the reeds
Move on their stalks and rattle drily.

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