Home ⇒ 📌William Butler Yeats ⇒ Tom The Lunatic
Tom The Lunatic
Sang old Tom the lunatic
That sleeps under the canopy:
‘What change has put my thoughts astray
And eyes that had s-o keen a sight?
What has turned to smoking wick
Nature’s pure unchanging light?
‘Huddon and Duddon and Daniel O’Leary.
Holy Joe, the beggar-man,
Wenching, drinking, still remain
Or sing a penance on the road;
Something made these eyeballs weary
That blinked and saw them in a shroud.
‘Whatever stands in field or flood,
Bird, beast, fish or man,
Mare or stallion, cock or hen,
Stands in God’s unchanging eye
In all the vigour of its blood;
In that faith I live or die.’

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